The Plane Ride | Luke

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Today is my 26th birthday and my friends and I decide to take a trip to London. We board our plane and I start to get comfortable in my seat. My friends are no where near me so I just decide to catch up on some reading when I hear someone talking behind me.

"Excuse me sir stop talking to me stop filming me please, thank you." I hear someone say and I turn to see the most beautiful chocolate man ever. It seems like the man recording him is a friend and they laugh.

"He's so disrespectful." The man says as he catches me looking I just smile and hold my gaze on him. The man then stops by me and takes his seat seems like he will be sitting across the aisle from me. I occasionally look at him and he catches me but I don't look away. I can't help myself he is just so gorgeous.

"I see you looking my way pretty lady." He says as he smiles at me.

"Yeah I can't help myself you just look so good." I say with pure lust in my eyes.

"Thank you sweetheart, my name is Luke by the way."

"Mhm that's a cute name I have a couple in mind that I'd like to call you though." I say as I tilt my head to the side and bite my lip. "My name is Stacey" I continue on.

"Beautiful name & I'd love to hear them. " he tells me.

"Oh you will but how soon depends on you. " I say as I stand up. "I'm going to the bathroom. " I continue on as I walk past. I feel his eyes on me so I put a little more sway in my step. I'm hoping he will catch my drift and follow behind.

I'm in the mirror doing my bun when I hear the door knob turning. Luke slides in and locks it behind. He puts his arms around my waist and looks in the mirror.

"I'm ready to hear those names. " he whispers in my ear and then places a kiss on my neck.

"Mhmm you gotta work for it. " I say

He turns me around and places me on the sink. I open my legs slowly and he traces his hand from my thigh up.

"Ooh girl you ain't wearing no panties. "

I laugh a little as I rest my back against the mirror.

"Nope. " I say as his fingers make contact with my clit. I lick my lips and bite them.

"Is this how you want me to work for it baby?" He asks as he leans in to suck my neck as he massages my clit.

"Mhmm just like that." I moan out. He rest one hand on the mirror as he kisses up my neck and onto my lips. His fingers slip into me and my moans fall into his mouth.

"Mhm stop fucking teasing me." I say as I pull our lips away and look him right in the eyes. He looks at me with pure lust in his as he slides his sweats down revealing himself. The whole time our eyes are locked until I look down to see what he's working with.

"Ooh you ain't wearing no boxers. " I say as we laugh. He puts his hard dick in me and slides in and out my soaking pussy.

"Damn girl you tight. " he says as he pulls my body closer to his. I lock my legs around his waist and moan out.

"Mhmm Daddy your so big, it feels so goooood." I moan lowly in his ear and lightly suck on his earlobe. I trace my tongue down his neck and kiss at it.

He takes my legs and rests them on his shoulder as he starts going deeper. He's hitting right on my spot and my moaning becomes uncontrollable. He looks up at me and kisses my lips. Our tongues meet and I lightly suck on his. All the while he's still hitting it so deep.

"Fuck Ima cum." He groans.

"I'm cumming with you baby. " I moan as my body shakes. Our juices collide and I lean against the mirror again breathless.

"You've definitely earned ya name baby. " I tell him as I grab his hoodie strings and pull him in for a kiss. He smiles and caresses my neck as he deepens our kiss and then lightly bites down on my lip.

I push him back against the wall.

"You a little aggressive one aren't you. " he says chuckling.

"Just a little daddy. " I tell him as I hold his chin and kiss him one last time. I open the door and walk back to my seat. I see one of my friends give me a look and I just send a wink her way. I take my seat and pull out my phone and headset. As I'm putting my earbuds in I see Luke come down the aisle and take his seat across from me. He winks at me and blows a kiss. I laugh a little as I play my music and drift off too sleep.

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