alternative ending.

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So basically me and my very good friend Emzicle had a bet ages ago and i got to post an alternative ending on her story legacy of glass (which you should read by the way) and i agreed she could write one for the weasley twins and me. i know it dosent make sense but its for fun :) enjoy!

Rainey lifted her head and was met with the unmistakable smell of blood mixed with dirt and flesh. She wrinkled her nose and opened her eyes. She was lying between two very dead people and had no wish to continue to be there. She got up as quickly as she could and brushed herself off. Her neck hurt like you wouldn't believe and she had been pretty sure she had in fact died mere moments ago. She saw no way in which she could have escaped her death or anyone who could have resurrected her if such a thing was possible. She spun around and let out a small scream as a figure appeared behind her. He wore a black cloak covering everything but his ghostly pale hands and though Rainey tried she could not see any eyes under the dark hood. The man extended his hand towards the now trembling girl. 
"Come with me." A dark voice said, something which couldn't have been human. 
"No." Rainey responded as strongly as she could despite her now trembling body and the fear pulsing through her veins. She was sure that she was now looking at death itself and he had come to collect her. Rainey took a step away from the spectre, if that was what he is, and nodded to herself to try and restore some confidence she once had. 
"No?" Death questioned, humour in his ungodly voice and he started taking purposeful strides towards Rainey. The girl let out a half strangled scream and darted to the side before moving backwards. "That is the thanks I get after saving you." Anger now coated Death's words as he continued his approach. Rainey let out another scream as she felt herself falling backwards. Deaths hand shot out and grabbed her hand before pulling her up and punning her against his chest with his free hand wrapped firmly around the terrified girls waist. Rainey had her hands against the demons chest, for she was still unsure just what death was, and refused to look at anything but her own hands. There was no way death should feel this... she searched for the right word before falling on, human. Death laughed and moved his hand from her arm to her chin, forcing her to look up into the soulless voids that were his eyes. She was surprised to see bright green eyes sparkling back at her and frowned as repressed memories fought to break through the surface of her subconscious into her conscious mind. 
"Damien?" Rainey asked timidly as she stared up at the brother she'd forgotten she had. The man nodded and for the first time Rainey noticed the silence. The undisturbed silence that surrounded her where there had been the screams and shouts of war when she had left the world of the living. She ripped herself out if her brothers grasp and spun around in a slow circle. Bodies littered the ground. Death eaters, students and lying across the body of George was the one person who made Rainey's heart sink. "Electra." Rainey sighed as tears started to fill her eyes. Her brother lunged forward and wrapped one hand around her neck and the other around her waist. 
"There is so much you are blind to sister." Damien whispered in his sisters ear and she shivered. 
"Did you kill them?" She asked and although she couldn't see it a small smile flickered onto her brothers face.
"Yes." He didn't sounded guilty or remorseful in the face of the horrific crime he had just committed. 
"Why?" Rainey had lost all of her confidence and her voice now shook with every word. 
"My master instructed me to." Was the reply and Rainey opened her mouth to ask who his master was when a voice she had never forgotten graced her ears. 
"Hello Rainey." The man said as a familiar ginger walked into Rainey's view and a scream tore out of the girl's lips.

Random i know, but i love it :) x

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