Enemies 3 | Devante Swing

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1 month later - Devante P.O.V.

"Yo D check out Bri she looking fine today." My boy says to me. I look up and see Brianna walk in the room. She sets her things down and greets her little friends.

"Aye Bri." I call out to her as I motion her to come my way. She walks her little sexy thick ass over.

"Wassup D, hey y'all." She says greeting me and my homies.

"Nun what's up with you cupcake." My boy says to her. She looks at him with her face all twisted up. I start to laugh a little. "Ight then my fault." He says as he turns and talks to my other bro.

"Waddup Bri why you looking all extra fine today?" I ask as I lick my lips and bite down on it. She rolls her eyes and smiles a little.

"Boy I look like this everyday." She says as she sits on my desk.

"Nah it's definitely something about you that's just different today." I tell her and she starts laughing. Damn I love her laugh. Shit I love everything about her. I'm glad things played out the way they did that day at work. Ever since then Bri and I have become more cool. Not to mention I still like her shit I like her even more since she ain't been dissing a nigga like she used to.

"Well I did get something done recently see if you can guess what it was." She says as she stands up and does a 360 spin. Soon as she turns her back side to me my eyes drop to her ass. Now I know she ain't get her ass done for a fact her shit always been fat and honestly I just like looking at it. She turns back facing me and stands with her hands on her hips.

"Well? Do you know?" She asks.

"Hmm lemme think.." I study her face and instantly see what's different. "You got yo brows done huh?"

She starts cheesing hella hard.

"Yup damn your good." She says sitting back on my desk. "They look good?"

"Of course." I say flashing my smile.

I think she's blushing but shit I can't tell if it's really happening or it's just what I want to see.


"Yo how you bag Brianna bad ass?" My bro asks me.

I look at him and chuckle.

"She ain't mine...yet."

"Damn y'all could've fooled me." He says looking across the cafeteria at her. She's oblivious to the fact that there's two niggas staring her down right now. But honestly when she's just being herself and smiling and laughing that's when she's most beautiful. I love to see genuine happiness spread across her face.

It's crazy how I'm normally one of them hard niggas but I got soft spot in my heart for little miss Bri.


The school bell rings and we're dismissed. As I'm walking out my class I see Brianna waiting for me.

"Hey D." She greets me with a smile.

"Wassup baby." I say putting my arm around her shoulder. Normally she would've said something slick and pushed me off her but I guess she really warming up to me. We walked that way out the school and all the way to the train station.

"Devante you like me or something?" She asked. I thought she knew that I did.

"Yeah you gotta little place in my heart Bri..." I tell her.

"Hmm okay." Is all she says. I just leave it at that. We finally arrive to work and start our shifts.

Brianna PO.V.

After a couple of hours my shift was finally over. Devante still had another hour left to go so I just chilled in the back room till he was done.

"So Bri wassup with you and Devante?" My nosey ass thristy ass coworker Diane asked.

"Ain't nun Diane we just friends." I tell her.

"Hmm so that means he's available?"

"Why don't you ask him?" I tell her sarcastically. She rolls her eyes and walks into the changing room. Damn I don't even know why that bitch gone ask if he's available cause that ain't never stop her hoe ass from chasing some dick.

After a long hour Devante finally came to the back room.

"Aww you waited for me again." He said instantly making me smile. I don't know what it is but I'm really starting to feel him more and more. Shit I think I might have a little crush on the nigga but I don't know.

"Yeah yeah just hurry up and change so we can go get some food I'm starving." I say. Devante proceeds to change and then makes his way to his locker. He gets his stuff out and throws on his coat. I do the same and put my bag over my shoulder.

"Ight you ready lets go." I say as I'm making my way to the door.

"Yeah but hold on a second I gotta ask you something. It's been on my mind my entire shift." He says getting a hold of my hand. He sits on the edge of the table and pulls me between his legs.


"Do you like me?" He asks and for some reason my heart beat fastens. But I play it cool.

"Yeah you're cool now so I ain't got problem with-"

"No that's not what I meant...I mean like are you feeling a nigga..?"

Shit I knew what he meant the first time but I tried to avoid giving him a real answer. I had to think for a minute though because I honestly didn't know what to say. Plus I wasn't entirely sure of my feelings.

"I mean I don't hate you as much as I used to." I say and he starts laughing.

"Damn girl can you just be direct one time. Are you feeling me yes or no?" He asks looking into my eyes. Again I'm caught in a trance his eyes are just so captivating. I don't think and just do. I place a soft kiss on his lips which he deepens. I feel my heart beating faster and butterflies in my tummy. I pull away and smile at him.

"Does that answer your question?"

He smiles and pulls me in kissing my lips again. The kiss was so sensual it was something I never experienced before. His hands gently slid down my back side and rested right on my arch as my fingers ran through his hair and traced down his neck.

That damn Devante Swing.

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