Yacht Party | Quincy Brown

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"Melanie you ready?" My sister, Tiffany, asked as she leaned in my doorway.

"Hell yeah lets go." I said as I grabbed my purse off my bed. I looked in the mirror one last time and we left.

"Girl this little yacht party bout to be to fucking lit!" Tiffany said as we got in her car.

"Yessss!" I said getting hype. "Diddys party's always banging!... aye you think my little boo gone be there?"

"Of course! Why would he miss it... shit I hope you brought your little cheeky bikini bitch cause you know his eyes gone be stuck on you when he see it!"

"Oooh bitch you know me sooooo well cause look.." I said as I pulled it out. Tiff gave me a five as we started dying. She started up the car and we made our way to Diddys.

In a hour we arrived. Getting out the car we were instantly greeted by Diddys sons Justin and Christian.

"Ayeee wassup y'all!" Justin said as he gave us each a hug. Christian just stood there waiting for his brother to move.

"Now let y'all real fav give you some love." He said hugging us. I started laughing cause I swear that boy too silly. He hugged Tiffany a little longer than he did me but I knew why. Shit I know they got a little thing going on even though Christian got a whole ass girlfriend. But aye my sister gone get who she want when she want and I support the antics.

"Anybody else here yet?" I asked Justin.

"Yeah we were just waiting for a few more people to arrive before we take off." He told me. "Ayoo Quincy!" He yelled past me. I turned and seen him walking up the pathway.

"Wassup bro." He said giving Justin a dap. He turned his attention to me and said. "Hey Mel."

"Hey Q." I said sweetly getting on my tippy toes and embracing him. We pulled away and he held onto my hands. "You ready to have some fun?" He asked. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Aight y'all lets go!" Justin said and we all followed behind him. Quincy held onto my hand as we entered their backyard. I looked over my shoulder to see Christian doing the same thing with Tiffany. She looks so happy when she's around him. He need to stop playing and be all about her.

We crossed the deck and got on the yacht. Music was blasting and there were a bunch of people here. Many familiar faces and some new ones. I always come to Diddys yacht parties so I basically knew almost everyone here.

"Hey Melanie!" My girl Karruche yelled from acrossed the yacht. "Hey K baby!!" I yelled back. She was snuggled up with Chris and I smiled at the sight. I'm glad they made up.

"Aight y'all ready?!" Diddy yelled. "Hell yeah!!!"

With that we took off and was now in the middle of the ocean. It was perfect weather nice and hot and the clear blue water was just calling my name.

"Aye Mel we bout to go swimming you coming?" Tiffany asked already in her bikini. "Hell yeah!" I told her. I looked at Quincy who had his arm around me. "You coming boo?" I asked him. "Yeah let's get it!" We both got up.

"Ight y'all could go we gone change." Quincy told Christian and Tiffany. They nodded and ran outside and jumped off the yacht together.

"Cmon baby girl." Quincy said as he held my hand and led me to a room. I closed and locked the door. Quincy threw off his shirt and stepped out his shorts.

"I can't wait to feel that water on my skin..it's so hot!" I said as I slipped out my dress revealing my breast. I only had my panties on underneath cause I hate wearing bras.

"Mhmm and I can't wait to feel you.." Quincy said as he admired my body. "Boy you better stop!" I yelled laughing as I covered myself. "What's wrong baby? Ain't nun I ain't see before... wait actually there is something new." He said as he walked over toward me. He turned me around and looked at my tattoo on my lower back.

"When did you get that?" He asked pointing to it. "Like a few weeks ago, I thought you might like to see something beautiful while hitting it from the back." I said as I bent over in front of him. "So tell me do you like the new view?" He slapped my ass and watched it jiggle. He gripped my waist and rubbed his dick against me. "I love it.." he said as his hand ran across my tatt.

I stood up and got out his grip. "Cmon let's get in the water!" I said as I stepped out my panties and got my bikini out my bag. "Baby the water ain't going no where.." he said seductively as he pressed up against me. He took my bathing suit out my hand and dropped it on the table. "But moments like this.." he kissed my neck. "Don't last forever.."

I moaned as his tongue came in contact with the sweet spot on my neck. "Mmm.."

"So what you think...maybe we can squeeze in a little quicke.." he said as he took my hand and turned me around to face him. "Baby you know I like when you take yo time.." I said as I pressed my lips against his. I could feel him smiling as he rested his hands on my ass and squeezed while pulling me in real close. His hard dick rubbing against my pussy as it rose more. I lowered his boxers and he picked me up sliding me onto his dick.

"Oh babyyy." I moaned as I felt him getting deeper. "Mmm I missed you Mel." He moaned as he thrusted into me. He laid me on the table and pinned my thighs down as he got in deeper. "I missed you more Q."

His hips moved faster as his thrusting became more forceful.

"Shit..who's pussy is this?" He groaned. "Ffuck it's alllll yours baby!" I cried as he pounded into me. He gripped my neck as a tear fell from my eye. "Fuck Q I love youu!" I moaned feeling my body twitch. "Uhuuh say my name baby." He demanded. "Shit Quincyyy... make me cum baby pleaseee."

He interlocked his fingers above my head and pressed his body close against mine. I grabbed his ass as he fucked me harder and started hitting my spot.

"Yes yes yes yessssuh!!" I cried. "Yeah you like that shit huh! Daddy dick got you crying and shit! Uhuh take it Melanie!" He grunted in my ear. "Take all yo dick baby!" With that I came all over him and when he said my name oh my god I felt like I could come again on his command.

He pulled out and I laid there breathless.

"Now that water calling my name! Let's go cool off.." he said helping me up off the table. We put on our swimsuits and walked out hand in hand.

We walked outside. "You ready?" He asked looking at me. I nodded eagerly. "Ight on 3. 1..2..3!" We ran to the edge and jumped off into the water.

"Ayeeee!!" Tiffany yelled laughing. "Bout time y'all asses came out the hell took y'all so long." I gave her a look. "Oh! Tahaha okay bitch I see y'all!" We all started dying laughing. "Yo Tiff you wanna come inside with me real quick..?" Christian asked. "Sure..." she told him and they both swam back onto the yacht. Shit if he anything like his brother well I support the fucking antics!

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