The wedding.

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As soon as we got to the meeting place I was pounced upon by Remus.

“Oh thank God you are alright. I thought I had killed you!” he gasped in my ear. I was still a bit sore but I refrained from crying out in pain.

“Glad to see you are fine!” I groaned patting him on the shoulder.

“Are you sure you are okay, you look like a mess.” He exclaimed looking at my cuts and bruises.

“Yes I am fine, Fred fixed a broken rib of mine though.” I felt obliged to say. Remus looked at me in a shocked tone. “Anyway what’s the happy news?” I asked. 

“Can’t you two keep your mouths shut for a few minutes?” Remus moaned at the twins. They both shook there heads. I stood there expecting the news as Tonks walked up to Remus and hugged him.

“Remus and I are getting married.” Tonks squealed. They both had huge smiles on their faces and looked very happy.

“But haven’t you only been going out for like four months?” I asked. Their faces fell; I could tell this was not the reaction they had expected from me.

“Yes but I love her so much and I can’t lose her, especially in these days.” Remus said hugging Tonks tighter. It was true now a-days it was getting more and more dangerous for us. With Voldermort rising and the ministry becoming more and more corrupt. I considered there point for a bit before smiling.

“Well I am happy for you.” I grinned and hugged them both.  

“You sure?” Remus narrowed his eyes at me.

“Of course, I love you guys.” My smile beaming. We all apperated back to the house where Mrs Weasley was waiting for us with the others. I left Tonks and Remus to tell the good news and walked off towards Sirius’s room for a lie down. I missed it; it still smelt of him, even after a year has passed. I wrapped myself up in his sheets and nodded into a sleep.

The wedding was set only a week after Remus had proposed. It was to be an extremely small and quiet one, not even Harry was invited. Only a day after he proposed the Ministry passed a werewolf act, making them outlaws and anyone related to them, including wife’s outlaws too. If anyone was to find out it would be chaos. Those who attended included Remus and Tonks, me, and Tonk’s mother and father. Dumbledore married them in secret in Hogwarts; it was the only place safe enough. It was sweet, and quiet and informal. I was so happy for them. We had a small party afterwards, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny could not be there because the Hogwarts term had already started.

“So how did it go?” George asked with a smile.

“It was very nice thank you.” I responded. I refused to meet his eyes with mine. I did not want to look at his puppy dog eyes. My heart was constantly telling me to forgive him but my head was telling me not to. George stood there in silence and then left.

“We need to talk about this.” Fred said from behind me making me jump.

“Here?” I asked irritated. This was Remus and Tonk’s special day, I did not need them talking to me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into the kitchen.

“You are tearing George apart Electra.” Fred whispered as he closed the door. I leaned against the table and sighed and shrugged. “I can understand id you don’t forgive me, but George has done nothing wrong.” His voice rose slightly.

“He used me. He knew about our convocation all along and just played me.” I said more desperate than I had intended.

“He did not see it as playing you, he is shy. He just wanted to tell you he loves you in his own way.” Fred put a good argument forward.

“We fight all the time!” I argued.

“But you always make up.” It was getting harder to win. This conversation only made my heart triumph against my head. “So?” he asked expectantly.

“It’s not that simple!” I Shouted.

“Then explain it to me!” Fred also raised his voice. I could feel tears welling in my eyes.

“You think I am doing this on purpose? You know I like George, but in these days it is unwise to be close to anyone and that has just pushed me further away. Sure I could forgive say that I was wrong, but what happens when we fight again?” my voice trembled as Fred hugged me.

“Talk to him.” He whispered in my ear. I sniffed and nodded, I had to get this over and done with.

“And we are okay?” I asked him. He looked at me surprised.

“Of course we are.” He smiled. He opened the kitchen door and we went back to the mini party. I spotted George standing in the corner talking to Ted Tonk’s, Tonk’s father. As soon as I walked over there chatting stopped Ted looked at me kindly.

“Sorry to interrupt, but could I borrow George for a second?” I asked sweetly.

“Of course my dear, I was just going to get a drink any way.” Ted replied getting up and offering me his chair. I smiled and sat down on it. I took a deep breath, not knowing if I was going to regret what I was about to say. George sat down the other side of me and looked at me.

“George I like you I really do.” I began to say.

“And I like you too…” George interrupted me.

“Please let me finished George.” I said sadly. His adorable face fell and he knew what was coming. “But I am not ready for a relationship. I don’t think it is the time to do it, maybe after everything has calmed down. I am not saying you should wait for me, because you deserve someone better. Someone who doesn’t muck you around and shouts at you for no reason. I just need time, I think we both do.” I looked at him, his face thinking over what I had just said. My heart was racing and I felt like I wanted to cry. He finally looked up at me.

“I understand. You need time, and I will wait for you because you are worth waiting for.” He smiled sympathetically at me. I leapt on him and hugged him.

“Thank you.” I whispered in his ear. We stayed in that tight embrace for what seemed like hours.

The next few months were quiet, Tonks and Remus could not be together publicly because of the ministry. I moved back into the shop and helped run that. But the outside world was getting worse. Reports were coming in all around the globe on how Voldermort’s army was growing, and fast. Loads of muggle borns were being taken in the night; it was just like the first wizarding war all over again. Recently Fred and George had been very protective over me; apparently Half bloods were not safe either. The Ministry was becoming even more corrupt by the day. We could not trust anybody. Remus and Tonks had to move out of the house in London and it had to be abandoned, nothing was safe anymore. I was helping them pack when Midnight came flying into the room. In her beak she was holding a letter. Remus retrieved it and read. As he got further into the letter his face fell further and further. Tonks and I looked equally worried.

“No.” He whispered.

“What is it?” Tonks asked.

“No!” Remus voice grew into a cry. He kicked a near by box and sat down on the floor, his face in his hands. He threw the letter to my feet. Tonks ran over to him to comfort him. I picked up the letter, it was from Professor McGonagall. I began to read it out loud.

“Order, we have been betrayed. This evening Deatheaters entered the castle, it is unknown to me how. Dumbledore it dead. He was killed by Snape and he and the deatheaters are now gone. We are now vulnerable, keep safe, Minerva.” I looked in disbelief at the letter. Dumbledore was gone and now we were finished. 

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