Detention with the devil

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This year we had Defence against the dark arts with Gryffindor. Walking into the room brought back a lot of memories but I held back the feelings for the sake of Harry. The last thing he needed was me braking down. Umbridge stood at the front of the class, in the same pink suit and pink fluffy hat as yesterday. There was fancy writing on the board. It read ‘Theory for minors.’ I immediately looked at Harry. I know he wants everyone to be trained and ready since Voldermort has returned. His hand shot up. Umbridge ignored him.

“Please miss, why are we doing theory?” He asked eagerly.

“Do not speak unless I give you permission.” She snapped at him.

“But shouldn’t we be prepared?” He said with an urgent tone. Her face twitched. The ministry does not want to believe he was back.

“You do not need to be prepared, there is not threat.” She replied calmly.

“But miss, Voldermo…” He began to say but she cut him off.

“Mr Potter stop right there.” She rose her voice.

“He is back I have seen him with my own eyes.” Harry’s voice was now louder and more frustrated than hers.

“Detention Mr Potter.” She shouted in an unusual manor. She then gave a little giggle and returned to the front of the class. Harry left the argument there. At least she has shown a quick temper. She will be so fun to prank.

The rest of the lesson we copied from books in silence. As we left the classroom Fred and George pounced on me.

“So?” Fred asked eagerly.

“Is she going to be easy?” George was bursting with excitement. It was like Christmas had come early. A smile grew across my face.

“Not only easy but fun.” I replied cheekily. A girly cough came from behind us.

“Detention Miss Black.” Umbridge said looking at me with disgust.

“What? What did I do!” I asked outraged. She looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You broke the rules.” She said pursed lips.

“What rules?” I demanded.

“Do not answer back!” She snapped. It even shocked Fred and George. She gave her usual giggle. “I said no boys, didn’t I last night, Miss Black?” She questioned.

“Yes but we are not in any dorms. You can not stop me from seeing my best friends.” I was getting angry.

“I have heard all about last year you being caught in.” She paused and looked at Fred. Who in turn was smiling. “Another’s bed.” She finished. “And I will hear no more about it. Off to class.” And with that she was off. My mouth was wide open. I could not believe what had just happened. And as if that wasn’t bad enough I was now late for Potions. I did not even say bye to the twins I ran down to the dungeons.

“You are late Miss Black, again.” Snape’s dreary voice echoed around the room.

“Tell me about it.” I muttered as I sat down.

“What no excuse. You are making it to easy Electra.” He said, standing right in front of me.

“I was getting a pointless detention from Umbridge.” I moaned. He was quieter than usual. His face almost looked sad. “What no detention with you too?” I asked sarcastically.

“I think not. If you have a detention with Professor Umbridge you will be fine.” He said and walked away. I was really scared now. Firstly he hadn’t given me a detention and also he seems to think a detention with Umbridge would be enough. Later that day after the feast I waited outside her office. Standing there I closed my eyes. Flashes of memories came back. My meetings with Barty, the lessons. I was brought out of the memories as the door opened. A distraught Harry practically ran out of the class room. I peered around the door and Umbridge was sitting smugly behind her desk. She waved me in. I looked back to where Harry had run out. I was beginning to get scared now. I stepped into her office. She had painted it bright pink and plates with cats were hanging on every part of the wall. She was sitting down at a feminine desk with a dainty cup of tea.

“Sit down Electra.” She said kindly. I looked her up and down and did as I was told. “We will be doing some lines today.” She said standing up.

“I forgot my quill.” I said, hoping to get out of it.

“Oh no need. Here use this one.” She said handing me a long feathered quill with a pink end. Her smile was creepy. She placed some parchment in front of me. This did not seem too bad. “Write, I shall not talk back.” She said standing behind me. I bit my tongue before I could say anything that would get me in more trouble. I dipped the quill in the ink and began to write. As I wrote a scorching pain shot thought my left hand. I looked at my hand. Blood was coming out of it and some words were scratched into my skin. It then became obvious what I was writing was appearing on my hand. “Problem?” Umbridge said sweetly.

“Um yeah. You are torturing me.” I nearly shouted.

“Harry did not seem to think so. So before I make you do more. Write.” She said sternly. For a minute I sat there refusing to write. “If you don’t write I will have to get those twins down here and what was her name…Rainey?” She teased. The boys would be fine. But I couldn’t be the reason Rainey was bullied. I thought it through for a few seconds and I picked up the quill. I took a deep breath and began writing again. The more times I wrote it, the more it was forced deep into my skin. Blood was now pouring onto her table. “That will do.” She suddenly said. I practically threw the quill on the desk. I did not look at her I just ran, like Harry straight out of the room. As I walked down the corridor I was fighting any tears. I was clutching my hand with the other. I wasn’t looking where I was going, I bumped into somebody and I feel to the floor. They helped me up and I saw it was the twins looking concerned.

“Electra are you okay?” George asked looking worriedly at me.

“We have just seen Harry and what she did to him, we thought we would find you are see how you are.” Fred said taking my hand. The shock spread over both of there faces.

“How could she do this?” George gasped.

“We have to tell somebody.” Fred said, looking very angry.

“No, that won’t do anything. She is from the ministry; she will get away with it.” I replied. “But there is one thing we can do.” I said slyly.

“We are listening.” They said in unison, looking equally intrigued.

“We are the prank masters. Lets give her something to laugh about.” I said with a grin stretching from ear to ear.

“Hmmm, we have a few sludge bombs.” Fred thought out loud.

“And a few water balloons, and stink pellets.” George suggested.

“This would be our biggest prank yet.” Fred laughed in anticipation.

“There is a Hufflepuff and Gryffindor game next week, the first game of the season. Every teacher is going to be there.” I suggested.

“It would also get all of the other teachers.” Fred was jumping up and down like a child.

“Bonus.” George shouted. I looked at the two of them. They were like big children, bursting at the seems with excitement.

“Lets get to work.”                        

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