Chapter Ninety: The Soldier & Freya Bucky & Steve Together

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Warning: Non con and betrayal

The Soldier & Freya

Bucky & Steve


How do you convince James that if he makes love to you, you will not break?

Since they have brought you back and looked after you, James has alternated his nights between you and Steve. He has been there, warm and loving, cuddled you to him, told you everything was going to be all right, but when you have tried to take it further he has stopped you. He says you are not ready yet, to do that he would be taking advantage of you, but deep down you know the real reason.

He saves himself for Steve.

Have you have lost that side of him completely?


Bucky closes his eyes to sleep, and the Soldier opens his to wake. Of course he always knows what is going on, always vigilant, but he likes to lull Bucky into a false sense of security. Especially this new Bucky; he is dangerous, and he may be the only one to kibosh the Soldier's plan.

The Soldier has gone a little crazy.

Or should we say a little insane? There has been something eating away at him since Freya came back and it is all that fills his mind; and so he plots, schemes and does not think of the consequences. That damned photograph they showed him. It eats away at his mind, his body, his very sanity.

The room is dark but he knows where he is. She is in bed beside him sleeping. He switches on the lamp and she stirs but he tells her to sleep before padding to the bathroom. When he comes back he stands next to the bed looking down at her. She is curled facing where he had been sleeping. Her hand is laid out to where his warm body was, her hair comes down past her shoulders and fans out across the pillow. He gently reaches over and moves it away from her face. He moves back the covers, so gently she doesn't feel it and he gazes at her body. She has on a nightdress, short, lightweight because in Stark Tower the temperature is always ambient.

He follows the shape of her body with his eyes, can see the darkness of her nipples through the material, down to her long legs. How he wants to slip between her thighs. He knows what he wants and he is determined to get it but he knows he has to be crafty. This is the Soldier after all. For the last few days he has been touching her, kissing her, making her wet and then pulling back, telling her she is not ready, that he would be taking advantage of her. Frustrating her. He knows it is working because he can see it in her eyes, her desperation for him. He has been doing the same with Steve.

His own body feels as if there is an electric current running through it. He is so hard that it hurts and his balls ache. He smiles that thin lipped smile and gets back into bed. Leaves the lamp on.

You are quite a light sleeper and you feel as James gets back into bed beside you. The light is on and you move to snuggle up against him but instead of taking you in his arms, you feel his left hand on your shoulder, it is a firm grip enough to break your sleep. You open your eyes and find that he is watching you, looking at you and the need in his eyes makes your stomach turn. You know how he feels because you need him so badly your own feelings have been strung out for the last few days.

You go to speak but instead he shakes his head. His hand pushes down on your shoulder so you are now lying on your back and his lips kiss yours, gently at first and then more needing until his tongue is in your mouth and his kiss is deep and searching. You respond. Oh God, do you respond.

His hand leaves your shoulder and traces down to the hem of your nightdress and slips under it, for the first time in so long you feel the cool metal on your thigh and you want to weep, you want to do so much.

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