Crissgee 1 | Algee

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dedicated to crisssaaay 💃🏽


"Yo on me these girls crazy as hell. " I say laughing to myself as I texted the group chat I share with my friends. We're all talking about the guys were totally crazy about when I get a drop down notification showing I got a new dm. When I read the name my heart literally dropped.

"@itsalgee sent you a message"

I immediately open it to see that Algee finally responded to an old dm I sent him.

"Thank you for your support 🙏🏽 it's really appreciated. I also see you and your friends throwing this hashtag around lol it's cute. "

I must've read that message 50 times before I finally responded.

"No problem at all and yeah really think it's cute?"

I read my message over and over before I hit send. I toss my phone across my bed not expecting a message back anytime soon and to my surprise my phone goes off. I reach for it and see Algee has messaged me back. I immediately unlock my phone and open the dm.

"Yeah I seen the little picture on your page of us that was cute too. 😌"

Okay so he thinks the hashtag is cute and the picture of us is cute as well. I start smiling hard as hell as I type my response.

"Thank you so much I can't believe you're really texting me right now lol I hope you don't mind I'd really like to get to know you better."

I hit send and immediately see that he's seen it and is typing. My heart races a little because there's the possibility that he may reject me. I lock my phone screen and pace back and forth and stop dead in my tracks when my phone dings. I take a deep breath and open my phone.

"I'd like that as well too I think you're very beautiful and seem to have a good spirit. I have another Instagram hit me up there it's "

I send a ❤️ and immediately go to find Algee's secret Instagram. I send him a follow request and he accepts it and dm's me.

"Let's keep this between us. I don't want anyone finding out about this secret account but I just wanted to talk to you here since I get a lot of dm's I don't want yours to get lost in the mix. "

This boy making me feel hella special and as time goes on I hope he really takes a liking to me and I could gain his trust.

"Not a problem at all, I'm no bragger I told you I just wanna know you..I wanna know the real Algee. "

I hit send and smile at all the possibilities there could be for Crissgee.

"And I wanna know all about you Crissy. I'll admit you got my attention right now."

To be continued...

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