Chapter Eleven: The Nurse - Becoming The Primary Carer

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The Nurse - Becoming The Primary Carer

One of the guards visits with a private message for you. Doctor Jakobs wishes to see you but not until tomorrow, he wants you to put a report together on what happened today. You look at the message and then at James, who is sleeping. This is so important. You need to say the right thing, to impress on Doctor Jakobs the importance of what is happening.

The other nurses and orderlies have heard what you have done, and you refuse to leave when your replacement arrives. Stefan is with you, and surprisingly enough the guard Eduard Marinov has appeared and actually tells the guards to remove the other nurse. He tells you that you will not be disturbed for the rest of the night.

Stefan leaves for a while and arrives back with food and drink. You wake James up to take some of the soup that has been brought; he is soon fast asleep again, absolutely exhausted, and you leave him be for the rest of the night.

Stefan leaves you so he can sleep. Marinov has found him a bunk for the night in with the guards, daunting but Stefan is grateful - he doesn't want to go back to the dormitory. Stefan has already insisted that he will cover for you the next morning whilst you are seeing Doctor Jakobs. Kristo has said he will come and assist him.

You ask Marinov for one last favour - could one of his guards collect a file of papers for you from under your mattress? He agrees, and it is brought straight back to you.

You have been putting together a report for some time now. You finish work on it and then, pulling up a chair next to James' bedside you make yourself as comfortable as possible, and fall into an uneasy sleep with your feet propped up beside his sleeping form.


Just before ten the next day, you walk into the office. You expect just Doctor Jakobs, but instead they are all there: Doctor Schmidt, Doctor Taffeteer, Doctor Aichinger and, finally, the one you dread: Doctor Lehmann.

They are expecting you.

You know you must keep your temper. You know what these men are like; logic is their main staple diet. They are not just doctors, they are scientists, and they thrive on it. You will need to pander to their arrogance and there must be logic in everything you ask for.

What she does not know is she has already persuaded one of them. Doctor Jakobs saw the patient; saw what had been done. He doesn't need to listen to what she has to say about the incident, he knows things have to change. It has been on his mind all night and it is why he has called this meeting. He is banking on her feelings for their patient; that she will personally accept responsibility for his welfare.

They invite you to sit. Gentlemen to the last.

"We would like to hear your version of what happened with Nurse Richter and Orderly Wombwell. And why you had the audacity to order them out of the patients room," one of the doctors begins.

They have already talked to both the nurse and the orderly, both of whom blustered their way through an explanation of how important it was to get the patient to eat but at how he fights them at every turn. About how disruptive he is, how they have problems with him that the doctors don't see. And, they add, how she does not work with them but keeps her distance. "As if she is better than us" Richter had said indignantly.

You take a deep breath and, trying to sound as professional as you can, you tell them about the scene you found. Whilst describing the condition you found the patient in, a few of them go a little pale and one turns up his nose - as if you had brought the smell into the room with you.

"Richter did say they may have been a little...overzealous at feeding time," one of them says, making it sound as though they had been at the zoo.

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