Crissgee 2 | Algee

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dedicated to crisssaaay

After a few months of talking Algee developed a soft spot for Crissy. It's crazy how she had such a hold on him and they never even met. Until now that is, Algee decided he was gone fly his special girl out to L.A. for the week.


"Hey sweetheart you left for the airport yet?" Algee asked as he spoke into his phone.

"Yeah I'm driving there right now. "

"Aye alright call me before you board your plane, aight?"

"Alright now Algee."

He hung up the phone and let out a deep breath. His heart raced a little at the thought of finally getting to see Crissy. He was excited yet nervous. Algee ran down to the barber shop to get a fresh cut and on his way back home thought of what he could do to make this day special for the both of them.

While in deep thought his phone began to ring and he started smiling from ear to ear when he saw the name.

Crissy ✨🌸

"Hey Algee I'm on the line to board the plane, I can't believe in a few hours I'm finally going to get to see you." Crissy said excitedly.

"I know right I can't wait." Algee spoke back with the same smile on his face.

"Yes I'm gonna jump on you and- oh I gotta go time to shut the phones off see you soon!" She said before the line went dead.

The smile on Algee's face just wouldn't go away.


Algee's ringing phone woke him up out of his sleep.


"Hey I'm at the airport!"

"Alright I'm on my way. "

He jumped out his couch and ran out his apartment and down to his car. In a few minutes he reached the entrance of LAX and parked.

There she was standing with her luggage. Her head was buried in her phone so she hadn't even noticed Algee pull up. He snuck out his car and found a way to get behind her without being spotted. Placing his hands over her eyes he asked.

"Guess who?"

He could feel her cheeks rise from the big smile forming on her face.

"Algee?" She asked excitedly as she turned around and seen him. Crissy did as she promised and jumped on him. Her heart was racing because of how nervous she was but that didn't shadow her excitement. Her aura shined through and Algee was immediately drawn in even more. He hugged her back tightly.

She lifted her head and held Algee's face in between her hands as she admired him.

Damn he's beautiful.

She thought to herself.

Man she's gorgeous.

He thought to himself.

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