Excuses | Keith

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"Mommy I miss daddy." Amiyah tells me as she walks over to me with a sad look on her face.

Amiyah is me and Keith's 4 year old daughter. Normally Keith would be home with his family at this time but for the past week he's been coming home really late. It's not only having an effect on me cause y'all already know I'm mad as hell. But it's also hurting my daughter. So that just infuriates me even more.

"It's alright my baby, daddy will be home soon, he's just at work getting money for us." I tell her as I rock her in my arms. I kiss my baby on her forehead and softly sing to her.

"Silent night...holy night..."

A few minutes later she was out like a light. I got up and put her in bed.

"My sweet baby I love you." I whisper as I kiss her head and pull the covers over her. As I walk out and close her door Keith walks in.

"Hey baby." He says with a wide smile on his face.

"Ain't nobody akeekee keeing with yo ass Keith." I say as I push past him.

"Awh man what I do now?"

I turn around and look at him like he's stupid.

"You not tired of hearing me complain about the same old shit!"

"Baby chill out you already know what the deal is." He says walking towards me.

"No no I don't know what the deal is Keith. It's the same fucking excuse with you every night! You know what I'm not doing this right now. I just put Amiyah to bed and I'm tired myself so."

I walk into our bedroom as he follows behind. I try to close the door on him but he's in before I could even turn around. I groan loudly as I climb into bed. I just scroll through my Facebook timeline ignoring the fuck outta Keith.

"So you just gone ignore me...wow." He says as he sits on the edge of the bed.

"Oh my god what.. do you want... me to say?" I ask as I sit up.

"You can start off by telling me why you don't trust me..." he says in a defeated tone. I squint my eyes as I look at him and laugh a little.

"Are you serious?"

I get out the bed and stand in front of him.

"...here we go." He mumbles.

"Yeah here we fucking go! Keith why do you think I'm losing faith in you huh? It's cause you coming home all hours of the night and then giving me some bullshit excuse! It's fucking ridiculous and I am TIRED OF IT!" I shout semi loud trying not to wake my baby.

"So what you think I'm cheating on you Ley?"

"That among other things you could be out there doing."

"Girl are you crazy as hell?! I love you Leyla and only you. I love my daughter to death, I-I love my family! You think I would really jeopardize that? Look how long we been together girl..look at your finger... I married you. Why would I do all that, put in all these years just to end up fucking around on you. I'm out here grinding tryna make money for us..to support us. And after a long day at work I would like to be able to come home to my beautiful wife and just relax. But no I come home to this shit...every fucking night. and you think you're tired of it? Pftt."

Tears well up in my eyes as I look away. I rest my face in my hand as I begin to cry.

"Baby don't cry." He says as he puts his arm around me holding me close. This is why I love this man so much because no matter how wrong I maybe he's never petty about it. He always knows how to make me feel loved and he always tries to see things from my perspective. He's just perfect and I feel like shit for treating him this way.

"I'm sorry baby, it's just that...you're gone for so long and then when you get here it's so late I just can't help but to think about the negative..." I tell him as I look up at him. My tears staining my cheeks.

"It's alright baby I understand but you just gotta trust me and trust that I'm doing all I can to support us. I would never do you wrong. I love you to much." He says gently holding my chin up. He kisses my lips softly and then wipes my tears away.

"I love you so much Keith." I say as I look into his eyes. I peck his lips and continue to kiss him. He caresses my neck as he deepens our kiss. He walks us to the bed as he sits down and pulls me onto his lap. I keep my lips locked with his as our tongues flick past each other.

I push him back onto the bed and sit up looking down on him. I climb off him and slide his pants down with me. He sits up and takes his shirt off. I strip out of my tank top and slide my boy shorts off. I climb back on him kissing his lips as I slide down on his dick.

"Mmmm." I moan as all 9 inches enter me. I wince a little because he's so big and no matter how much we have sex it still feels like the first time every time. He grips my hips as he helps me to bounce up and down on him. Keith starts sucking on my neck and I start getting hotter as the heat from his tongue and lips create a hickey on my neck.

"Uhh." He groans against my neck as his grip on my waist gets tighter. He starts to give me faster strokes as he flips me onto my back. Holding my thighs down against the bed he dives even deeper into me.

"Fuck babyy!" He growls in my ear as he pounds me harder.

"Shit Keith UH FUCK!" I scream. Keith covers my mouth and whispers in my ear.

"Shh baby you gone wake up mimi."

I bite down on my lip trying to keep my moaning muffled. My eyes roll back as I feel myself about to cum. My body tenses a bit as I feel my wetness leak all over Keith.

"Mm fuck that was good baby..." I moan as he pulls out and lays next to me breathless. I can still feel him inside even though he's out. I quietly moan to myself trying to relax.

"You good baby?" He asks chuckling a little as he sits up.


I look at him while still biting my lip. I sit up and hold his face while placing a kiss on his lips.

"I love you soooo much." I say.

"Yeah I know baby...I love you too."


Hope you enjoyed this imagine Leyla ❤️
Anyone else wants one send in a request and I'll try to get to it as soon as possible. I'm no longer having serious writers block or feeling unmotivated. So yeah I'm back and better than ever.

Follow my instagram @scorpioluvinn

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