Chapter Sixty-Four: The Constant & The Winter Soldier - The Wife & Her Brother

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The Constant & The Winter Soldier - The Wife & Her Brother

John and Kate Martins are twins, but not identical. They share the same colouring, the same green eyes...and same ruthless cruel streak. As orphans they learnt early on in life to live and survive on their wits, their charms and to only trust each other.

Hydra propelled them into money and power and now in their early thirties they have both. They are rising stars within the ranks of Hydra. They have killed, beaten, maimed and corrupted others. They have destroyed lives and taken everything from people. But they are easily bored, easily frustrated and so they continue to work for Hydra, continue to feed their cruel temperaments. They have worked together many times, slept together, done a lot of things together that no brother and sister should do.

This weekend, a double assassination. Only this time they will not be doing the killing. They will be watching. Kate has always had a fascination for the man they call the Winter Soldier, has always wanted to meet him, and they have put themselves in such a position that they can work with him on this mission.

John has told Kate what happened the previous night at the cabin when he and his team had arrived. So the Winter Soldier thinks he is stronger than them, does he? She would take that to heart if she had one. But she doesn't, nor does her brother. They like a challenge. The Winter Soldier has a job to do and they will ensure that he does it...but, why not have a little fun on the side at the same time?

After all, isn't that what living is about?


So here you are, trapped by snow in a cabin God only knows where. You can feel the tension in the air between the Winter Soldier's team and the new American team that have just arrived. The leader is cocky. He's in his early thirties, pumped up. That the teams do not like each other is obvious and you wonder if they have ever worked together before. The answer to that would be no.

"The pass is closed but should be open again in the morning. We'll just have to cosy on down until then," John Martins, the leader, says to the Winter Soldier – but he looks at you and winks.

You look away.

The Winter Soldier looks at you and then back at the leader. He doesn't say a word.

You can see it unsettles Martins that the Winter Soldier does not reply. He is used to using his charm and bonhomie on both men and women. He tries again, the grin on his face is man to man.

"It looks like you're going to be warm tonight. Even brought your own blanket." The grin on his face is pure smut and he nods to the Winter Soldier who turns to look at you again.

He turns back to Martins. "Why? Do you want her?" he asks quietly.

You try not to look shocked. Perhaps you did not hear correctly. He cannot have just offered you to the Americans?

Martins grins, thinks he has scored. His team nudge each other. You see behind them your team are unsettled by this new turn. If Felix was here he would probably say something, nip this in the bud.

"Well now, thats very kind of you. Been a while since we shared, hasn't it boys?" One of them says he has never tasted Russian before. They smirk and look at each other.

You feel your face going red. What is he playing at? There is no way you will go with anyone except him, he knows that, surely he does not mean what he said.

An awful thought crosses your mind. What if he does tell you to go with them? You have been brought along on this mission as an assistant. No one has actually told you what that means, or what role you are to play.

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