Crissgee 3 | Algee

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A couple months have passed now, 7 to be exact. Crissy and Algee have been together for 5 months and they're both extremely happy. After the week long stay at Algee's, Crissy decided she simply wasn't ready to leave him yet so they decided to extended her stay another week, and then a month and then 2 months. Algee wanted to make it official after being around her that long, they learned more about each other in those 2 months and he knew she was the one he needed.

Crissy decided to move out to L.A. to be with him. Of course it was a huge decision for her but with his support and the support of her family and friends she felt comfortable enough to go through with it. Now here we are 5 months later. Crissy and Algee have moved in together and are very much in love. It all happened so fast but they both know that this will work.


Crissy Pov

I am 100% completely in love with Algee. He is the perfect guy for me. He's goofy and funny. He's sweet and caring. Most of all he's all mine and I never have to doubt him or wonder if he's creeping on me because I know he isn't. Algee is my number 1 and I'm so lucky and blessed to have him in my life.

Algee Pov

Y'all Crissy is my whole heart. That girl really does something to me and it ain't all about the sexual part either, I mean yeah she's gorgeous and the sex is always bomb but it's so much more than that. It's her mind and personality that got me hooked. She's so intelligent and wise beyond her years. I swear she not going anywhere and today I wanna do something special for her special day.


"Happy birthday baby." I say as I roll over to look at my beautiful girlfriend.

"Thanks baby." She says kissing my cheek. She rolls out of bed and walks into the bathroom. I follow behind her as I lean against the door frame.

"Damn Algee can I piss without you watching me." She says making me laugh.

"I'm sorry I just can't get enough of you." I tell her honestly. She's looks so damn beautiful when she wakes up, bonet and all. "So I got something special planned for you tonight."

"Really?!" She asks excitedly as she goes to wash her hands.

"Of course this is your first birthday we're celebrating together so I gotta make it amazing." I say as I walk up behind her and hold on her waist. I rest my chin on her shoulder as we look in the mirror.

"Thanks baby I love you." She says turning around and putting her arms around my neck. She pecks my lips a few times.

"I love you too. Now get ready." I say letting her go and slapping her ass as she walks away.

"Stop you play all day bae." She says laughing while holding her ass.


After what seemed like forever Crissy was finally ready to go.

"Alright baby I'm ready."

I look up and see my baby standing there.

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