Enemies 4 | Devante Swing

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After that kiss with Devante all my negative feelings towards him had completely vanished. Now all I ever wanted to do was be up under him. I know I sound like a softie but I don't care I'm really feeling him and I know he really feeling me to.

I walked into my class and immediately locked eyes with him. It's like he knew I was coming, he smiled at me and I smiled back. I put my bag and coat down on my seat and went over to him.

"Hey D." I said as I hugged him. He pulled me onto his lap, lifted my chin and placed a kiss on my lips. When he pulled away I couldn't stop smiling.

"Wassup baby." He said as he gave me his full attention. It felt like it was just the two of us alone in this classroom. But when I snapped back into reality I could feel people watching us. I looked at them and said.

"Y'all liking the view the fuck?!" Mad loud and they all turned. Devante started laughing which made me crack up. But shit they need to mind they damn business always watching face.

"You ain't gotta be so mean Bri." He said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Devante you already know that's how I stay but you still love me anyway."

"Whoa who said anything about love?" He said with a serous face. I punched his arm and his seriousness disappeared.

"Stop playing with me, you know you love me shit you probably loved me since the 6th grade."

"Shit and you probably right." He said making me laugh.

"You love me for real Devante?"

"I can show you better than I can tell you baby." He whispered in my ear before placing a kiss on it.

"Oooh shit lemme find out...but I'm gone hold you to that one." I tell him.

"Ms. Lee back to your seat I'd like to start my lesson." The teacher said aloud. I cut my eyes at her and then looked back to Devante. I was lowkey sad because beside this class and lunch I wouldn't see him until we're dismissed from school. I kissed his lips and walked back to my seat. The rest of the period I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"See girl I told you he liked you." My friend says to me.

"Bitch you mad late." I say and my girls start cracking up. Damn these bitches think every thing I say is fucking funny. I wish they'd shut the fuck up sometimes.


Omniscient P.O.V.

As the periods dragged on by Brianna couldn't stop thinking about Devante. She wanted lunch to come fast that way she's be able to see him again.

After what felt like forever the bell rang and that meant it was lunch time. Brianna made her way to Devante's class and as she rounded the corner she seen him walking out the door.

"Hey baby." He greeted her. She loved when he called her that. Even though things between them weren't official she knew that he was hers and she was his.

"Hey.." she said back pulling him into a hug. He kept his arm around her shoulder as they made their way to the cafeteria.

Devante P.O.V.

As Brianna and I walked through the halls we got a lot of stares. Of course she blacked on anyone who's eyes lingered for to long.

We finally got to the cafe and sat at my table.

"Brianna!" One of her friends called out to her.

"Ugh Devante I do not like that girl but I don't wanna hurt her feelings Ima just act like I ain't hear her." Bri says.

I chuckle as her friend calls her name out again.

"Your bestie is calling you." I say with a smirk on my face. She groans and gets up. She so damn fake but shit is hella funny.

Brianna P.O.V.

"What Shantell?" I ask as I stand in front of her.

"Damn girl I know you getting some dick now but shit that don't mean you got to caught us off." She says.

"First off bitch mind ya damn business and secondly I'm done with y'all. Y'all hoes aggravating." I said as I walked away. It felt good to get that off my chest. I swear them girls been getting on my nerves lately. Shit it seem like everyone gets on my nerves. Except Devante. Which is weird when I think back to the past and how things used to be. It's crazy how shit plays out.

I sat back down at his table and seeing him laughing his ass off.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I asked with a grin on my face.

"You. What did you say to them why they faces all sour." He says. I look over to the girls and they look mad as hell. I just shrug my shoulders and roll my eyes. Fuck they feelings.

"I told them they aggravating as hell and that I'm done with them. They just get on my damn nerves D. " I explain and he just laughed even harder. Tears were coming out his eyes. I started laughing cause his was so damn contagious.

"Fuck them anyway cause you got me." He said as he caught his breath. I just smiled and nodded in agreement.

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