Department of mystery's

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I did not know what to think, I followed them willing to Umbridge’s office. My fingers were tightly wrapped around my charm bracelet, I had only just got him back, and I did not want to lose him again. Harry swung the door open.

“You need to go to the order, tell them everything.” Harry said rushed to Ron and Hermione.

“Harry we are coming with you.” Hermione told him. Harry lit the fireplace and the green flames roared.

“Unfortunately not.” Umbridge’s squeaky yet angry voice cried. I turned around to see her covered in black smoke, from the firework. Her hair was a mess and her rosy composition darkened. Her wand was pointed towards us and Harry put out the fire. Filch brought in the remaining members of Dumbledore’s army.

“You were going to Dumbledore weren’t you?” She said throwing him down on the chair.

“No!” Harry shouted back, he was obviously worried about Sirius. She slapped him, making me gasp.

“You don’t fool me boy!” She screamed at him. Snape appeared cautiously at the door.

“Ah Snape, we need to loosen his tongue, I believe that is your specialty.” She said her eyes wide. He looked at Harry and then at all of us gathered against the wall.

“Unfortunately you have used all of my stocks. I cannot help you.” He moaned, almost sorry that he had run out. He lingered a stare at Harry.

“He's got Padfoot, at the place where it is hidden!” Harry screamed after Snape. Snape spun around, a pained look on his face.

“Padfoot, what is Padfoot?” Umbridge asked him.

“I have no idea.” Snape lied. He spun back around and rushed out of the room.

“Well the Crucio curse should loosen your tongue.” Umbridge said biting her tongue as she pushed over her photograph of the Minister. Hermione screamed as she leaned closer to Harry.

“Tell her Harry!” She screamed. We all looked puzzled at her. “Tell her or I will.” She said calming down. Umbridge looked questionley at Harry.

“Tell me what?” she squeaked.

“Dumbledore’s secret weapon.” Hermione breathed. Like the dumb person Umbridge is, she allowed Harry, Ron and Hermione to lead her out towards the forbidden forest and we were left with Filch. He sat there narrowing his eyes at us. I leaned into the crowd of us.

“I have a plan, play along.” I whispered. They all nodded.

“Oi, what you doing?” Filch called. I stood forward innocently.

“We are hungry sir; can we please have some sweets?” I asked sweetly and pulled some puking pastels out of my pocket. He stood up and looked at them.

“No!” He snapped, snatching them from me. I looked at him with big eyes as he scoffed the lot. As he finished and licked his lips he grabbed his tummy. He grumbled and leaned over. He threw up right into the fireplace. I nodded my head to the door and we ran out.

“Come on, let’s get to the forest.” I shouted and we ran down towards the bridge. We got there and were met by Ron, Harry and Hermione.

“How did you get away?” Harry asked.

“Puking pastels.” I winked back. He laughed.

“Umbridge won’t be a problem anymore.” Hermione said. Yes I thought to myself, she had finally got her comeuppance.

“We can’t go back to the fireplace, how will we get there?” I asked.

“We fly of course.” Luna simply said. We all looked at her.

“On what?” Neville asked. She smiled we followed her back into the woods. She stopped in the middle of a clearing.

“With these.” She said. I looked around I could see nothing. It was just an empty space. One by one Luna led people by the hand and they climbed on invisible horses. It was freaky but a hell of an experience to fly something you cannot see. The horses kicked off and I gripped onto what I thought was the horses neck. Soon enough we were outside the visitor’s entrance to the Ministry. We went in the elevator two at a time. I went first with Harry. We were lowered into a huge chasm of black shiny marble. It was empty and void of people. It was a magnificent place. We waited for the others and rushed for the elevators, luckily Harry had been here before. We arrived at the department of mysteries. We followed Harry to a huge door with a large circular handle on it. As Harry opened it the room revealed was breath taking. We walked into a room filled with crystal balls, shining white. They were prophecies.

“It is over here somewhere.” Harry rushed. “Number thirty three.” He muttered. We all looked for it. When we found it Sirius was not there.

“Where is he?” I shouted, I was concerned for my dad.

“I don’t know, this is the place.” He muttered dreamily as he looked at a ball. He picked it up and studied it. He seemed entranced by it, it was obviously his prophecy. The rest of us stood in a tight circle our wands ready.

“You shouldn’t play with things you don’t understand Potter.” A silky smooth voice called from the darkness. We all turned to face a hooded deatheater. My wand was ready. The deatheater flicked his mask off to reveal his face as Lucious Malfoy. His long bleached blonde hair kind of gave it away. I looked behind me and the deatheaters had us surrounded. We each took an angle and a deatheater. Mine was tall and bulky. “Give me the prophecy, I can read it for you, tell you its purpose. Haven’t you always wanted to know your connection with the dark lord?” Malfoy’s voice lingering and smooth. I gave a quick glance to Harry who was nodding. I steadied my wand, knowing I would need it. Then I heard the voice that sent shivers down my spine. The voice of Bellatrix. I did not turn around. I did not want to confirm my thoughts.   

“No.” Harry said bluntly.

“Stupify!” I screamed and hit the deatheater. The others followed suit. We had talked about this on the way here; we would split up in such an event and meet back up top. I ran and jumped over the unconscious deatheater. I had never run so fast in my life. I could hear a rushing behind me. Then suddenly a cloud of black smoke was running beside me and the face of Dohvol was amongst it. I heard another rush behind me; I was being attacked by multiple deatheaters. I knew I was not fast enough, I had to be faster. I could take out one of them but not the other. I placed my wand between my teeth and ripped into my black jaguar form. I could run faster with four paws. The deatheaters were taken back and I zoomed ahead. As soon as I was far enough I changed back and spun around.

“Petrificas Totalus!” I screamed as it hit both deatheaters. I did not stay, I instantly ran. I took a left, then a right. I turned the corner and was knocked over I stood up, wand ready to see everyone’s faces. I looked around everyone was here. A group of deatheaters we roaring down a walkway. Ginny stepped forward.

“Reducto!” She screamed and a white explosion erupted between them. We all stood in awe. Then the balls started to crash down. I stepped back then I started to run, seeing the rest were doing the same. I could see the door it was in sight. The sound of crashing came closer and closer I was the last one through the door. I crashed through the door full power. It wasn’t until a few seconds later I realised it wasn’t the door, there was no floor and I was falling quickly towards a sharp cold rock.

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