Chapter Thirty-Nine: Hydra - Under New Management

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Hydra, The Constant & the Winter Soldier - Under New Management

An intelligent, young, bright American, Jackson Caldwell arrives at his new posting. Although he is only in his twenties he is keen, enthusiastic, and knows exactly where Project Winter Soldier should be heading. He has been brought in by Zola.

He will not make the same mistakes as Krupin.

Along with Hydra, he is going to save the world.

Hail Hydra!

Jackson Caldwell has got far in a short time and he is right where he wants to be. He appears to be a congenial young man, and this is because he has learnt that this is the easiest way to be to get what he wants. He gives people their small victories without letting them realise he wins the important ones for himself. Without them realising it he slowly strips them of their values and, if necessary, their importance. People believe him to be fair and just; they like him.

And this makes him more dangerous than people like Nikolay Lehmann and Leonid Krupin. At least you could see their naked ambition.

The thing with Caldwell is that he wants to remain in this position, in the middle of things. Back home he has important friends, friendships he has deliberately sought out, courted. In Hydra he has a good reputation, people rely on him. Being the Winter Soldier's Handler will only be one of many things he will be responsible for.

He will not spend all of his time here at the Camp. He will be here when necessary, of course, but he will ensure that he is always aware of what is happening. He sees himself as the puppet master, and the rest of the world do not know they are his toys. He is not stupid and he will do all that it takes to ensure people believe that he is there for them. That he cares. He knows exactly what people need.

You are not there to greet him. Neither is the Winter Soldier. You are both in cryo-freeze.

Five months later you are awoken.

The new base has done well under Caldwell's ownership. It is up-to-date on all the latest technology, much of which is not known of outside Hydra. As originally mentioned by Lehmann, it is not just there for the Winter Soldier: he is just one of the projects housed here. The base will train STRIKE teams as well as other special ops teams; something else that is under Caldwell's remit. Other specialised training will also be done here.

Caldwell is in charge of a few further projects in one way or another. There are other camp directors who will work together on bringing Hydra into the twenty-first century, always keeping it at the forefront of technology. All are dedicated to Hydra.

Back home In the United States Hydra has found a new home and is safe.

It is hidden. Nestled into SHIELD. Infecting it slowly. Poetic justice, Zola thinks.


Your quarters are now on the main floor which is on the surface. Both your clothing and the Winter Soldier's have been placed in there. The bed is a still double, but there is also the single one in the corner like before. Caldwell appears to have put some thought into the living space; you even have a small walled-off area leading off from your rooms outside. There is a small kitchenette and even your own bathroom. Both you and the Winter Soldier are able to breath fresh air, see the sun, and have a certain amount of freedom.

Jackson Caldwell comes to see you an hour after you awaken. He can see how nauseous you are feeling, and is quiet, and apologises for the intrusion. He tells you his long term plans and tells you that if you have any worries his door is always open.

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