Enemies 2 | Devante Swing

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Finally my shift was over. I made my way to the back room and seen nobody in there. Thank god cause only he knows how much I hate these fuckers. I change my clothes and sling my bag over my shoulder. As I'm locking up my locker Devante comes in.

"Oh my God." I groan as I get ready to walk past him. He grabs my arm and I look at his hand and then him. "Boy if you don't get away from me. Yo weird ass."

I yank my arm out his grip and he grabs me again.

"Hold up lemme ask you something."

"Let me go."

"If I do will you hear me out?"

"Let. Me. Go."

He takes his hand off me. I turn and look at him.


"Why you hate me so much?" He asks.

I don't even know if he's being for real or not. So I look at him for a second before I answer.

"You deadass? Or you playing cause if this some game I don't got time for this!" I tell him getting annoyed.

"I'm deadass I want to know..."

I look at him in confusion. How can he really be asking me this as if he doesn't realize what he does to me everyday.

"Well for one you fuck with me everyday and you knowww I do not like the way you speak to me yet you continue to do it every single day." I explain.

"I ain't think you was serious I thought we was cool and you know I play all day. " He says as he sits on the edge of the table.

"That's yo problem Devante you think everything a fucking joke that's why I can't fuck with you cause you's a clown." I say pointing my finger in his face. He moves my hand and pulls me in close. "Why are you pulling me nobody wanna be close to your ass."

"Listen Brianna I'm sorry...it's just that I don't know how to act around you." He says looking up at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. I could get lost in them. But I don't.

"What you mean? We've been knowing each other for mad long by now you should know what makes me tick and how I like to be treated."

"I know I know but it's just that..ugh fuck this harder than I thought it would be."

I twist my face up looking at him as he looks down at our hands. I let out a loud sigh making him look back up at me.

"Listen if you got something to say you need to go on and say it I don't have time for the long drawn out dramatic ass story. I'm tired and hungry and-"

He cuts me off and surprises me with a soft kiss on the lips. I stand there in shock and don't even kiss him back. I slap him and look at him in disgust.

"What the hell you kiss me for?!" I yell as he looks away. I start to feel a little bad for slapping him but he shouldn't have done it. Now he got me feeling all weird. Ugh this is why I hate his stupid sexy ass. I sit next to him and let out a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I say so quietly it's almost inaudible.

Devante looks at me with wide eyes.

"Wait what'd you say I ain't quite catch that." He says with a silly ass grin on his face. I laugh a little.

"I said..I'm sorry." I say just a little louder.

"Wow I never thought there'd be a day where you'd be apologizing to me." He says acting shocked. I push his shoulder and he laughs.

"Nah but I'm sorry tho I probably shouldn't have kissed you even though I really wanted to.."

I look at him and can feel my feelings for him changing. I no longer hate him I just dislike him.

"It's cool but the next time you try that shit Ima cut yo balls off and hand them to you patna!"

"Haha you got jokes..let's go."

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