Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Constant & The Patient - Prevention

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Warning: Medical Trauma - I am reluctant to put the specific warning here as it would be a spoiler for this chapter. However, could I ask if you are at all worried then please e mail me at: .I can then tell you what the specifics warnings would be.  

The Constant & The Patient - Prevention

You awaken on the bed, dressed in the vest and pants you were wearing when you entered cryo-freeze. A female orderly moves around the room and you have difficulty in focusing on her. Has there been a problem with you in cryo? Although you normally feel sick when you come out, you do not feel as bad as this. Your head is pounding and when you move your whole body aches; it feels like you have been kicked in the stomach.

"I don't feel so good," you say to the woman and she nods and suggests you take a bit longer to rest. She helps you move so that you can lie under the blankets and she encourages you to take two pain killers. You lay back down and do not realise but you are out for another four hours.

You sit up just as the door opens and one of the doctors appears. When he looks at you, you can see he tries to hide the alarm on his face. You are so pale.

"We need you in the main room," he says, and you swing your feet around to get up but instead you find yourself falling forward. Luckily, the orderly catches you.

"I think she's going to need a little longer," you hear her say before you black out.

The third time you wake up you feel better, but it's still as if you have been kicked. The doctor is there and he bullies you into getting up; you get the idea that you have caused them a great inconvenience.

To your mind though you cannot understand why they are waking the patient so soon after they have woken you; this is only a test, so it is not as if they have to wake him for a mission, those have not even started yet. You do not realise seven hours has gone by since they first brought you around.

"Did anything go wrong when you brought me out?" you ask.

He won't meet your eyes, and instead answers you impatiently. "No. Of course not."

"I just...I just need to use the toilet," you say and stumble away before he can complain.

You lock the door to the cubicle and sit down to pee but it hurts. Oh great, you think, an infection. Just what I need. But it seems to be more than that, and there is blood in your urine. You go back into the room and the orderly helps you dress.

"Is Stefan about?" you ask. He is usually here when you wake - but the woman just shakes her head.

"I think they sent him over to help Kristo with something just after they put you under. He won't be back until tomorrow, I'm afraid."

You nod and try to smile. This is unusual. Stefan has never been sent anywhere before, has never worked in the part of the camp Kristo returned to. That is the problem with Hydra. It plays on a person's paranoia and you tell yourself to stop being stupid.

The lower part of your stomach feels as if it is pulling, and there is pain down there. You follow the doctor with a stiff gait, and the world seems a bit tipsy turvy. The orderly had insisted on you taking another couple of painkillers and you are glad she did.

You need to talk to someone. You feel that something may have gone wrong in the latest round. You were due to be out of it for a week and when you asked the orderly that is how long you were down for. Perhaps they are using a new drug to bring you back to reality? You do not get a chance to ask as the doctor keeps up the pace and you find you have to almost jog to keep up with him. Each step you take sends streaks of pain through your body. This is ridiculous, you think.

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