the quidditch match

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The next morning I was walking down the corridors with the Weasley’s, discussing our newest prank. We were dressed in our Quidditch gear. The weather outside was horrid, and I had a Quidditch game against Gryffindor. The sky was jet black and it poured with rain. Thunder and lighting rallied through the halls and the rain was beating down on the huge windows.

“Well this is perfect weather for a game of Quidditch!” I huffed.

“Are you kidding?” Fred said with a smile on his face.

“It’s our favourite.” George followed. I rolled my eyes. A flash of yellow ran past us and stopped in front of us. It was Rainey, Summer and Gail. Gail was a boy from Hufflepuff; I strongly suspected he had a thing for Rainey. They were all dressed in black and yellow which were the Hufflepuff colours. Even Summer, a Ravenclaw,  was in yellow.

“Good luck today Electra.” Rainey said with a beaming smile on her face. She was jumping up and down with excitement, Summer looked less enthusiastic.

“No offence George and Fred.” Gail said as the Twins looked insulted. They ran off towards the Stadium.

“I suppose we better go and get ready.” I groaned. The boys were way too excited. They loved the rain because they could do things that otherwise would brake the rules. We walked down the stairs to see Harry and Draco. Draco’s arm was in a sling, as I had heard from Harry, he was being foolish with Buckbeak. As usual Draco’s loyal dogs were behind him, Crabbe and Goyal. All three of them had there hoods up and were making ghost noises.

“Come on get out Malfoy, Slytherin’s not playing today.” I said as he put down his hood. He waltzed over towards me.

“Ooo, you scared too? I bet you are Black. Why don’t you go and find your daddy, he knows how to get round the Dementors.” He smirked. I seized my wand from my knee pad.

“Give me a reason.” I said pointing it towards him. Draco’s face fell. It was straight and emotionless. I felt George's hand on my shoulder and I lowered my wand. Draco sneered at me and walked past, followed by his gang.

“Thanks.” I said to George and went off into the changing rooms.

Cedric was in a huff. He paced the changing room and had his hands on his hips. In fact most of the team looked worried. Madam Hooch came in. We all stood up and grabbed our brooms. We stood there in the tunnel. We could feel the cold air breezing up from the bottom of the door.

“Right Hufflepuff need’s this win, it maybe raining but we can do this. We must find a way to do this. We must find the strength. We must find the courage. We must find...” Cedric was going into his find speech and I could not take it.  

“Ok I think we can find the point Cedric.” I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. He gave me a weak smile.

“Good luck.” He simply said. The doors flung open and we all mounted our brooms and zoomed into the rain. Immediately my goggles had strikes of rain blurred across them. I could vaguely see Remus sitting in the stands clapping for the Hufflepuff team. The rain was harder now and the ground was basically a swamp of mud. As the Gryffindor team entered the field I tried to contend with the rain by whooping and clapping so loud. Already my broom was getting slippy and I could hardly keep a grip. Madam Hooch appeared below us with a quaful. I was positioned in front of Oliver Wood, ready for a toss up. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the quaful was catapulted into the air. Oliver managed to grab it before me. I followed his broom with haste. Already blugers were zooming above my head. I could hear the twins having a competition to see how many they could hit.

“Seven!” I heard George shout.

“Nine!” came Fred’s voice. I could not help smiling to myself. It was annoying trying to clear my goggles from all the rain. Oliver had reached the rings and threw it, but it hit the side and bounced back into my arms. I saw Oliver zooming past me to get back to his role as keeper. In the corner of my eye I could see Hannah my fellow chaser right beside me. Jason and Justin the two Hufflepuff beaters were positioned one above, one below me. After much ducking and diving I reached the rings and took my chance with the lower right ring. I launched it towards it and it flew straight through.

“Ten points to Hufflepuff!” I heard a voice cry over the air. I saw Cedric giving me a congratulating nod. A few minuets later and the score was seventy, forty to Hufflepuff. I saw that Harry and Cedric had caught eye of the snitch as they were violently zooming about in the air. Suddenly they both headed upward and disappeared into the black clouds. I had the quaful and was headed to the posts when a bluger came my way, forcing me to duck. I slid off of my broom and was holding on with one hand. With the other hand I threw the quaful to Hannah. I swung the other hand to the broom. The rain made it so hard to grip. I managed the pull myself up to my broom again.

“Sorry about that!” Came the cry of the Weasley’s. I gave them a grave stare from behind my goggles. Suddenly above our head a crash of lighting, and Cedric was falling. His hair was static and black, he had obviously been hit by lighting.

“Great.” I found myself saying as Madam Hooch performed the levitation spell. As my sight returned to the clouds, a sudden cold spell came over the stadium. I could see my breath in the air and my broom had frost on it. All of my happy thoughts were drained and I felt like I would never find them again. Though I felt it I could not see any Dementors. I had to check on Harry. I could feel Remus’s eyes on the back of my head, willing me to stop. I looked over to him and he was shaking his head. I squeezed my eyes shut and grabbed my wand out of my shin pad. Opening my eyes I shot up towards the clouds. I could not see a thing. The rain was like needles on my skin and the cold air did not help.

“Harry!” I cried into the clouds, hoping for an answer. “Harry!” I repeated. Suddenly a flash a red flashed past me. I looked down to see it was Harry. He was unconscious and without a broom. I could see the outline of what looked like Dumbledore stand up. I knew he would be safe. As I turned to the clouds once more a black cloaked figure swooped past me. As it did so my face followed. I felt like it was sucking my very soul. As it went too far to grasp me anymore I took a sharp gasp. My fingers were tightly folded around my wand. As I looked up there was a swarm of Dementors. They all gathered around me like it was feeding time at the zoo. I did not hesitate. I closed my eyes and allowed my happy thoughts to fill my mind. The first time I learnt to ride a broom, the time when I helped Remus in his werewolf cycle, the first time I met Fred and George. I could not help but smile. I lifted my wand and shouted the words, “Expecto Patronum!” I opened my eyes to see gentle calm waves of grey surround me. Among the waves was my patronus, a shaggy dog, just like my fathers. I lowered my wand once all the Dementors were gone. The rain seemed lighter now and the clouds were beginning to part. I floated back down to the ground to see a swarm of people. I touched the ground to have Remus grab my arm and pull me aside.

“What do you think you were doing up there? You could have been killed! You let teachers sort this kind of thing out from now on. Do you understand me?” I could understand he was concerned for me, but I thought he was going on a bit too hard. Before I could open my mouth to protest Dumbledore walked over to me.

“Miss Black. I admire your courage and skill, but that was a very dangerous thing to do. In the future I wish you to step back and let me or one of the other teachers deal with this.” Unlike Remus’s, Dumbledore’s words were kind, I always did like Dumbledore.

“I was just telling her professor.” Remus replied like a good school boy. Dumbledore nodded and went to see if Harry’s broom stick was to be found. I could see the twins calling me over. I yanked my arm out of Remus’s grip and walked towards them.

“Don’t think this is over young lady!” Remus called after me.

“Of course Lupin!” I replied waving my hands. How could I think otherwise?                    

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