Getting Sorted.

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The countryside dashed past, it was so beautiful. As the hour whittled by, I embarked on telling George and Fred why I was coming to Hogwarts now. “So explain again why you got expelled from Beauxbatons exactly?” George said with a wide smile. He was leaning in closer, in anticipation.

“A stupid prank went wrong. I was in the girl’s loo making some polyjuice potion. I was trying to get into some girls dorm without getting caught. I wanted to turn there tooth paste from mint flavour to pepperoni.” I started to explain. The expression on the boy’s faces was hilarious.

“Epic!” Fred said. I was sure he was referring to the tooth paste plan.

“So I was making the potion when I accidently put to much worms tongue in it. There was a puff of smoke and I was surrounded by shards of class and styrene. They were not too pleased.” I said biting my bottom lip. The twins were in fits of laughter. Fred was slapping his knee.

“You see that would never have happened to us.” George smirked

“Were are to clever and sneaky.” Fred finished. I rolled my eyes in my head. It was one prank that went wrong. They started to tell me about there pranks. One stuck in my head, something about blowing up a toilet and taking the toilet seat to class. They found it hilarious for some reason. The train suddenly grounded to a halt.

“We can’t be there already!” I said my eyebrows rose.

“Nah, perhaps the driver died.” Fred exclaimed.

“Any bets?” George laughed it off. I shh’ed them and they looked rather grumpy. A cold snap came over us and the windows froze blue. I looked over to the twins who were busy pretending to be dragons with the cold hair. The train rocked from side to side.

“Someone’s boarding.” I said. Almost instantly all my happy thoughts drained. Even the twins seemed a little dull. Only one thing could this, Dementors.

“Argh, why are the Dementors searching the train? Obviously Sirius Black isn’t on it.” Fred said leaning back into the chair. My heart jumped. My father? Surely he was in Azkaban.

“What? He is in Azkaban.” I said lowering my voice. They both gave each other a weird look.

“We thought that you being his daughter and all, you would know he escaped last month.” George said inquisitively. Of course that’s why they didn’t mention the Black relation. But how could Remus have kept this from me? Black shadows moved outside the door. They were swift and quick. The lights above us flickered and then went completely out. A cloaked black figure stood outside the door. George and Fred were to busy making ghost noises to notice. My fingers dangled gently above my wand. It felt like the Dementor was looking into my soul. Remus had already taught me the expecto patronum spell. The glass began to crack in the cold. The lights flickered back on and the black shadow was gone. The frost on the window was gone, melted and the train had started moving again. The twins were looking at me as if I had seen a ghost.

“I’ll be back.” I said to them standing up. They nodded at me and I slid the door open. I had to find Remus, ask him why he did not tell me about Sirius. I began to move down the train to where I had seen him disappear into a cabin. To my surprise he was already out of it and moving towards me.

“Electra.” He said holding out a hand.

“Why didn’t you tell me about my dad?” I asked. The look on his face seemed like he knew it was coming.

“I didn’t want to trouble you.” He said placing a hand on my shoulder and seeing if I was alright.

“It doesn’t give you the right!” I screamed at him. He looked shocked I had never raised my voice to him before. He nodded sadly towards to floor. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have snapped.” I said hugging him. He pulled me away from him.

“But your ok right?” he said. I laughed.

“Of course I am. I learnt from the best. And I have already made some friends, George and Fred Weasley; they are two years older than me.” I said wanting to go on. 

“Ah yes the Weasley twins. I was with there younger brother Ron, he said someone new was with them. Now don’t get involved in there schemes.” He said waving a finger at me. I rolled my eyes.

“Now would I do that!” I said sarcastically. He gave me a half hearted smile and squeezed past me.

“I have to speak with the driver. See you later at the sorting ok?” he said waving me goodbye. I hadn’t even thought about the sorting. How could I with my father on the loose?

The rest of the journey was ok. The twins were going on about previous antics and ones they are planning. I was half listening half thinking. How could he escape from Azkaban? When the train arrived I had to say goodbye to the twins for now. I went and joined the first years. I was way taller than them and they all looked intimidated by me. We arrived at Hogwarts on the boats. The rest of the school was already seated in the great hall surrounded by the laughter. As we entered most of the hall stared at me. It was embarrassing. I was last to be sorted as I was the oldest. I spotted George and Fred on the Gryffindor table, waving at me. When it finally came to my turn I could hear the boys whooping, but they were soon silenced. As I sat down on the old wooden chair and the hat was placed on my head, I couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“Hmmmmm another Black is it?” the hat boomed. The whole room went into whispers. I could see Remus in the corner of my eye watching me intently. There was a lot of humming coming from the hat.

“Difficult, difficult.” The old hat said. “I see a lot of mischievousness in you like your father, and yet a lot of kindness in your deep heart. You’re defiantly not the cleverest of people, maybe Hufflepuff?” I smiled as I could hear Remus chuckling. “But surrounding that kindness is a cloak of darkness, yes. Slytherin might be for you.” It said intently. I could feel the tension in the room.

“Please wizard God no.” I found my self muttering.

“No!?” the hat boomed. “Well very well I suppose it will have to be Jigglypuff!” it said.  

“What?” I said under my breath.

“I mean Hufflepuff!” the hat boomed again. As I got up I could see that Remus, Fred and George were clapping. But most other people weren’t, except the Slytherin table. They were ecstatic. I sat down on the yellow table. I squeezed next to a boy who looked about a year older than me. He leaned in and whispered to me,

“I don’t find this surprising at all!” he said. He put out his hand for me to shake it. “Cedric Diggory.” He said. I shook his hand. People looked at me with glares and evil stinging looks. I turned around where I saw the twins still waving at me, and I waved back. The room was silenced when Dumbledore stood up.

“Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. I am sure it will as good as the last.” He said. I doubted how that was true since last year the chamber of secrets was opened, Remus had told me about it. “I would like to welcome our new Defence against the Dark arts teacher, professor Lupin.” Remus stood up, and a roar of applause filled the hall. I would have to say I was the loudest. Remus gave me a piercing look and I sat quietly.

“Now with nothing further to say, let the feast begin!” Dumbledore said and a wide range of glorious foods appeared on the table. All of the first years gasped and tucked in like animals. Hogwarts had begun. 


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