Let the pranking Begin.

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I was so full after that feast, my belly was aching. The twins did offer to get some pranking practise in before term starts but it has been such an emotionally shattering day. I walked down to the basement where the Hufflepuff common room was found. There was a little nook in the kitchen and some barrels pilled up. I walked over and tapped on the barrels to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff. A secret door swung open to reveal a cosy sight. The common room was gold and coppered colours and the decoration was mostly in circles. A large warming fire was in the center of the common room. Most people were still at the feast so only a few sat in the room. For a basement it was surprisingly sunny and warm. The whole room was covered in vegetation, by Sprout the head of the house. Sitting in an oversized yellow and black chair was Cedric Diggory. He gave me a warm smile and waved me over.

“So how you settling in?” He asked, he seemed interested in me.

“It’s ok so far. Not looking forward to the classes though, I don’t know anybody in my year!” I said stressing out. Cedric laughed.

“You're in Hufflepuff you will have no problem finding friends. Hufflepuff’s are particularly good finders.” He beamed at me. He was starting to freak me out, I smiled back uncomfortably.

“I think I may go to bed.” I said getting up. He also got up and waved exaggeratingly. I sped off in the direction of the girl’s dormitory. The doors were circular and the lamps were a warm gold. My stuff was already on my bed along with my Hufflepuff robes. Yellow was not my colour. But at the moment I couldn’t care less. I threw the robes to the floor and snuggled up in bed.

I woke and the light was even brighter than before. The other girls were already dressed and were beginning to make there way up to breakfast. I slid into my new uniform and put my hair in a scraggly bun. On top of my blouse was now a black sleeveless sweater with a line of yellow stitching around the V-neck, and the skirt was black. I wore my black and yellow stripped tie short. My socks were knee high and were black with yellow vertical strips. I pulled my robe over my shoulders. The Badger crest stood out amongst anything. I looked at my time table, first, potions with Slytherin and second, defence against the dark arts with Gryffindor. I gathered my books and slung them into a bag. Slinging the bag over my shoulder I  made my way up to the breakfast hall. Upon seeing me George and Fred waved. I stumbled over to them.

“Morning sleepy.” They both said with big grins on there faces.

“Sit down.” Fred said

“Have a drink.” George finished. They had a habit of doing that. I sat down and reached for the coffee. I needed this to perk me up. As I took a sip I knew something wasn’t right. I looked down at my drink and smelt it.

“Oh come on!” I said slapping them on the arm. It was mint flavour, so disgusting. But George took his hand from behind his back and gave me a real cup. “Why thank you.” I said laughing.

“So, what do you have first?” Fred asked me as I ate my toast.

“Potions with the Slytherin’s.” I groaned in reply.

“Oh look out for Snape.” George said.

“Can be a bit of a pain.” Fred told me. I gave a smile.

“Oh don’t worry, I have something up my sleeve.” I replied.

I walked into the dungeon and it was filled with a sea of green and yellow robes. It looked like the class had already started. I tried to slip into the back when a dull low pitched voice echoed behind me.

“I would suggest you do not turn up late to your first ever lesson, Miss Black.” The voice dragged and pronounced every syllable. I spun around to be greeted by a tall man dressed in black. His hair was long, straight and black and his nose was huge. I could feel his eyes piercing my very soul. I guessed this was professor Snape. Lupin had told me about him from his school days. He sneered at me and pushed me into a seat nearby, the Slytherin’s sniggered. “Today we will be making liquid lust.” His voice croaked in my ears. This was all to perfect, liquid lust was red so it would help my plan. After Snape’s long speech about what not to do and how we should all admire the Slytherin’s we were allowed to begin. Snape wondered around the classroom sneering at all Hufflepuff attempts. He wondered over to a small Slytherin with bright blonde hair. He was obviously his favourite. Whilst he was distracted I reached into my bag and brought out one of the Weasley’s fireworks. I waved my wand at my caldron and muttered the words, “Capillos.” The mixture began to bubble violently. The immediate smell of the potion caught Snape’s attention.

“What is going on over here?” He asked looking down on me.

“I think I did something wrong.” I said biting my lip.

“Obviously.” He groaned. He pushed me back to get a closer look at the potion. I had to get this right, if the timing is wrong I will be in trouble. I removed the tag from the firework, counted to four and I threw the thing in the potion. Suddenly the potion flared up into the professor’s face. He stepped back wiping the residue off his face, he was fine. The whole room went quite and stared at him. Snape looked like he was going to hit me when he realised the staring faces. It was then that he realised his hair was no longer black. I started to laugh, his hair was bright pink. I suited him if I must say so myself.

“Miss Black detention.” Snape said trying to keep calm. I opened my mouth in shock.

“Oh come on how do you know it was me?” I moaned. I sighed as it looked like he was not backing down. “Lupin told me and now I'm telling you, you always have been and you always will be a Butt-trumpet!” I screamed as he turned to walk away. I turned and started doing blowing noises with my mouth and slapping my bottom. Snape looked shocked and depressed. “Who looks stupid now? You do!” I said standing upright. I could see the Hufflepuff’s could no longer keep in there laughter. They all burst out laughing and patting me on the shoulder.

“Silence! Unless you all want to join Miss Black in a detention every day until Christmas!” Snape’s voice wobbled a little but. The room silenced.

“Guys don’t pay any attention to sour grapes Snape!” I said. The look on his face was priceless. 

“How dare you speak that name!” He shouted. He left everyone laughing as he dragged me out of the class. He stood me outside the door and went off to find Remus. He was going to kill me. As I stood there I noticed a familiar laugh.

“What?” I asked the empty hallway.

“You did that?” George said as he emerged from a hidey hole. He couldn’t stop laughing.

“Why didn’t we think of that?” Fred asked George, to which he shrugged.

“For future reference what was the spell?” George enquired. I tutted.

“A magician never reveals there methods.” I replied smiling. We were disturbed by footsteps from further down the hallway. It was Remus and Snape. 

“Good luck” They both said to me as they ran off. Snape walked straight passed me and slammed the door in my face. I was left with Remus looking very angry.

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