The dream.

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“Take me back!” I screamed one more time before George forced me into a hug. I began to punch his chest but he with held it. Gradually my punches got weaker and weaker until they rested on his chest. I began to cry into his waist coat. I felt him lean his head on top of mine, comforting me. I heard a whooshing sound from behind me. Pulling away from George I saw Fred all out of breath and red.

“What’s happening, is everyone ok?” I asked urgently. I watched as he caught his breath.

“Everyone is fine; they are being questioned about Harry.” He replied calmly. I breathed a sigh of relief. If anything had happened to Tonks or Remus’s I don’t know how I would have coped.

“How did you get away?” I questioned.

“Dad said it would be suspicious if I was there and George wasn’t so he told me to go.” He said. That was logical. As I settled down I took the first look at where I was. It smelt damp and salty, and the walls had sea shells implanted in them. I walked to a near by window. It had a beautiful view of the sea and a long sandy beach. The moonlight danced along the sea reflecting in a stunning light. 

“What is this place anyway?” I said sniffling.

“It’s our Aunt’s old shell cottage. We used to come here for holidays but we haven’t really used it since. It’s always been a safe place.” George said looked at some photos scattered around the room. I looked out of another window. The cottage was completely secluded, nothing but sand and sea for miles.

“We should stay here until they come for us, just so we know it’s safe.” Fred said yawning, it was late. We all walked up the small little sandy steps to the rooms. My room was cosy but small, with a bed in the middle already made. I shut the door and drew the curtains. It was hot so I just took off my dress and slept in my underwear, I did not have a choice anyway. I lay down on the bed touching my necklace from Remus. A picture came in my mind from two Christmas’s ago. Sirius, Tonks, Remus at the back smiling and acting all posed. Then there was the twins hugging me so tightly I was chocking. I breathe out loudly as I relaxed into the image and into a dream.

I climbed out of my warm comfortable bed, and drew back the cream coloured curtains. Light flooded the room and the beach looked serine. I threw on a dressing gown casually lying at the bottom of my bed. I was happy for some reason, skipping down the stairs. Everything looked bright and happy. Even the roses on the table looked like they were alive and beaming. A heard a clattering of pots from the kitchen, so like a child I tiptoed playfully into the room. Standing at the sink was a familiar man. Medium mousy brown hair, old tattered robes. The frequent colours of brown and the smell of wet dog. It was Remus but something was not right. I looked at the man standing with his back to me. His feet were not touching the ground, he was floating. When Remus flung himself around it hit me.

“Ummm, Remus?” I asked. He smiled for me to continue. “Since when have you been blue…?” I paused. “And a genie?” I asked. I could not believe my eyes. It was Remus but as a big blue gaseous genie. Remus tossed himself high into the air, flinging me down on a near by chair.

“Electra! I don’t think you realise what you got here!” he burst out. As if it was my worst nightmare, he burst into song. Strange music came from nowhere and the genie started to sing. I sat there as he continued to sing trying to place him from where I had seen him before. “You ain’t never had a friend like me! Can your friends do this?
Do your friends do that? Do your friends pull this out their little hat? Can your friends go, poof? Well, looky here Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip, and then make the sucker disappear?” His voice echoed in my head. I face palmed as I realised, the genie from Aladdin that Muggle film I watched during the holidays. He started to make weird noises and I edged towards the door. “Wawawa, oh my!” he screamed out as I burst through the door and shut it behind me. I breathed a sigh of relief as I leaned my head back against the door. As I composed my self I opened my eyes and a sight was in front of me. I looked down to see two animals that looked like Fred and George. George was now a warthog much like Pumba. And Fred was a little meercat who looked a lot like Timon, both from the lion king.

“Oh God!” I muttered to myself.

“Electra you looked stressed!” George the talking pig said.

“But don’t worry!” Fred said gearing up. I held my breath as I knew what was going to happen next.

“Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase.” George said in a musical lit.

“Hakuna Matata, it ain’t no passing craze!” Fred sung bursting into a musical.  

“It means no worries for the rest of your days! It’s our problem free philosophy. Hakuna Matata!” They sang in unison.

“Take George here for example, why when he was a young warthog!”

“When I was a young warthog!” George echoed Fred’s words.

“He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal. He could clear the savannah after ev'ry meal.” I was getting more and more scared by the second.

“I'm a sensitive soul though I seem thick-skinned. And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind.”I ran passed them and threw the door where I was greeted by every Disney character I had ever seen. I just collapsed on the floor.

I sat up fast in my bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. That was the worst nightmare I had ever had! I caught my breath back and got out for bed for some water. I vowed to myself that I would never watch Disney again especially Aladdin and Lion King. It was just about dawn as I walked down the stairs. As I reached the kitchen, I heard distant singing voices. I cautiously opened the door. Fred and George were now them selves.

“Hakuna Matata!” I heard George cry out.                  

“God I am still dreaming!” I shouted out loud. The twins turned around with weird looks on there faces.

“Morning.” Fred said suspiciously. I sat down looking at them.

“Why are you singing that?” I demanded to know.

“You were singing it in your sleep. You can not sing dear.” George laughed. My eyes widened in horror at the thought of me singing in my sleep.  

“Its ok we used ear plugs.” Fred winked, passing me some very black toast. As I bit in to it, I had to spit it back out.

“Problem?” George said looking surprised.

“Have you guys ever cooked before?” I gagged. They each pulled a face and shook there faces. I had always cooked when I lived with them at the shop. I wasn’t the best cook but I was better than them.

“Any news?” I asked as I threw the burnt toast away.

“Nope, I doubt there will be any time soon. They should not get in contact with us for about another week. It’s safer that way.” Fred said sadly. Even after one night we were missing them all. And as much as I loved the cottage and its smell of seaweed, I wanted to go home. I wanted to wrap myself up in familiar blankets and smell the sweet smell of fireworks and potions. As I dreamed about home two people apperated into the room. I turned around to see Remus and Tonks. I threw myself on them in an embracing hug.

“Thank God you are all ok.” I gasped and I refused to release them from my grip. Remus patted me on the back and pushed me off.

“Yes everyone is fine.” Tonks smiled as she held her stomach. I smiled as I gently patted her tummy too. Just think in seven more months we would have a little Lupin running around.   

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