Triwizard tournament

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We were all seated in the great hall as we are every year for the sorting of houses. I actually felt more at ease now I was not the one being placed. I was seated at my Hufflepuff table in-between Rainey and Cedric. We sat there and watched various students settle into there new houses. Of course anyone sorted in Hufflepuff got a whistle from me. As the buzz quietened down Dumbledore stood up.

“Welcome again to another year at Hogwarts and this one it seems will be grand. Before I go into what this year entails I will first welcome our new defence against the dark arts teacher, Professor Moody. He has kindly taken on the position since Professor Lupin has resigned from his post.” He spoke kindly and looked at me with kind eyes. But this was ruined by the Slytherin’s table. At the mention of Remus’s name Draco Malfoy lead the table in a howling session. I looked over at them and glared sharply. Dumbledore cleared his throat and the room was silenced. “This year Hogwarts has been greatly honoured to host one of the greatest events in the world. Many of you would have heard of the tri wizard tournament. It is a competition for those of you who did not know. The tournament takes hold when three schools are gathered. One student from each school will be chosen to be put forward in three tests. The winner at the end will hold the cup and will have internal glory. Before I go into the rules perhaps we should welcome the two schools staying with us this year to take part in the tournament.” The room went into whispers. Eternal glory was that it? I thought to myself. Maybe if there was money involved I could be tempted. Dumbledore pointed his hand towards the door and it flung open. What greeted my eyes made me sick. A sea of pale blue uniform’s swarmed into the room. “Beauxbatons academy of magic, with Madam Maxime.” Dumbledore’s voice boomed. A select few of the school entered with my old headmistress. They fluttered in and the room was captured by them, especially the boys. They made girly noises and birds fluttered from there cloaks. From within the crowd of them I noticed an old friend, Fleur Delacour. As they stopped and posed at the front of the hall the room roared with applause. Madam Maxime took Dumbledore’s hand and was seated next to Hagrid. The girls swiftly sat down at an extra table next to the Gryffindor table. Dumbledore then returned to face the door once more, “Durmstrang Institute, with there head master Karkaroff.” The door flung open to reveal twelve boys bashing sticks on the floor. Sparks flew from the contact of the stick with the floor and most of the girls swooned. They seemed quite brutal. They were yelling and kicking, I did not see why all of this was necessary. As they too stopped at the front Karkaroff sat next to Snape, who looked impressed. The boys went and were seated at the end of the Ravenclaw table. Once the room was quite once more Dumbledore stood up once more. “I must warn you that these tasks should not be taken lightly. They are very dangerous. As I said one student from each school shall take part in the tournament. I must add people have died in this competition. If any student wishes to take part they must put there name and school on a piece of parchment and place it in the goblet of fire. The flames will not hurt but they will consume your place. So as not to put any student who is not strong enough to take part, I will enforce an age line around the goblet.” He spoke and sat down. The goblet was revealed and the room was in awe of it. I was huge and gold and a blue flame burst from its center. Dumbledore opened his arms wide and a feast appeared in front of our eyes. As we ate a discussion broke out in our area of the table.

“I am going to enter. Eternal glory? Who can pass up on a chance like that?” Cedric said with a huge smile. Most of the table clapped at his braveness.

“So what? Eternal glory is nothing if you die!” I said breaking the happy atmosphere. The table gasp in shock at my words.

“I take it you will not be entering in the competition then.” Cedric replied. I nearly chocked on my food.

“I am not old enough. And even if I was I would not enter. You would have to be mad to enter that mad house.” I said. The whole table, even Rainey were glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my food in silence.

As I left the hall I was pulled over by Fred and George.

“So what do you think?” Fred asked eagerly.

“You want to enter with us?” George continued on.

“You are not even old enough? So why are you asking me? A person younger than you.” I replied. The twins had that mischievous glint in there eye again.

“An age potion.” They said together.

“An age potion.” I repeated. They both nodded there heads with great big smiles.

“If you two want to be old, and get yourself killed then go ahead, but count me out.” I replied and there faces dulled.

“Alright Mr Grumpy!” Fred exclaimed.

“I just don’t think you should break the rules on this. You could actually die. And that’s Mrs Grumpy to you.” I scoffed. They both instantly began laughing. They obviously thought I was joking. They just continued down the corridor laughing and it echoed through the castle. I made my way down to the Hufflepuff basement. I tapped the usual rhythm on the barrels and the door swung open to a swarm of first years looking around. I managed to squeeze my way through them and made my way up to my dorm. The room was empty so I flung myself on my bed and kicked off my shoes. As I was getting comfy in my pillow a pecking came from the window. I sat up to see midnight on the ledge with letter stuffed in her beak. I opened the window and let her in. She immediately swooped in and landed on my hand. I yanked the letter from her beak and she flew out of the window. As I sat on my bed to look at it I saw it was Remus’s handwriting. I immediately ripped it open to read its contense.

Dear Electra,


I hope school is proving to be good, and I also hope you have not entered into any trouble yet this early in term. I am just writing to make sure you are well and had a nice time at the Weasley’s. I have heard you ventured in many pranks whilst you stayed there. I have also heard that the Triwizard tournament has come to Hogwarts. I am sure I do not need to tell you the dangers involved in the tasks.

I am well and am embracing my new job. My travels have seen me go far and wide, don’t worry I have got you presents. I suppose the real reason for writing is to let you know I have seen Sirius. Don’t worry he is well and he wishes to say hello to you. He told me to tell you he regrets having to leave so soon without speaking to you much and he hopes he will see you much often during the next summer holidays. He is also concerned for Harry. As you know Barty Crouch Jr has escaped from the sights of the ministry. Sirius believes he could be in Hogwarts or on his way for Harry; there is no doubt that Barty is a servant of you know who. Just keep a watchful eye on your God brother for us.

I wish you luck in your second year at Hogwarts, and try to remember not to get expelled again,

Love Remus. x 


I refolded the letter and slipped it into the top draw beside my bed. As I lay down on my bed trying to go over its contense in my mind Rainey entered. She sat on her bed and crossed her legs. She studied me carefully before she opened her mouth.

“Do you really think someone could die?” She asked, for once her excited tone changed to a sombre one. I sat up and looked at her with sympathetic eyes.

“Oh Rainey. Dumbledore said it himself. But I'm sure if any of your friends enter they will be okay.” I said with a smile. She nodded and wiped what looked like a tear away from her eye. She suddenly brightened up.

“One good thing is the Yule ball!” She squeaked.

“The what?” I asked.

“The Yule ball silly. We are old enough to go. Oh it will be so romantic, dancing the music. And most romances last from Yule ball you know, the Daily Prophet said so.” Her voice was so fast. I groaned at the mention of that odious paper. Rainey looked me up and down. “So who do you want to ask you to the ball? Maybe one of the twins, hmmm?” She asked slyly. I grabbed a pillow and chucked it at her.

“No! But maybe Gail will ask you!” I screamed as she chucked the pillow back. I caught the pillow and hugged it. Rainey was humming some romantic dancing music and started to sway around the room. I couldn't help but laugh. 

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