The Arousing Amusment Park | Keith

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For @adorekeithpowers


Alexis has been with her boyfriend Keith for 3 years. It's been nothing but good times and they've always been a spontaneous pair.


It was a warm summer night and Alexis and Keith had watched movies the entire day.

"Oh that shit was too funny!" Alexis exclaimed as she laughed. They had just finished watching a Eddie Griffin stand-up comedy.

"Yo that nigga crazy for real!" Keith agreed laughing as well.

"Ah oh my god." Alexis said wiping her tears as she tried to catch her breath. She looked up at Keith and they both bust out laughing again. Alexis laid across Keith's lap as she let out a few more laughs.

She let out a deep sigh as she relaxed.

"Aye baby lets go to Coney." Keith suggested as Alexis looked towards the clock.

"Baby it's 11:30 they bout to close in another half hour. "

"Exactly so let's hurry up and get going now." He said picking her up and standing her by their front door. He ran to their bedroom to grab his wallet and keys.

"Where's your phone?" He asked.

"Over on the couch. "

"Ight good we won't need them. " he said as he slipped his nikes on. "Come on put yo shoes on girl and lets go."

Alexis slipped her feet in her Jordans. They both left out and headed towards Coney.


They arrived into the park and went to purchase their tickets.

"You are aware that we will be closing fairly soon." The booth monitor reminded.

"Yeah yeah just give us our damn tickets, we already paid for the shits now you tryna advise us about closing time." Alexis said as she was quickly getting annoyed.

The lady quickly slid them their tickets.

"Enjoy your time."

There was barely anyone inside the park so Keith and Alexis went on all their favorite rides within 10 minutes and still had another 15 to spare. So they decided to take a ride on the huge ferris wheel. This shit was so big that it took 5 minutes to reach the top and another 5 to reach back to the bottom.

They entered their car and the wheel began to spin.

Alexis snuggled into Keith's arms as she watched them rise off the ground.

"Hey baby you ever wonder what it's like to fuck in the air?" She asked as she slowly looked up to see Keith grinning down at her. She bust out laughing.

"The thought has crossed my mind." He said as his hands rubbed her upper thigh and his lips brushed against her neck.

"Mhm Keith...well we do got another 9 minutes before the ride is over..quickie?" She said as she turned her head to meet his lips.

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