Chapter Eighty-One: Bucky Barnes Meets The Avengers

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Bucky Barnes Meets The Avengers

"Hmm so you're the one who Steve has got his knickers in a twist about."

Tony Stark looks Bucky Barnes up and down and internally he is surprised at how he feels doing so. Looking at this man, this animal.

Steve tuts in the background. Bucky hesitantly puts his hand out in greeting and Tony takes it, holding it for a moment too long because he yearns to pull the man close, wants to whisper into his ear: "You killed my parents and I'm going to make you pay. I'm going to make you suffer as they suffered."

But he doesn't.

Yet still the hairs on the back of the Winter Soldier's neck tingle. He knows there is danger in this man, but he just doesn't know why.

"It's nice to meet you again, sir." And Bucky can see from Steve's look of surprise that he has gotten something wrong.

"You two have met before?" Steve asks just as Tony says: "We've never met." Bucky looks between them. Without realising it he brings up his right hand and massages his temple.

"I'm sorry, my memory isn't...what it used to be," he says. "I thought..." And he stops, pain beginning to thrum in his head, images flashing past his eyes.

"You thought...?" Tony queries and Bucky shakes his head.

"I thought your name was Howard," he mumbles, trying to smile.

It costs Tony a lot to return that smile. More than Bucky will ever know. "That was my knew him. He knew all the Howling Commandos, and of course Captain Saviour here as well." Steve raises his hand as if to remonstrate and Tony sighs. "I know, I know kid gloves. Look, watch me put them on." Tony mimes putting a pair of gloves on with exaggerated movements. It makes no sense to Bucky and he turns to look at Steve who is frowning.

Jarvis interrupts with a "Sir...". He may be a rather intelligent electronic device, but there is more to him than algorithms. He knows his master well: the nuances, his moods. Knows the danger he is to himself. Best sometimes to nip something in the bud.

It is quiet for a moment as Tony studies Bucky, nothing shows on his face.


"Yes Jarvis?" Tony turns, as though addressing a real person.

"Shall I show Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes to their quarters?"

"Good idea. Although I'm sure Steve knows his way by now - we've put you side by side as promised." And he smiles at Steve.

"Thank you," Steve says, and Tony can see that he means it. Steve indicates to Bucky he will show him the way, Bucky nods to Tony and they walk away.

"I was a Sergeant? How come you got to be a Captain?" he hears Bucky query as they leave.

Goddammit. Tony had not been expecting that. He was not expecting to like the man. He can see the damage in his eyes, and Tony recognises damage when he sees it; he has seen it enough times in his own eyes in the mirror.


Bucky places his backpack on the bed and looks around. He has never seen such luxurious quarters. The room is huge. The bed isn't just a double, it's a...whatever the next size up is. There is a en-suite bathroom, complete with shower and bath, and even a bidet. Whatever that is. That is what Jarvis had called it – Steve had coloured slightly and said he would explain later what it was for.

In the main room there is a large picture window. The view is amazing and he feels he can look out over the entire New York landscape. The wardrobes are fitted units that open and close so quietly he finds himself looking to see how they are fixed. There is an area with a desk, chair and a laptop and full access to the internet. There is a television with a DVD player and cable, and a separate music centre. Jarvis tells him where the library is situated, and explains that it contains a large selection of both books, music and films. There are two telephones. One for making calls, the other for calling room service (Bucky looks at Steve, who raises his eyebrows). Jarvis also relays details of the cleaning services.

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