Chapter Thirty-Six: The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Too Close To Home

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The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Too Close To Home

This was to be an ordinary wake-up, nothing different from any of the ones that came before. Wake him up, programme him, get him ready for his mission, up to speed on the latest weaponry and anything else he would need and send him out.


Something is not right.

He has come out of cryo freeze catatonic, and nobody seems to know why. He sits in the master chair with the doctors panicking, shouting. You have knelt at his side, talking softly to him, but you are not getting a response.

Christ, how stupid can they be? What the hell have they done now?

One of the doctors goes to sink a hypodermic needle into the Winter Soldier's right arm. You see the left one twitch and the metal hand slowly curls; you have seen that happen before. Your eyes widen and the bottom of your stomach falls but you are not quick enough to realise the danger despite the sense of dread you feel. Your mouth goes dry.

There is more wrong here than any of you know.

Before the liquid can drain into his arm the doctor is sent sprawling backwards. You try to run but the Winter Soldier has grabbed you, has grabbed your hair, and pulls you to the ground and kneels beside you. There is a scalpel in his hand, at your throat, and he is pulling your head back.

As soon as you see that look, that thin lipped smile, you know who he is. There is pure madness in his eyes.

"Hello again." he whispers, so close that you can smell his breath.

You are aware of the doctors in the background calling for the guards. He knows he only has seconds left and he has a message for you but he doesn't need to speak, you know exactly what he wants. His face gets closer and he slackens the grip on your head but the scalpel digs into your skin and blood trickles down your neck.

He looks at her, his eyes roaming her face, her lips. Just as he remembers, just as he has dreamt about in the cold darkness.

You feel the point of the scalpel and you are sure he is going to pull it across your throat; it is sharp enough to kill you, especially with the power of his metal hand.

"Hmm, perhaps not yet," he hisses and the pressure of the scalpel eases a little."I want my fun first." His grin is awful. He lowers the blade and pulls you to him and sucks at the wound in your neck, tasting your blood, sucking it. Your hands scrabble at his chest, trying to get away.

You can hear shouting in the background but also you are beginning to feel faint. He straightens and you see your blood on his lips, staining his teeth and his eyes are pure evil. He is going to hurt you.

How did this happen? How has the second personality come back? How has he taken over the Winter Soldier's body, his mind?

And more importantly, why?

A sudden electric bolt is sent up his spine and he staggers back, letting go of you completely, and then the guards are on top of him. Some of the charge has hit you as well and you feel like your teeth are on edge, your limbs tingle unpleasantly and you feel you cannot move. Another stronger bolt hits him and makes his back arch. Through it all he grins, your blood on his lips until, keeping him on his knees, they fasten his hands behind his back and one of the doctors plunges another needle into his arm. The sedation is strong, and in a moment he will be out cold.

He doesn't stop looking at you and you can't break eye contact with him. It's as if his will is dominating you, won't let you break away.

Jakobs comes to your aid. The other doctors are talking over each other, trying to figure out what went wrong. You look over and see Lehmann. He is the only one not panicking. He sees you looking at him and turns away, but not before you see a smile on his if he has learnt something interesting.

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