Chapter Seventy-Three: The Winter Soldier & The Constant - Traitor!

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Warning: Rape and violence

The Winter Soldier & The Constant – Traitor!

Alexander Pierce is so close to success that he can almost reach out and touch it. Did Nick Fury honestly think he could snatch it all away? Did he really think his SHIELD was mightier than Hydra? Pierce can't help but laugh in contempt to himself when he looks again at the pictures.

He shuffles through them whilst the man who brought them looks on. Pierce looks up at him suddenly, throwing the pictures on the table. The top one shows Freya Bowman talking to Steve Rogers in the Smithsonian.

"You don't know what was said?" he asked again, but he already knows the answer.

"No sir, just that they obviously decided it was a good place to meet....we nearly missed it. It was only when we ran the disk to see where she had been that we realised she had deviated from her route. Then we had to rely on the CCTV from the museum itself which isn't the most brilliant to say the least."

"And you don't know if they've met before?"

"We could go back through the logs," he paused. "To be honest, sir, we took our eye off the ball. We thought she was loyal to us. It was pure luck we caught this."

"Second-guessing ourselves isn't worth it. Whatever secrets she may have given's too late now to delay anything. We still go ahead as planned." Pierce sits down, picking up the photos and feeds them into the shredder. "Terminate her."

"Sir." The man goes to leave but Pierce is angry. Quietly angry. He gave her a chance; he should have followed his gut feeling about her in the first place all those years ago. How dare she try and undermine the work Hydra is doing when they are so close to completion?


The man returns to the desk.

"I want her hurt. I want her to know she's lost. Tell them when they do the final programming make sure the Winter Soldier knows she is the enemy, and tell him to kill her. I want her to know he belongs to us," Pierce looks up and the man swallows.

"Yes Sir."

"And make sure the body is incinerated afterwards. I don't want any slip ups. I don't want anything left of her."


The meeting ends.


In the morning you will return to the facility, but for tonight you are both to remain here in the temporary quarters at the Bank Vault. You have such a terrible gut feeling that this is it. This is the end. The things you have overheard...the things they have done to the Winter Soldier...his utter confusion when he came back from his earlier mission...

He just kept repeating: "I knew him." He had been disorientated, unfocused - even violent. Although you were there when he arrived back, his team would not allow you to speak to him, nor would they look at you. It's as if they know something about you that you don't, it's as if they no longer trust you. You were sent back to your quarters, with Felix telling you that you were not needed.

He wouldn't even look you in the eye.

You wander around the room, picking things up and putting them down again. You don't know if the Soldier will be returned to you tonight. You hate this room. Part of a bank years ago, it now houses the inner-city-centre for the Winter Soldier. It is underground and you rarely sleep here but tonight these will be your quarters. In the end you decide to carry on with routine and you get the things ready that the Winter Soldier will need the next morning.

Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Fan Fic - The ConstantWhere stories live. Discover now