My Police Chief 2 | Mr. Dalvin (Jodeci)

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For the past few weeks we've been dealing with one of our biggest cases. Which I didn't have a problem with because I loved doing this kind of work but the only thing is now Dalvin rarely ever called me into his office for a private chat.

This case was really starting to stress me out and I could see it happening with him too.

"Jessica I've organized the case files now I just need your stamp of approval and we can get this sent off to the court house." A senior advisor informed me. She was talking so fast and literally said what she had to say and then ran off. I swear this is the busiest I've seen this office. I quickly skimmed through the files making sure they were correct and then stamped it.

I handed them back to the senior advisor and then walked to the espresso machine. I got a quick cup of coffee and rested against the counter as I enjoyed the feeling of the heat traveling down my throat into my stomach. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. When I opened them back my eyes landed right on Dalvin who was sitting in his office.

I swear every time I looked his way he looked back. It's like he could feel me. When we made eye contact it's like we were the only two people in the office. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. He got up from his desk and walked to his door.

"Ms. Newman may I see you in my office." He said to me. Everything snapped back into real time as I walked to him. Everyone was so busy that they ain't have time to be nosey today. Finally the one thing I've been craving for these past few weeks. Dalvin.

In some weird way I was addicted to him. It's like I'm a junkie and he's my quick fix. That quick fix that seem to always need.

"What's up chief?" I asked as I walked past him into his office. He closed his door and sat back at his desk. I sat in the chair across from him.

"I feel like you've been teasing me Ms. Newman..." he said seductively as his tongue dragged across his bottom lip.

"Teasing you how Cheif..?" I asked as my hands traveled up my torso and cupped my breast.

" know how. Shit if it wasn't so many people in this damn precinct I would bend you over my desk right now.." he said as he took his shades off and bit his lip.

I giggled and bit the tip of my finger.

"Well you know Chief there's always another way..."

I unbuttoned my uniform exposing my breast. I started playing with my nipples through my bra as he watched me. My hands undid my belt buckle and unbuttoned my pants. I slipped my hand inside and started playing with my pussy. Dalvin shifted in his chair as he watched me. I'm sure from the outside it looked like we were having a regular conversation. Thank god for this big ass chair I was sitting in.

"Mmmm Dalvinnn..." I moaned as I continued playing with my clit. I took my other hand and continued playing with my nipple. "Uh uh ohh shit... talk to me baby..." I continued to moan.

"Close your eyes baby and imagine that your fingers are my tongue.." he said with that sexy deep voice of his. I closed my eyes and fantasized just that. It made me even more aroused thinking about his wet tongue exploring me. "Now start fingering yourself and imagine that it's me 8 inches deep in your guts. With your back against the hard wood of my desk and my hand gripping your neck..."

I thrusted my finger in and out of my wet pussy as I thought about his huge length inside of me... the way his skin would slap against mine as he got rougher... the way his strong hand would hold my pretty little neck tight as I fought to breathe...

"UHHHH DEEEE...!" I moaned as I felt my self cum all over my fingers. I took my hand out my pants and hunched over breathless. I looked back up at him and reached across the desk as I let him suck my juices off of my fingers.

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