Bad Teacher | Luke

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It was Marley's senior year of high school and she decided to make a change. All her life up to this point had been filled with nothing but trouble. She was constantly getting in fights and being suspended but she promised herself that this year things would be different.


"Girl I know he wants me but guess what I'm not even gonna go there with him again. If he really wanna be with me he gotta change otherwise I'm not interested." Marley vented to her bestfriend of 5 years Genesis.

"Hmm I know that's right you better stay away from him cause you know that boy ain't nothing but drama. " Genesis agreed .

"Yeah but ima see you after school lemme go to this class. " Marley says giving Genesis a hug before walking away.

Head buried in her phone Marley doesn't even see the problem coming her way but she feels it for sure when she's shoulder bumped hard by Tatiana.

"The fuck wrong with you?" Marley yells.

"You know what's wrong with me you fucking whore stay the fuck away from my man he's mine bitch and I promise you if I catch you talking to him it's gone be a mother fucking problem believe that." Tatiana shouts back getting in Marleys face.

"First off you delusional ass bitch Ima need for you and them forced ass baby hairs to get the fuck on up out my face and two he wants me SWEETHEART and just know that if I wanted him I could most definitely take him from your whack ass." Marley says mushing Tatiana in the face.

Tatiana tries to swing but Marley catches her fist and decks her right in the mouth. Tatiana stumbles back holding her face.

"This ain't over bitch!" She yells before walking off. Marley rolls her eyes, turns on her heel and calls her bestfriend.


"Will Ms. Lin report to the principals office. "

Everyone looks at Marley as she gets up from her seat and gathers her things. She makes her way to the principals office and takes a seat.

"What's up?" Marley asks clearly annoyed.

"I thought we had this talk already Marley what's going on with you, this year is so important and your fighting." Ms. Keen says disappointedly.

Marley lets out a deep sigh.

"I know Ms. K but she came up to me and started it and she tried to swing on me first so I had to give her the business you know I ain't no punk. " she explains.

"Exactly she tried but did the hit connect?"

" "

"Exactly you have got to learn to just walk I don't wanna do this but I'm gonna have to suspend you."

"What?! Ms. K you can not do that. "

"Listen Marley I let you slide to many times you've got to learn one way or another so you're suspended for the rest of the week. I'll be calling your mother to inform her. "

Marley slumps down in the chair with her head in her hands.

"Alright Ms. K"

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