Enemies 6 | Devante Swing

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3 months later - Brianna P.O.V.

I'm so happy. I've graduated from high school and moved into my own place with.... Devante of course. I've got a little job while I'm in school for my business degree. But my real passion is acting, I'll make it happen soon though.

Devante has been fiddling around in the music industry and is making power moves. I'm happy for him, me...us.

Although lately I haven't been feeling myself. I'm always nauseous and throwing up. I didn't know what was going on until I realized I'd missed my period for 2 whole months. I started thinking I was pregnant and here I am now.

Sitting in our bathroom peeing on a stick. I sat it down on top of the box and paced back and forth. So many things were running through my mind.

How will Devante feel about this?

I'm so young.

What will my parents think?

But ultimately my main concern was how I was going to care for my child...if I were pregnant. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and I could hear Devante's voice from the other side.

"Baby you okay?" He asked and I took a glance at the test that now read positive.

I walked over to the door and opened it.

"You good baby?" He asked. I stepped to the side and his eyes immediately landed on the box. They began to widen as tears formed. "Baby y-you're pregnant?!" He said excitedly as he embraced me. Instantly all my worries went out the window.

"You're happy?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Of course I am, I mean we're kinda young but I wouldn't want to bring another life into this world with anyone else. Oh my God this is amazing ..I love you c'mere." He said hugging me tight. He kissed my lips repeatedly.

"I love you too baby..." I said against his lips as I giggled.

"We gotta start planning Bri, aye we can finally put that extra room to use.. and and um we gotta start thinking of names and uh all that shit!" He rambled and I couldn't stop smiling.

I'm so happy that he's happy.

"Oh oh we gotta get you all them supplements and shit you suppose to take.. damn we gotta find out how far along you are too." He said as he took my hand in his and walked us out the bathroom.

"Oh yeah prenatal vitamins,well when do you wanna go?"

"Shit let's go now and not waste another second." He said and with that we both changed our clothes and made our way to the pharmacy.

"Baby what are we gonna tell our parents?" I asked as that started setting in to my mind.

"We'll just tell them the truth, shit they can't say we're irresponsible. We don't live under their roofs, and we pay all our own bills. If anything they should just be happy and excited to be grandparents." He said giving my hand a light squeeze. He kissed the side of my head and I felt at ease. He always did that for me.

"Alright then well lets just get these vitamins and then visit my momma. She'll help us figure everything out." I said and he agreed. We took the bus downtown to cvs and picked up my vitamins. We then made our way back uptown and to my mothers house. I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"Hey babies." She greeted us with love. She pulled us both into a hug and kissed our cheeks.

"Hey mama." Devante and I said at the same time.

"Hey daddy." I said to my father as I walked into the living room where he sat. I hugged him from behind.

"Hey princess." He said kissing my cheek. He got out the seat and gave me a proper hug.

"What up son?" He said to Devante. They dapped each other up. You know what niggas do.

"What brings y'all by?" My mom asked as she joined us in the living room. Devante and I sat in the love seat across from where my parents now sat in the couch.

I looked at Devante and took a deep breath looking back to my parents.

"Mommy..Daddy.. I'm pregnant. " I said. Feeling 30 pounds lighter getting it off my chest.

"Oh my goodness I'm gonna be a grand mommy." My mother exclaimed happily.

"I can't believe my baby is gonna have a baby." My dad said with a smile.

"See I told you they'd be happy." Devante said putting his arm around me. We all got up and had a group hug.

"So I was wondering mommy if you could help me figure this all out, you know like what doctor to see and how to go about getting insurance and all that stuff." I said.

"Baby I'll do way more than that! We're gonna go shopping to get a new nursery set up, we're gonna stock up on diapers and wipes and all that. Baby food! Clothes! Everything don't worry mommas got you baby." She told me. A wide smile formed on my face and I embraced her. Devante then hugged us and then my dad put his big arms around all 3 of us.


"What do you think about.. Devante Jr. if it's a boy?" I asked Devante as we now laid in our bed.

"Nah we gotta name him or her something real unique." He said.

"Hmm i don't know this is so hard.." I fussed.

"Kind of cause this baby is gonna have that name for the rest of their life so we need to get it right."

"Aye we got 7 more months to think about it."

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