The Yule ball.

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I was hoping to get a lay in since it was the day of the Yule ball, but no such luck. I never had any chance of a lay in when someone called Rainey Day existed. As I took a deep breath and rolled over I was greeted by a beaming face. I closed my eyes and wished she would go away. I have detentions non stop with Snape all week, and I had to quit the Quidditch team since most of my time was taken up with detentions.

“Come on sleepy. We need to get up. We only have seven hours! We need to do hair, nails, make up, shoes, get dressed! Hurry up get on get up!” She squealed in her usual manor. I snuggled down in my nice warm blanket.

“No. I don’t care.” I moaned sleepily. She groaned out loud and I heard her storm out of the dorm. As I settled back down ready to slip back off to sleep I heard the door go. “I told you I don’t care.” I mumbled. The person walked over and I felt them sit on my bed as it dipped. I opened my eyes and was about to shout when I saw George sitting on the end of my bed. My heart fluttered a little bit but then it calmed down when I realised distress in his eyes.

“How important is this Yule ball thing to you girls?” He asked morbidly. I closed my eyes once more.

“Me not at all, I am only going with Fred as a friend. But to most girls it means the world. Why?” I muttered dreamily. He was silent for a bit, I nearly fell asleep.

“I think Angela really likes me and well…” He went silent again. I could not believe he was coming to me for advice about his love life. My heart broke a little.

“Well what? You like her, you don’t? Are you afraid of commitment?” I mumbled.

“Well I don’t think I can give her what she wants.” He said sadly.

“Talk to her about it. But do it at the end or she might dump you.” I managed to say before my sleep took hold.

I reawakened to see Rainey scowling at me from her bed. I sat up and looked at the clock mid day. Oh, I thought to myself. I tumbled out of bed and went to the bathroom, Rainey’s eyes never leaving me. I ran a bubble bath and got in, it was so relaxing. As I got out and put on my dressing gown, Rainey was still giving me evils.

“Listen Rainey I'm sorry, we can still do those things.” I said trying to cheer her up. She sat there with her arms crossed with a pout on her lips. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bed opposite. “Want to try a new way of curling your hair?” I asked invitingly. Her eyes wondered over towards my up held wand. She was intrigued. Suddenly a smile widened across her face and she nodded. She flung herself on my bed and sat eagerly in front of me. “Crispum” I muttered as my wand was wrapped around a clump of her thick hair. As I withdrew my wand a perfect curl was left in its place. I did this all over until no strand of her hair was straight. It was now turn for her to do my hair. I sat in front of her, not able to see what she was doing. She took my fringe and pinned it back into a quiff. She then got out some muggle straightners and straightened my ginger hair. Once this was done we did our own make up since Rainey poked me in the eye. It was now about seven o’clock; we were due in the dance hall anytime from seven. I went into the bathroom and slipped on the beautiful dress Remus had bought me. It fell straight off.

“Trust Remus to get a size to big.” I mumbled. A wave of my wand and it shrunk. “Ah, too tight.” I breathed and one more wave and it was perfect. I walked out of the bathroom and Rainey was ready. She wore her beautiful purple dress. We decided to walk down together. As we came down the stairs most of the girls looked stunning. Gail met Rainey at the top of the stairs like a gentleman and took her arm. As he led her down the stairs, I looked for Fred. I saw him standing next to George in some sort of ridicules outfit. As I came down the stairs they both turned and stared at me with open mouths. “Not a word!” I said pointing my finger at them.

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