Chapter Fifty-Two: The Constant - The Five Missions

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The Constant - The Five Missions

The last decade has been hard on you but of course you do not know just how much time has passed each time you and the Winter Soldier come out of cryo.

There have been five small missions.

You are woken, then the Winter Soldier is woken the day after as normal. But because the missions are so short, you are both returned to cryo freeze within a couple of days of waking. Whilst Caldwell had promised things would not get as bad as they had become during Krupin's time, these short missions cannot be helped. The Winter Soldier's expertise is needed on all of them.

The short periods are not enough time for him to remember who you are to him so you are nothing, something to be used and then pushed away.


The first mission he spent two nights in the quarters you share with him. On the second night he took you from your bed at 2am, used you, and then sent you back there. The next time you saw him was when you were being returned to your metal coffin. He was already bedded down in his.


The second mission lasted three nights. The first two he didn't touch you. The third night he forced you to your knees in the shower, told you to do what you are paid for, then left you once you had finished. You didn't see him again. The next day you were both back in cryo freeze.


During the third mission, you spent no nights with him. You only saw him for the brief time when they awakened him, and when he needed to give you a list of supplies. That was it. He didn't touch you once. Mission complete. Refrozen.


The fourth mission he actually speaks to you. He asks you a question. You wish he hadn't.

"Why do you share these rooms with me?"

He is getting ready to go training. These are the first words he has spoken to you, other than grunts.

"In case you need anything. Why? Would you prefer it if I didn't?" As soon as you ask, you wish you hadn't.

He shrugs and returns to putting his boots on. "Do what you want. Doesn't bother me either way," was his reply.

He stands up and grabs his jacket, shrugging it on. He still hasn't even looked at you.

Conversation over.

That night he doesn't return to your rooms at all and you wonder if he is with another woman. You spend all night worrying, expecting someone to come and move you out, tell you that you are not needed any more. The next morning you are haggard, tired and irritable. You hear footsteps outside the door and then someone knocks. It is Stefan to tell you the Winter Soldier has been debriefed and wiped. You are to be there when he goes back into cryo freeze.

"He's already been on his mission?" you ask.

"Late yesterday evening...did you not know?" his voice is kind and you hate the trace of pity in it.

You shake your head and turn away.


"Just don't..." you say, then, picking up your jumper you walk past him, out of the door, and make your way to the cryo room. Stefan catches up behind you.

The Winter Soldier is there, sat on top of the base of the unit. They will lay him down then slide the top on over him to freeze him.

You walk up to him. His eyes are totally blank, seeing nothing. There is no real need for you to be here but Stefan always insists if he is on duty. He knows you need to be.

Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Fan Fic - The ConstantWhere stories live. Discover now