The Friend of My Friend | Keith

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dedicated to @byekaila

I had decided I needed something new in my life. Yeah I loved it in Georgia but it was time to explore. So when I got the call from my long time friend Algee that he wanted me to come out and visit, I made the decision to just move out here, to Los Angeles. Im currently still settling at my new apartment and since I've gotten here I haven't had the time to see Algee until today. He's invited me over to his house for a little party so you know I had to pop out.


I arrive at Algee's condo and let him know I'm outside. He comes down and lets me in. It feels like forever even though it kinda has been. I embrace him as a single tear falls down my face. We pull away and he holds me by my shoulders.

"Aww man Kaila I've missed you so much sis shit ain't been the same without you, but now that you're here it's time to get littt!" He says excitedly as we walk into his place.

"I knowwww I missed you so much, but you know absence makes the heart grow f-" I immediately stop talking as I look up and see the most beautiful guy ever. As I'm kicking off my shoes my eyes are locked on him.

"Who's that?" I ask in a whisper.

"Oh that's my man Keith. " Algee says. "Ayo Keith I have someone I'd like you to meet. "

Keith gets up and walks over to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Keith. " he says as he takes my hand and places a kiss on it.

"Kaila, and the pleasure is all mine. " I say as I let my eyes roam his body.

"Oh you're Kaila girl give me a hug I've heard a lot about you. " Keith says as he pulls me in for a hug. I embrace him and he smells so good and I feel right at home in his arms.


A few hours later more of Algee's friends arrive to the party. It's bumping at this point and I'm just dancing and enjoying the music. I feel a hand on my arm and when I look up it's Keith.

"You enjoying yourself?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm having a lot of fun. "

"Cool I was just about to catch some fresh air , you should join me. " he says as his hand leaves the spot it was resting on and travels to my hand. He holds it and I follow him to the balcony.

There's nobody out here with us and it's nice and peaceful. The warm breeze flows through my hair as I look out over the view. I turn to see Keith looking at me.

"What's up with you?" I ask with a smile.

"I'm just admiring this view. " he tells me as he looks me up and down. I turn completely towards him.

"Tell me now has the view gotten better?"

"Most definitely." He says as he walks over to me smiling and gets a hold on my hand.

"You're really beautiful Kaila. " he continues on. I turn my head and blush. I then look back up at him and he's watching me intently.

"Thanks Keith. "

"There's something about you that I just can't shake, shit I know we just met and all but I'd really love if you'd give me the opportunity to get to know you better. " he tells me honestly. I feel my heart flutter and my cheeks heat.

"Well I would really like that. " I tell him as I run my free hand down his arm. I reach up and kiss him on his cheek.


After the party was over Keith and I helped Algee clean up a bit.

"Aye y'all I'm bout to run out real quick. " Algee says as he runs out the door before giving us a chance to respond.

"Okay we'll just stay here. " I yell out after he's long gone. Keith laughs at me.

"Ayee don't be laughing at me boy. " I say as I drop my bag and walk over to him. He puts his hands up and surrenders.

"That's what I thought. " I say as I trace my finger down his chest and walk away. Keith's stuck standing there not knowing what to do next. "Hey come sit next to me. " I tell him. Keith takes the seat next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. I let out a deep breath and relax into him. He pulls me in closer and kisses the side of my forehead. I close my eyes and smile.

I'm trying my hardest to be a good girl and wait this out but Lord knows the amount of crazy thoughts running through my mind.


A week later Keith and I really got to know each other better. I was really feeling him and I could tell he was feeling me. So we decided to go on a movie date. It was a nice little outing, after catching a movie we went out to eat and then he drove me back to my place.

"Thanks for this I had a really good time. " I tell him as I rest my hand over his.

"No problem baby girl, but next time we're going somewhere even better but I'm gone keep you guessing on that one. " he says as he lightly squeezes my hand. He kisses my forehead and then my cheek. His face is so close to mine as we look at each other. Our faces inch closer and I press my lips against his. I place my hand on his face and caress his cheek with my thumb. We deepen our kiss and our tongues meet.

"Get yo ass over here." He says as he lifts me up and places me on his lap. I adjust myself comfortably as I begin to kiss him hungrily. I rock my hips against his as he grips my waist tightly. I can feel him rising beneath me so I lower my hand down to his friend and slip in through his pants. As I'm jerking him he lets out a moan into my mouth. I bite his lip gently and then begin to suck lightly on his neck.

"Lets go inside. " I say against his neck. We leave the car and I run up my steps. We could barely keep our hands off each other as we bust through my front door. Kicking the door close behind him Keith walks us to my bedroom. He's stripping me out of my clothes as I do the same. He picks me up in his strong arms and gently lays me on my bed. Placing sweet kisses all along my neck down past my navel and then traces his way back up with his tongue.

"Mhhmm I want you now baby. " I moan out as I pull him up towards my lips I kiss him sweetly as we trade places in bed. Now straddling him I stroke his hard dick as I get ready to sit on it. I slip him inside me and wince at the slight pain I feel. Damn it's been a while and he's so big. But I quickly adjust as he begins thrusting his hips up. I get a grip on his shoulders as my head is thrown back.

"Damn this pussy good. " he groans lowly. "Let me see your face baby." He says as I lift my head back up and meet his eyes. I rest my head in the crock of his neck as he continues to fuck me good. We trade places again as he places me on my back and starts stroking in and out slowly. I look down and am turned on even more by the sight off him.

"Come here" I say as I bring him down and into a kiss. "Fuck me harder. " I say against his lips as he begins pounding into me deeper than before. I feel a rush of heat wash over me as I get a firey sensation in the pit of my stomach. It intensifies with every stroke and I feel myself going over the edge.

"Ahh Keith I'm bout to cum baby don't stop!"

"Uh huh cum all over this dick baby. " he says picking up his pace and with one stroke my juices explode over him.

I'm left breathless.

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