Hairspray! | Elijah (Seaweed)

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This imagine is going to be heavily based on Hairspray. If you don't know Elijah was in this movie and he played as Seaweed. I am so crazy in love with that movie it's just CRAZY! I really have to watch it at least once a day. So yeah this imagine is about Seaweed J. Stubbs & Penny Pingleton. Enjoy. 💋


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Elijah Pov

"You looked so fly today." I tell Penny as we talk over the phone.

"Aw thanks suga, you looked pretty groovy yourself." She says making me laugh. I'm still trying to adjust to her way of talking, you know with the "groovy" and "afrotastic".

"Thanks baby, hey what you think about me coming over later know since we don't get much alone time?" I ask already anticipating a rejection.

"I don't know Seaweed... I really want to hang out with you but my know how she is.." She says in a sad tone.

"Aww baby it's cool we'll find anoth-"

"PENNY PINGLETON WHO ARE YOU ON THE PHONE WITH?!" I hear her crazy ass momma yell in the background. "It better not be that negro I seen you kissing on the Corny Collins show!"

"No ma it's uh Tracy..we were just talking about um uh... our history project!"

"Oh yeah give me that phone!"

"Bye I love you!" Penny says quickly before hanging up on me.

"Love you too..." I say sadly as I put the phone down on the hook. I lay on my back and let out a deep sigh. Why can't her momma just accept the fact that we love each other. Why does the color of my skin determine whether or not I'm good enough for her daughter. I'm smart, fun and kind. I'm a real gentleman and I treat Penny right but all that doesn't seem to matter to her...because she's blinded by the color of my skin.


"Awh honey I'm really sorry about last night.... I wish you wouldn't have heard what my mama said." Penny tells me as we sit on the window sill in detention.

"It's cool I already knew it wasn't going to happen but eh I just wanted to take the shot." I tell her. She gives me a sad look that fades away and is replaced with a smirk.

"What you got cooking up in that head of yours?"

"My ma is working the night shift maybe if you're up to it you could sneak over." She says with a sly smile.

"I like the sound of that hun." I say sending a wink her way. I kiss her cheek as the bell rings and we're dismissed from school.

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