My Photographer | Algee

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For OfficiallyJayxx


It's been a while since I've shot anything. These days things just seem to drag by. My name is Journey and I used to be one of the best photographers in the game until an crazy incident that left me jobless.

"Ughhh" I sighed as I dragged myself out of bed. I don't see the purpose for even doing anything anymore. My phone started buzzing in my robe pocket.


"Journey get dressed I'm coming to get you." My bestfriend Trina said.

"To go where?"

"Bitch stop asking questions and ya ass better be dressed when I get there...oh and bring ya camera you gone need it." She said as the line went dead. Sometimes I wanted to kill her. I don't know what she wants me to bring my camera for but whatever. I put on a little cute fit, do my hair for the first time in weeks and grab my camera. It feels good to the touch but I still get upset anytime I hold it.

A few minutes later Trina enters my house.

"Aight b lets go." She tells me as she grabs a granola bar off my kitchen counter.

"Where the hell we going and why do I need my camera?" I question as I slip on my Nike slides.

"Bitch you ask to many questions just be happy I'm taking your "I wanna mope around the house all day" headass out." She says as she walks back out the door and I follow behind.

This girl really making me feel irritated but she's right I need to get out and do something. We hop in her car and drive to Roscoes.


We're sitting down tearing up our chicken.

"I still don't know why I need my camera Nana." I say.

"Listen I don't want you to lose your touch so we gonna go around the city and you're gonna work your magic. I don't want you to give up on this...yeah that fucking bastard Ke-"

"Don't...say his name. " I interrupt.

"Sorry but fuck him you know, but you can't let that hinder your success babes. Especially with me by your side I most def ain't gonna let you give up you hear me?" She said as she gave my hand a squeeze.

I wiped my tears that rolled down my cheeks.

"You're right Trina...that's why you're my bestfriend."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I couldn't help myself your Journey, right?" A young man asked me and after really looking at him I realized it was Algee Smith.

"Omg you're Algee right?" I ask immediately fangirling.

"Yes nice to meet you." He says shaking my hand.

"Yes I'm Journey. " I say erratically.

"Well I seen some of your work and I love the way you take your photos and I was wondering if you'd like to take a couple pictures for me.."

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