Backstage Pass 1 | Ralph Tresvant

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"I guess I'll do what I gotta do and break her heart

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"I guess I'll do what I gotta do and break her heart....I don't wanna see her cry...but it's hard to live a lie.." I sang as all my adoring fans sang with me. I kneeled at the end of the stage and put the mic on one girl who seemed to be singing her heart out.

"Though I love the girl I know, that the best thing is for us to be apart..." she sang angelically. I was at a lost for words as I got up. My eyes couldn't move off of her cause not only did she have the voice of an angel her beauty matched it.

I finished the rest of my set. I had an amazing show.

"Thank you Los Angeles for having me!! This really is the city of angels!" I said as my eyes landed back on her. I winked at her and blew a kiss. She smiled and blew one back. I caught it and put it on my heart. "Goodnight!!"

The crowd went crazy as I turned around and walked off the stage.

"Aye Ralph great set tonight man!" Bobby told me as he dapped me up. "Thanks Bob aye what's the movements later on?" I asked as I walked backwards. "Shit you know we gone hit up the club! I'll page you when I'm getting ready to go man!" He yelled as the distance between us became further. "Ight Bob." I turned on my heel and bumped hard into someone.

"Oops sorry sweetheart." I said as I realized it was a woman. She raised her face to look up at me and I seen that it was the same girl from the audience. "No no I'm sorry Ralph I wasn't paying attention." She said grabbing a hold of my hands. "It's alright baby doll." I said admiring her face. I realized she had a backstage pass hung around her neck. I played with the string. "I see you wanted to meet me."

She blushed and said "of course, I had to get the full Ralph Tresvant concert experience." I smiled and held her hand as we walked. "Well I'm meeting all my fans here." I said pointing to a room beside me. "But you my love will get a whole different experience.." I continued as I kissed her hand. "Aye Mark why don't you take this beautiful lady here to my dressing room, make sure she gets everything she needs...I'll be with you shortly hun." she nodded and smiled as she was escorted to my room.

I took a deep breath, cracked my neck and walked in all smiles to meet my fans.

"What's up L A!!" I yelled greeting them. I gave love to everyone and took lots of pictures.

Mystery Woman Pov

Ralph is the sweetest and I can't wait for him to return. I have so many things I wanna ask him. I honestly just want to talk to him and get to know him. I'm not gonna be another groupie. So if he thinks we fucking when he gets back...well I don't know what's gonna happen honestly. I wanna hold my ground but at the same time this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

"Miss do you need anything?" Mark asked as he peeked his head in the door. "Um.. no I'm good thank you." I told him politely. Just as he was closing the door it swung back open and Ralph came in. "Hey sweetheart." He said as closed the door and came to sit next to me. "Hey Ralph.." I said sweetly as I bit down on my lip.

It was a little awkward at first. I mean we're two complete strangers alone in this room. But I had to shake off my nervousness because I don't want to waste his time.

"I loved your performances tonight." I told him. He smiled. "Thanks you wanna know which one was my favorite to perform?" He asked and I nodded yes. "Do what I gotta know why it was my favorite?"

"Hmm did it have something to do with a pretty little lady singing into the mic?" I asked smiling. "Yeah." He said chuckling. "Girl you really got some pipes on you. I was honestly blown away, I think you may be a better singer than me." He continued. I blushed and said. "Well thanks Ralph."

"Aye I never got your name." He said. "Shelly." I told him. "Shelly.. that's beautiful."

"So I gotta ask..what is it about me that made you wanna give me my own separate experience with you?" I asked. "Well for one I think you're crazy beautiful and your voice matches your angelic looks. Plus it's just something about you where I feel like you deserve my undivided attention." He told me. All his words sounding so sincere. I wanted to believe him and I did. "That makes me feel so special." I said smiling. He returned it as he laid back into the couch. He held my waist and moved me closer to him. I relaxed back into the couch and closed my eyes.



"Would it hurt your ego if a woman asked you out on a date?" I asked. "Not at all.. just because I'm a man doesn't mean I don't like to be wined and dined." He said making me laugh. "Well can this woman take you out sometime?" I asked as I pointed to myself. "Sure I'd love that." He told me as he sat up and smiled at me.

Ralph Pov

Shelly really just asked to take me out. That's a first, actually this is the first time in a long time where a woman hasn't asked me for anything. Not a picture or a hug or kiss. She seems to genuinely want to get to know me. I like that.

"Well here's a piece of paper you know with some numbers on it...that you can use to hmm I don't know get in touch with me at any time." She said and I laughed. I took the paper out of her hand. "I'll call you when I'm free then..which will be very very soon." I said winking at her. She blushed and kissed my cheek.

"Well I guess I'll talk to you later then.." she said as she got up and grabbed her purse. "Goodnight Ralph." She said. I stood up and kissed her hand. "Goodnight Shelly." I said. She smiled and turned to walk away but my hand still held onto her wrist. "Um you can let go now." She said giggling. "Just after this.." I said as I gently pulled her close. I pushed her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek with my thumb. I leaned in and kissed her lips softly. I pulled back. "Now goodnight Shelly."

To be continued..

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