Decisions, Decisions.

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I was on my way to Defence against the dark arts the next morning. I could feel my heart racing at the thought of being in the same room as him, knowing what and who he truly was. The class was shared with Ravenclaw so I waited until Rainey and Summer came along. Just standing outside the room made my hair stand on end, images of our last encounter flashed threw my mind. Eventually Rainey came along, it would do. I took a deep breath and smiled as I followed her into the classroom. There were already a few students in there. I kept my head down and quickly glanced around the room. There was no sign of him. I took a seat next to Rainey and began to try breathing steadily.

“Are you okay Electra? You don’t look well.” Rainey asked me putting her hand on my shoulder.

“No, I am fine thank you.” I replied with a weak smile. As the rest of the class gathered in the room he emerged from the door at the top of the stone stairs. I dare not look at him, instead I looked straight down. As I heard his walking stick hit the ground I couldn’t help but look up. I was in a battle with myself. Part of me was telling me to go, tell someone. But the other half was telling me to stay, satisfy your curiosity. As I looked up at him his glass eye was firmly fixed on me. I sharply inhaled and returned to my book. The tapping of his stick against the floor stopped and he was stood at the front of the class. Just knowing he was near me made me shake. I tried to steady myself. A slight cough came from his direction and everyone looked up, even me. He nodded at seeing everyone’s attention and spun to face the board. He flicked his wand and the chalk wrote on the board. It said the three unforgivable curses. Just reading this my breath began to quiver. I felt a nudge coming from Rainey. I exhaled and nodded, letting Rainey know I was fine.

“The three unforgivable curses. Any use of even one of them will get you a one way ticket to Azkaban. But if I am to arm you against the Dark arts I need to teach you about them. Most would say it is illogical to teach you. But I am not most people.” He spoke with pride and confidence. His glass eye scanned the room; it felt like it lingered over me. His eye was sharply drawn by a stuttering voice.

“I thought you can’t teach us those spells.” Cho Chang spluttered out.

“That is why I am showing them to you, not teaching you how to use them.” He replied. He gave a slight chuckle; this made my skin tingle and my hair stand on edge. “Right, Miss Day can you name me one of the unforgivable curses?” He asked Rainey. I could feel her tension from her. She muttered something not even I could hear. He just stood there glaring at her intently. She slightly coughed and spoke up.

“The controlling curse.” She said quietly and timidly. The professor stood up straight and smiled. He brought out a long legged bug. It was trapped in a glass shell. As soon as he removed the lid it was scrapping for air. With a flick of his wand the insect was now under his control. Many people seemed fascinated but I just sat there in silent horror. With it under his spell he flung the poor creature around the classroom, making various people jump and scream. He was laughing along until his mood turned sombre.

“Over here?” He said, waving his wand towards the window and the bug following it. Then his wand flicked towards a boiling caldron. I watched in disgrace as the helpless creature flailed its legs about. He then placed the bug on his hand and released it of its spell. “Mr Gail Springs?” He asked Gail for another curse. He spoke with more confidence then Rainey did.

“The torture curse sir.” He said. He placed the bug on Cho’s desk and preformed the dreadful curse. The class was silent you could almost hear the bugs screams. He suddenly stopped and places the distraught bug in front of me. Why me? Did he have something to prove? I took a deep breath and swallowed.

“Miss Black care to tell us the last unforgivable curse?” He asked looking down at me. I refused to meet him eye to eye; instead I stared at the poor creature begging for death in front of me. “Come on we don’t have all day. You should know it.” He said his voice rising with his temper. I cleared my throat and looked up at his face.

“The killing curse.” I said with a trembling voice. The eye contact went on further than I ever intended it to. The tension was unbearable. Without braking eye contact he swished his wand and the bug was dead. I broke the eye contact and looked out the window as he disposed of the poor thing. He stood there as the room was in silence.

“Class dismissed.” He said. The class waited a moment before getting up and rushing off as fast as they could. I stood up as fast as I could manage and scraped my books together. As I headed towards the door he spoke again. “Would Miss Black please stay behind.” He said. I froze mid step. I did not want to turn around. My heart was thumping in my chest. As soon as everyone was gone he closed the door with a flick of his wand. I still refused to turn around. “So you haven’t reported me yet?” He said in triumph. I stood there composing myself, trying not to seem intimidated.

“And you haven’t killed me yet.” I stated in the clearest voice I could muster up.

“I saw no reason to. If I would have killed you it would have compromised my position.” He said. I could hear him walking around the class room. I took a deep breath and turned around.

“It would still be bad for you if you let me live. I can tell the teachers, the ministry.” I replied. He gave a loud laugh.

“I know you too well. I have taught you for the past few months. You have too much curiosity. And it looks like I was right. You haven’t reported me because you need to satisfy your curiosity.” He said walking slowly closer to me. My breathing had become steadier and I stood my ground.

“Well then. That means you need to satisfy my curiosity then doesn’t it, otherwise I could tell the entire wizarding world.” I said. He was now only a few feet away from me. He brought out a large flask and took a sip of it. The smell that came out of it was terrible. I knew instantly what it was. “Polyjuice potion…should have known.” I muttered to myself as I watched him return the flask to his jacket.

“What do you want to know?” He asked, leaning on the desk next to him.

“How did you escape from Azkaban? Where have you been since?” I asked calmly. A twitching smile came from his lips.

“Well I am sure you won’t like it. But if you insist.” He said, his eyes gleaming with madness. “I escaped from Azkaban thanks to my own mother. She was a loving creature, so kind and loyal to me. One night she took some polyjuice potion and switched places with me. She died a week later of natural causes.” He said it all so carelessly. It was like he did not care for his mother at all. I stood there staring at him to continue. “As for my existence after my escape I can not say I liked it. My father kept me a secret. He hid me from the public’s eyes. For years he kept me like a dog under the Impero curse. I was forced to hide under an invisibility cloak and a loyal house elf called Winky, tended to my every need. I led my life in misery and solitude until one faithful day poor little Winky took me to the world cup game. It was there that I broke free of the Impero curse. And well you know the rest. I trust I have satisfied your curiosity.” His story was so sad. Instead of feeling fear around him I felt pity. I don’t know why my heart went out to him, a murderous man. I swallowed and nodded my head. “Now I have had enough of you for one day. Get to class and tell your teacher I am sorry for holding you back.” He said. I was taken back by him. He had just revealed his entire background that was unknown to man to me. And now he was letting me go straight after? He pointed towards the door and I gladly left. As I turned the corner in the empty corridor I slid down the marble wall. I could finally breathe and be safe again. My heart and head were still fighting. My head is saying go now whilst you have the chance, tell some one you stupid girl! But my heart is arguing back, speaking of pity against him. As I sat there listening to both sides my heart began to win. Maybe if I had the chance I could change him. In my heart I knew there must be something in there, something to make him good. As I stood back up my head and heart were in agreement. I dusted myself off and made my way late to class. I had to be strong to make this work.

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