Chapter Forty-Nine: The Winter Soldier & Hydra - The Saving Of Elise

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The Winter Soldier & Hydra - The Saving Of Elise

The pain makes the Winter Soldier scream until his throat is raw, and Peter slaps Elise's hand away from the control panel.

"For God's sake, he's had enough! And I've had enough!" He glances at Timur and then back at Elise, who looks at him coldly.

She walks away, opens one door, then a second, and they hear her talk to the guards. She is telling them that they will send the Winter Soldier out in fifteen minutes to be accompanied back to his quarters.

Timur takes the opportunity to talk to Peter quietly. "Peter, I swear to God if you don't tell Caldwell then I will." His voice is low, but Peter knows he means it.

"All right, all right, just give me...give me a bit more time to figure it out." But Peter knows that time isn't something he has the luxury of.

Elise comes back in as Peter is releasing the Winter Soldier from the chair. The first thing he does is to remove the tape that holds the Winter Soldier's eyes open so that he cannot shut out the images. Next he undoes the strap holding his head against the backrest. Then he releases the other straps that are holding his body hostage.

"Sit for a minute," he instructs the soldier as he sits forward, rubbing his eyes. Timur brings him a cloth to wipe away the blood from where his nose has bled. The soldier will always obey them. He is in pain but he will not move from the chair until they tell him that he is allowed.

Earlier the men had watched as Elise had instructed the Winter Soldier about his Constant. Elise's accompanying ministrations are getting worse. Her instructions to him are nothing short of vile. And all the time she sits next to the soldier whilst he cries out in pain, telling him to listen to her, telling him about how his Constant is a whore. And whilst she does, she rubs him between his legs, makes him hard. Screws him up so tightly that his violence towards the woman he lives with is getting worse. Today he is so close to coming, his balls ache, his cock is so hard it hurts. She brought him right to the edge and then left him teetering and all the time her voice whispering in his ear. Telling him about the men Freya sleeps with, making him so very jealous he feels his head is going to burst. Yet once outside the Programming Suite all he will remember are her words but not what she did - and his body will remember its frustration without knowing why.

This has been a shorter session, four hours in total. Before they dismiss him, Timur gets the Winter Soldier to answer the basic questions so that they know the programming has taken. Peter then asks questions about the training he is to do - there is no mission. Caldwell has pulled him out of cryo for weapons training.

They are satisfied that all the programming has taken, they release him and watch as he staggers out to the door, his step unsteady, his co-ordination trying to right itself.

Tomorrow, his training will begin.

They tidy the suite in silence. Elise refuses to speak; she cannot see anything wrong with what she is doing. Peter keeps glancing at her but she does not look at him. After Timur leaves he tries to speak to her but she will not allow him to, just stares at him when he asks what is wrong. Stares at him as he tells her he cannot allow her to carry on performing the programming, and that he will need to discuss matters with the Director.

"Say something!" he ends up shouting, but she just looks at him. He cannot read what is going on in that mind of hers. Then she picks up her files and leaves and he knows what will happen now. She will return to her room, find a bottle and drink. He looks around the suite as if searching for an answer but there is nothing to help him and eventually he shuts of the lights, closes and locks the inside door, locks the outside one and makes his way to his room.

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