That the way to do it.

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I walked into my dorm absolutely exhausted. I kicked off my shoes and flung myself on my bed. I let a huge sigh out before sitting straight back up. Sitting across from me, cross legged was a girl staring at me. She looked about my age; she had dark black hair with a tinge of blue to it. It was thick and curly and it reached her shoulders. She had a pretty face and huge brown eyes. She smiled brightly at me.

“Rainey.” She said with her hand extended to me. I took her hand and shook it. “Rainey Day.” She said. I let out a slight giggle, and then I saw the redness on her face. I could tell she did not find her name amusing.

“I am sorry. Its just your name is so funny!” I said, I could not contain it any longer. Tears were literally brimming from my eyes. She unfolded her legs and got up. “No really I am sorry, sit back down.” I said wiping the tear from my eye. She squinted her eyes at me and sat reluctantly down on her bed. “I am Electra Black.” I said clearing my throat. She opened her mouth and her eyes gleamed at me.

“Of course I know who you are!” She seemed surprisingly excited. She was jumping with excitement. I was beginning to ask myself who do I like more, find boy or jumpy girl? She soon calmed down. “So are you in contact with your dad? Did he really do it? Will he kill Harry Potter?” She was squealing.

“Err, no, no and no again.” I said looking at her disappointment.

“I'm sorry.” She said sadly. “I guess I am a bit homesick.” I could see tears in her eyes. I shifted my bum to her bunk and wrapped my arms around her.

“It’s ok. Hey do you want to go pull some pranks?” I asked and her eyes lit up.

“Yeah!” She almost screamed. I could not believe this girl was in Hufflepuff. We slid out of the common room and made our way to the courtyard, where I had agreed to meet Fred and George. They got up as soon as they saw us, they had that mischievous glint in there eyes. We stopped from each other by about a foot.

“Hey do you mind if Rainey tags along.” I said. I spun around to introduce her but she was running.

“Ahhh! Gingers!” She was screaming as she roared round the corner. I turned back to Fred and George who had weird expressions on there faces.

“Who names there kid Rainey?” George asks.  

“Her last name is Day.” I said seeing the laughter in them both.

As soon as the boys got over Rainey Day we got to it.

“Right now today is dangerous.” Fred said. For a moment I thought he was serious.

“We are going after Filch. He's got our map and we need to get it back.” Said George.

“Right so we are going to get Filch and his cat somehow away from his office?” I asked. The twins had that glint again in there eyes.

“Not we. You!” They said together. My eyes widened.

“If you pass you can be an honouree member of the Weasley’s.” George said proudly.

“Hang on. I dyed Snape’s hair pink. Or did you forget?” I had my hands on my hips. The mention of it made them giggle.

“Do this and you will be a legend to us.” Fred said. I could not believe I was doing this. The twins went to hide behind the statue outside Filch’s office. We knew that Filch does his rounds at four O’clock sharp. I stood on the first floor stairs and waited for him to come around. Beside me I had ready a bucket of water and a couple of the Weasley’s fireworks. The plan was, as soon as the twins hear the fireworks they would go into Filch’s office and take back the map. And then they refused to tell me the rest. They just told me to run. The clock struck four and sure enough Filch appeared on the bottom step. I hovered the bucket stuffed with water above his head. I closed my eyes and tipped the bucket. A sharp squeal followed. At once I set of the fireworks. Red, green and yellow flashed everywhere and W’s appeared in the sky.

“Bloody Weasley’s, I will get you this time.” A grumbling voice came from below me. It was now that I took the twins advice and ran. I ran up the stairs two at a time. Hoping they would not change. I got to the fourth floor and turned into a right. I did not even know where I was anymore. I could hear Filch’s footsteps behind me. I saw an empty class room and dove into it. Hiding under a desk, I held my breath as the door swung open.

“Where are they my sweet?” A dry voice echoed, followed by a meow from Miss Norris. I covered my mouth with my hands. I hope the twins are happy. If Remus finds out I am done for. The door closed and a breathed a sigh of relief. I heard the footsteps of Filch echo away before getting up, but as I got up and turned around the cry of Miss Norris sent chills down my spine. Miss Norris was at the door. I could not get caught it would ruin Remus. I had no other choice. Without a thought I morphed into my animagus. My black sheik fur glistened in the candle light. I was about twelve times the size of Miss Norris. I gave a quick roar and she was gone. She shrieked down the hallway, her hairs on end. I morphed back but not in time. At the door holding the map was the Weasley’s mouth open wide.

“We have to go quick.” I said grabbing them each by there wrists. I was about to turn a corner when George pulled me back.

“Not that way.” He whispered. He pointed to the map and a stamp labelled Filch was walking towards us. I had no time to ask questions so I followed them behind an unfamiliar statue. As I expected to back up into a wall, instead I kept on going. I turned to see myself in a dark tunnel. It was a small short tunnel as in a matter of seconds we appeared right outside the Ravenclaw common room entrance.

“What is that?” I asked amazed.

“The Maurders map. Shows the secret tunnels in and out of Hogwarts and shows where everyone in Hogwarts is. But now tell us what the hell that was back there?” George asked. I swallowed.              

 “What?” I asked timidly.

“You know when you turned into a giant Black Jaguar.” Fred exclaimed.  I coughed into my hands,

“Oh that.” I said quietly. “Well I'm an animagus.”

“Well duh!” They said at once.

“It’s hard to explain. I have to do it to help a friend.” I tried to reason with them. They looked so confused. I decided to change the subject. “So am I a honouree member of the Weasley’s?” I asked in anticipation. The boys looked at each other.

“Girl, you’re a honouree triplet!” George said.   

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