Enemies 7 | Devante Swing

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7 months later - Devante P.O.V.

Brianna looks like she's gonna pop any minute now. She's so damn beautiful too. Her small frame and then her big round belly. She's really carrying my child and she's gonna be here any day now. Yes she, when Bri hit 5 months we took a trip to the doctor and found out the sex of our child. I was so happy when I found out I was gonna have a little girl. When she gets here she's gonna be a daddy's girl. I'm gonna spoil the hell out of her.

"Baby rub it harder." Brianna said as I massaged her swollen feet. I did as I was told and could see she was really enjoying it. I smiled and rolled my eyes. She really got me massaging her damn feet.. aye anything for my baby.

"Devante I'm so excited to see her.." she said as a tear fell from her eye.

"Me too baby aye don't cry." I told her as I kissed the tear away.

"I don't even know why I'm crying I guess my hormones are just all over the place." She said chuckling. "Ooh baby she kicked!"

Brianna grabbed my hand and placed it over her tummy.

"Go on and kick for daddy Nadine.." she said.


"Yeah uh I don't know that name just popped up in my head just now..."

"Well Nadine..come on kick for daddy princess." I said talking to Bri's tummy. Nadine started kicking and I looked to Bri in aw. "She's really kicking aww man." I said excitedly. I rubbed Bri's tummy and quietly sang off the top of my head.

"So you're having my baby and it means so much to me. There's nothing more precious than to raise a family..."

"Awww babyyy..stop it." She said as her voice cracked.

"Baby you such a cry baby." I said cracking up. She mushed my head and said.

"Oh shut the hell u- OHH!" She yelled as she held her stomach.

"W-what's going on? Baby you okay?" I asked frantically.

Her chest rose and fell fast. As she closed her eyes and let out shallow breaths.

"My stomachs cramping baby I-I think I'm having contractions." She said breathless. I rubbed her tummy and kissed her forehead.

"It's alright baby you'll be fine..do you think that means she may come like now?"

"Probably..OWW ow ow.." she grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed tightly.

"Alright baby hold on ima call ma real quick."

I got on the phone with her mother and explained everything. She told me that contractions were a sign that Brianna's water would break and that would mean baby time. Crazy thing is right after she said that, it happened.

"AH DEVANTE! We gotta go- UH!" She screamed. Immediately I helped her up and dialed a cab. I put her jacket and scarf on. Then out to the cab. The driver was moving so slow as if he ain't see my girl going into labor.


"I-I voy tan rápido como puedo nigga!!" He yelled back.

"Call me another nigga and yo ass gone be riding in that trunk!..NOW PICK UP THE FUCKING PACE!"

With that the car went into full speed and what would've been a half hour ride quickly turned to a five minute one.

I quickly got her out the car and into the hospital.

"Yo my girls going into labor we need some help!" I said as we walked through the doors. A nurse immediately rushed over to us with a wheelchair, sat Brianna in it and ushered us into a room.

"Excuse me sir we're gonna have to ask you to wait in the hall." The nurse told me. I looked at the bitch like she had 3 heads.

"I'm not going anywhere that's my girl and my baby." I told her. I was trying to calm my nerves and then she said.

"Sir it's not a request it's a demand now please go."

"Bitch I ain't going no where but you can.. get yo ass outta here!" I said pushing her out and locking the door. "Chop chop get her in the bed do y'all fucking job don't worry bout me!' I yelled getting heated. The other nurses quickly changed her into a hospital dress and put her into the bed.

The doctors came in and could see the anger on my face.

"Um sir sorry about earlier here's your scrubs..we're going to start."

I snatched the scrubs out his hand and quickly changed. I came back out and held my baby's hand.

"Alright Ms. Lee-"

"Degrate." I corrected him.

"Right Ms. Degrate we're all ready, now we're gonna need you to push."

She nodded her head and pushed. She pushed and pushed.

Many many....many hours later.


"She's here!" The doctor exclaimed as my baby came out. I kissed Brianna and wiped her sweat away.

"Our baby is here oh my god." She said breathless. They came back with our baby girl and places her in Brianna's arms. "Oh my God she's beautiful.."

I looked at my baby girl and cried tears of joy. I kissed her little head and then Brianna's.

"Daddy loves you princess." I whispered to her. Brianna had a huge smile on her face as she also cried. "I love you so much Brianna.

"I love you too baby."

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