Make Love To Me | Luke

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I know you've made love before,
Of that I'm sure indeed.
But you ain't made no love, girl,
'Til you've made love to me baby
Make love to me baby
Uh make love to me girl
Oh make love to me baby
Uh make love to me girl


After a beautiful night out with his wife, Thalia. Luke decided he wanted to end on an amazing note.


"Baby I had a really great time tonight." Luke said as he and his lady entered their home.

"I know right! The food was amazing and then the walk along the beach was just everything baby." Thalia agreed as she hung their coats in the closet.

"Yeah...but you know it ain't over just yet." Luke said as he motioned Thalia over to where he sat. She took a seat on his lap.

"What else you got up your sleeve boy?"

"This..." He said as he gently pulled her face towards his. Luke placed a loving kiss on her lips, giving both her top and bottom lip love. Thalia let out a slight moan as his teeth lightly dragged across her bottom lip.

"Mhmm I like where this is going." She mumbled against his lips.

"Oh yeah well you're about to love it now." He said as he picked her up bridal style and walked to their bedroom.

Luke was going to make love to his baby all night long and she was all here for it.

He put her on her feet and just admired her.

"Baby you are so beautiful." He said as he took a step back scanning her from head to toe.

"Thank you. " She said blushing.

"Baby I just want to take my time and love your body right." Luke whispered in her ear as he undressed Thalia and then himself.

Once they were completely naked he took her face in his hands and passionately kissed her. His lips traveled to her neck as he lightly sucked on it. His hands caressing her entire body.

"Baby you taste so sweet and feel so good." He said against her neck. Luke laid her on the bed as he kissed all over her body while telling her why he loved each part.

Thalia felt her heart burst with love. Luke was always a very sensual and loving person but tonight his sensuality was on level 10.

Thalia gently pulled Luke back up to her face as they traded places.

"And there's so much to love about you baby. " she said as she kissed along his forehead down to his lips, neck and chest.

"I love your beautiful flawless skin and your deep brown eyes that I get lost in anytime I look your way. "

Thalia said as she continued to kiss down on her man. He had them trade places again as he continued to caress her body. Luke kissed her lips passionately as he fixed himself at her entrance. He entered slowly making sure to give her every inch. Thalia's gasped as her back slowly arched as Luke's big dick quickly came in contact with her g-spot.

Luke rested his forehead against hers as he gave her long loving strokes.

"Look at me baby." He said as her eyes fluttered opened. With their eyes locked Luke continued making love to her.

Thalia eyes began to water and she let a lone tear drop from her eye.

"Aww baby why are you crying?" Luke asked concerned as he worried he maybe hurting her.

"I just love you so much baby. " she responded never taking her eyes off him.

Luke felt relieved as he kissed her tear away and then her lips lovingly. He began picking up his pace as he moved his hips faster.

"Mhmm." She moaned.

Their hips began to move in sync as they both bursted with a euphoric feeling. Thalia felt like she was on cloud 9 as she made love to her husband. Luke felt more in love than ever as he pleased her body the way only he could. As their hips continued to move in sync Luke left love bites along Thalia's neck and chest.

Luke flipped over so that Thalia was now on top.

"Ride ya dick baby." Luke told her as she began grinding into him.

Luke was mesmerized by her beautiful body as his hands caressed what belongs to him. From her neck, down to her perky pierced nipples, down her slim frame and around her round hips and ass. He held on her waist as he moved with her.

"Oh honey this feels to good.." She moaned tossing her head back.

"Come here." He said as she lowered her body on his. She wrapped her arms around the top of his head as she moved her body up and down. She left wet kisses all over his neck and up to his lips.

Luke let slight moans escape his lips and fall into Thalia's mouth. He began to thrust himself faster up into her. Thalia felt a shiver run up her spine as her body jerked and she came all over him with no warning. Luke came soon after.

The two laid in each other's arms as they both began to drift off to sleep while whispering sweet words to one another.

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