Chapter Six: James Barnes - Language Barriers

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James Barnes - Language Barriers

Eduard Marinov, has finally been given permission for a 48 hour pass to visit his family. The last year has been particularly difficult. New guards to train, but not ones he would not have chosen himself. They are still using convicts - around thirty per cent of his men are now from the Gulags - despite the reports he has sent in to say it is a false economy. These are people who are not loyal to Hydra, they are loyal only to themselves.

When he first joined Hydra, the Science section of the Nazi regime under the famous Red Skull, he thought he was doing it for all the right reasons. But Hydra is not what it seems. Under all of its pleasant indoctrination it is evil and polluted. To leave it would mean death for him and his family so he has to play along, trapped in this nightmare.

He has had enough, and he feels sometimes that if he doesn't see any normalcy he is going to end up eating a bullet. He needs to see his wife, hold his daughters, know that there is some beauty in the world.

He leaves for his much needed salvation without a backward glance back at the camp and not knowing that people have been waiting for him to go.

With him gone they have time to play with the amerikanskaya svin'ya - the American pig.

They have paid off the nurse and the guard is in on the idea from the start.

That evening James is in a fitful sleep; his head is bad, the heat in his body making him sweat and he can't move, cannot get comfortable. Noise brings him awake, three men have entered the room and are talking with the nurse. She stands and nods.

He recognises the men. Two are guards, and one is an orderly. They turn around and look at him. He has seen that look in peoples eyes before. They are looking at a victim.

The nurse walks over to the door and James tries to talk to her - tries to stop her from leaving. He is desperate. But he should know by now, no one will help him.

As the nurse walks out of the door she sees the men walk over to the bed. There is no compassion in her at all, no pity. She hears the American pleading with her to come back and although she does not know the words he speaks, she knows what it is he is begging.

She closes the door quietly and walks away.


The next day is a long day of pain for James.

The doctors are annoyed and concerned that the batch of serum they thought was working is now showing signs of being yet another failure. When he was delivered to them this morning his condition was terrible enough for even the doctors to realise he is far from well. He is hot, sweaty, they can smell the infection coming from him but do not know that it is because of damage inside him. The latest serum is the closest they have come to getting it right so far, but after what happened to him the previous evening it is trying to fight infected wounds the doctors cannot see, ones inside his body, and so has thrown of all their readings.

Doctor Jakobs is the one to first notice that every time anyone goes near the patient, he is more edgy than normal - and when they went to push up his gown to inject something into his thigh he tries to fight them off. He is begging them for something, but they don't know what - no one speaks English.

James is begging for them not to rape him.

He is trapped in a delirium. He doesn't know where he is. People won't stop touching him, won't stop hurting him.

Jakobs can see that the heat isn't just a reaction of the serum. Before they began their work he gave James an injection of sulphur and prontosil rubrum. Jakobs feels today that even the serum needs the help of an anti biotic. He can see that there is an infection at work but he puts it down to the many needle marks in the patient's arm, they are puffy, sore, hot to the touch. So many needles are plunged into him they run out of where to inject him next and even have to use the top of his left arm. There is also infection in the stub where it is broken and bleeding and Jakobs is quick to re-sew the skin.

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