Dazed & Confused | Keith & Elijah

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I threw my duffle bag over my shoulder and took a deep breath as I locked up my condo. I walked down my stairs and out my complex rounding the corner to my car.

"I'm really doing this." I say to myself. I get in and toss my bag in the passengers seat. I buckle my seat belt and start driving. I don't know where I'm going all I know is that I've got to get away.

After driving for 2 hours with no set destination I found myself in what seemed to be an abandoned town.

"What the fuck." I say to myself. I pick up my phone opening the maps app.

No connection

Fuck there's like no signal out here. I take another deep breath not wanting to stress myself out or begin a panic.

"I'll just drive back the way I came..yeah I'll do that." I say to myself as I make a u-turn. As I'm driving down I start to see the highway and other cars. I breathe a sigh of relief. I continue down the road when a tall man walks out from no where. Slamming on the breaks I cuss to myself.

"What the where the- where the fuck he come from." I say confused as hell. The man is tall, light skinned and sexy as hell. But that doesn't negate the fact that he popped up out of thin air. Not to mention he's close to being naked. He only has on basketball shorts and Nike slides. For a moment I really think I'm tripping.

"Maybe he needs help.." I say to myself as he crosses the road. I roll down my window and don't think twice.

"Excuse me sir uh do you need some help?"

He turns my way and walks slowly to my car. I feel myself getting a little scared.

"No but I think you do.." He tells me seductively. I look at him like he's crazy. At this point I'm confused as fuck.

"Would you like my help? I know you've been going through some things Aliana..."

How does he know my name. I don't know this nigga from no where.

"The fuck! Uh uh!" I roll up my window and speed down the street. "Fucking weirdo gone say some weird shit and then call me by my name oh hell no."

"Why I gotta be all that baby?" I hear come from behind me. I slam my breaks again and frantically look in the back seat of my car and don't see anyone but my bag somehow ended up back there. I don't remember putting it there. As I'm turning to face forward I see him sitting in the passenger seat.

I scream loudly and he just sits there with a smirk on his face.

"No need to shout honey." He says running his hand down my arm. I snatch myself away from him. "I'm here for you."

"What kind of sci-fi shi- yo who are you and how did you get in my car!"

"I'm the man of your dreams baby..I'm here to fulfill all you're wildest desires." He says as he places a kiss on my hand.

"There's no way I'm dreaming I-I know that I woke up and left my house this morning!"

"Look out the window love its night..."

"No it's no-" I look to see that it's pitch black outside. "What the hell. The sun was just beaming through my window how oh my god what is going on.." I say resting my head against the headrest. I cover my face and let out a deep sigh.

"This is not happening this is not happening..." I repeat over and over to myself. I peak out the side of my eye and see he's still there.

"It is happening Aliana just relax.." he says as he rubs my upper thigh.

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