Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hydra - The Meeting

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Hydra -The Meeting

The meeting is held offsite, away from the camp. There are five people in attendance: Armin Zola; the Austrian Doctor Johann Fennhoff; Director Lehmann; and Peter and Elise, Lehmann's assistants. They will assist him with the Winter Soldier's programming.

Johann is adamant that the Winter Soldier's personality being split is not a problem. "I have been studying your findings and I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"So do you think we can address it when we begin the programming?" Lehmann asks, relief showing in his face.

Fennhoff shakes his head. "No, the programming needs to be done when the personalities are as one. Both sides of his personality are needed to produce the final result, an assassin who will obey orders and do anything you programme him to do."

Lehmann holds his hands up, confused. "But you just said..."

"Johann is thinking of the mind wipe rather than the programming." Zola says, watching both men.

Fennhoff nods in agreement and moves to sit more comfortably. "When you wipe his mind, providing the wipe is deep enough it should combine the personalities."

Fennhoff takes up the explanation. "You will be taking away the memories of what hurt him so badly to split his mind. You will remove all the things he...pined for when you kept him prisoner. None of this will be there any more. All he will know is the basics, Hydra and then whatever you programme back into him."

Fennhoff talks for a few more minutes, and finally Lehmann can see light at the end of the tunnel.

It is all beginning to make sense.

"We have not as yet been totally successful with the wipes, but I don't think we are to far from having the answer. The latest wipe we tried the man actually survived." Lehmann doesn't like to add they had to put a bullet in his brain before he tore the place apart in his need to stop the noise in his head and the burning in his brain. "And then we can move forward and onto the programming. I understand from Armin that you believe you have found the answer to our predicament?"

So far, Fennhoff's programming has worked but just for a short time. They need a far longer duration for programming the Winter Soldier's mind. It will need to stay in place for days rather than just hours.

Fennhoff nods and reaches for his coffee. "It was an interesting problem, one I believe we have solved. When I use my...ability, it is all based on suggestion and focus. All I have done is extend this is to use more stronger methods. Later, if you have time, I can show you the instrumentation we will be using. The only problem is the amount of time the programming will take for each session, and some of it will be painful to the subject. It will cause physical problems, but..." here he looks at Zola. "...any damage done should be more or less repaired by the serum within 12 to 24 hours."

"When you say longer, what time frame are you thinking of for programming?" Lehmann asks.

"Well. Hours, rather than days, but it will depend on the complexity of the job he is to be sent on. If it is simple or you are just waking him for training then..." here he shrugs " it should take maybe three to five hours. If it is a mission then it will take longer dependant on how complex the mission is, what parameters you will be setting, maybe eight hours followed by another session the next day. You have to understand however long we do it for eventually the programming will begin to deteriorate and so you will need a failsafe in place."

"I still don't really understand why the programming doesn't stay in force longer. It has on our...previous subjects," Peter says. He is new to the project and has not fully understood the background of the patient.

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