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I must have fallen asleep in the common room. I woke up slouched in the huge arm chair, still in the same clothes as yesterday and clutching the necklace in my hand. Nobody was up yet as it was only six o’clock. Across from me Cedric was still asleep and slumped over a huge old book. I tried to stand up as quietly as possible; unluckily for me the fat firer had other plans.

“Morning Electra, I’ve heard you have been getting in trouble again.” He boomed as he floated through the room. He gave a large chuckle and drifted through a wall. I sighed as I heard Cedric yawn.

“Morning Cedric.” I moaned. He stretched and adjusted his eyesight to the room.

“Oh morning Electra.” He yawned. He began rubbing his neck.

“Sleep in an awkward position?” I laughed.

“Yeah something like that. I must have fallen asleep researching through all of these books.” He said looking at the huge pile of books next to him.

“Well I am sure you will be fine. After all you are a good finder.” I said reluctantly.

“Well somebody finds themselves to be in a good mood today.” He said brightening up. I ignored him and made my way upstairs to get ready for breakfast. Today was going to be anything but good.

As usual Moody wasn’t in the room yet. I sat at the front with Rainey. I had my plan all set for a detention. I have a Weasley firework in my bag.

“So.” Rainey said winking. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

“Not you too?” I moaned.

“What its not my fault the whole school is talking about it.” She replied sounding offended. “So…you and Fred?” She teased doing a dance with her eyebrows.

“Come on. I needed a place to hide and Fred pulled me in his bed.” I said. I was aware of most of the class looking at me.

“Yep of course. Hiding, that’s a new one. Don’t worry I won't question you any further.” She said as she could see the anger on my face. I was so wrapped up in the conversation I did not hear him enter.

“If you have finished discussing last nights events Miss Black, can I start the class?” Moody said with a raised voice.

“Of course professor, please continue.” I spoke sarcastically. He gave me a lingering look and spun around to the board. The board read, ‘Homemade Curses.’ Whilst his back was turned I threw my hand into my bag and rummaged around looking for the firework. My hand wrapped around the thing and I pulled it out and rested it on my lap. I looked up to check he was still turned, then muttered the word “Ignis.” And the end was lit. I threw it over to his desk. Immediately he turned and put it out with a flick of his wand.

“Do not attempt to do such childish pranks in my classroom Electra.” He shouted. The room was silent and most coward in their seats. I instead sat upright and stared deep into his eye. “Ten points from Hufflepuff!” He said annoyed. I could hear moans and gasps from my fellow Hufflepuff’s. He began to turn away but I wasn’t done yet.

“Is that all you can do?” I joked, crossing my arms and leaning back into my chair.

“Don’t, just stop.” I heard Rainey whisper in my ear.

“Fine fifty points from Hufflepuff.” He said without a thought. I began to laugh.

“Like house points matter.” I laughed. I could feel the anger from all the Hufflepuff’s reflecting on me. He was getting angry I know it; all it will take is a little push.

“Fine detention, seven o’clock here. Now Electra can I get on with my class?” He screamed. I was satisfied. I gave a smug smile and let him continue with his lesson. Sure most of my house hated me now but it was worth it.

I know it sounds weird but I was waiting most of the day for seven o’clock to come around. I raced through dinner and ran back to the common room. I grabbed my wand from the side and quickly made my way to his classroom. I knew I could transform him. As I reached the door the giant clock struck seven. I opened the door to an empty classroom. I walked in and shut the door behind me. I was about to leave when a grunting came from his study. I cautiously walked up the stone stairs and knock on the door. There was no reply, but I still entered the room. The room was in darkness except for a candle in the middle of the room on his desk.

“Sit down Electra.” A voice called from the shadows. It wasn’t Moody’s but it was Barty’s. I took the seat in front of his desk and crossed my legs. Barty’s faint face line appeared luminated by the candle light.

“You are very brave.” I said upon seeing his face. A quick evil smirk flashed across his face, his tongue flicking at the side.

“So you have more questions I presume.” He glared at me. His luminated face was spooky and dark.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“Nope that is one question I can not answer I'm afraid. My dark lord will not like that.” He said with a hint of insanity. When he spoke Voldermort’s name the madness returned to his already gleaming eyes.

“Why do you serve he who shall not be named? Surely you had some other purpose, a good one?” I asked. A dark chuckle rose from the other side of the desk.

“Ah I see, you think you can change me. Well I will tell you now, many have tried but all have failed.” He grinned. I kept my straight face and strong upper lip.

“Well maybe I am an exception to the rule.” I suggested. He was plotting something he had the glint in his eye.

“Okay then Electra. Since you are so confident, I will make you an offer. Come to me for a detention every Thursday and see if you can change me.” He said with such ease. I must admit I was taken back by this offer. I did not expect him to be so forward.

“Deal.” I muttered faint heartedly.

“We can start now if you like…” He suggested coyly. I studied his move very carefully.

“Okay.” I said with some hesitance. “Can we start with your father?” I asked. The mention of his father made his face change from a wide playful grin to a stern sombre glare. Even his tongue stopped flicking.

“My father was a coward. He was an unloyal, stubborn and was did what he was told.” He said coldly. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. “My father hated me and I hated him. He kept me prisoner, his own son! To save his reputation, he sent me to jail. I am glad I could kill him, I'm glad he can taint the world no longer.” He spat out violently. It was clear he felt passionately about the subject of his father.

“But you are exactly like your father. You are a coward for not killing me, you were unloyal to your poor mother and you certainly are stubborn. And as for doing what you are told, do I really need to explain that one?” I asked bitterly. He flew out of his seat in a rage. He drew his wand and pointed it towards my neck. It had a pale wooden handle, ash perhaps with a large green emerald at the base. Like most dark wizards the wand itself was black, thick and long. I stood my ground and my hand had already grabbed for my wand. My wand was much different from his. My wand was two woods, holly and beech entwined together.

“I am nothing like that foul rotten roach!” He screamed, his hand thrusting violently towards my neck. I felt like falling into a heap on the floor and sobbing but my body wouldn’t let me. Instead it stood there without movement, my wand pointing gently towards him. He stood there, way taller than me, panting heavily. After a few seconds he noticed my wand and began to calm down. It looked like he was biting on his tongue, “I’m sorry.” He said reluctantly.

“See.” I said sitting down on the chair once more, “Now we are getting somewhere.”

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