The Birth.

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Seven long months have passed since the untimely death of Ted Tonks. Still nothing has really happened. The constant deaths by snatchers were still occurring. Harry, Ron and Hermione were still out there somewhere and Tonk’s due date was due any day now. Fleur and Bill have moved into the Cottage with me and the boys. We saw Harry and the gang once. They apperated on the beach nearby with the little creature Dobby. It was so sad, watching Harry cry over the elf that had just saved his life. We buried it on top of a small hill near the cottage. Then with out warning they went again and took that pesky goblin with them.  I visit Tonk’s every Friday, just to give her company. I know how much she hates it when her mother calls her Nymphadora. George apperated me there like he always does, I am starting to regret not taking apperating lessons now. We had a routine, George would sit with Andromeda in the kitchen talking and I would talk to Tonk’s in her room.

“Hey.” I said as I walked through the door. She was quite big now but she still had that pregnant lady glow.

“Hi.” She beamed back at me. She was lying down on her bed; she was too big to walk with out help. I sat down on the chair next to her bed. “Any news?” she asked like always.

“No, nothing.” Was my reply every single time.

“Well at least that’s something.” her smile faded. She looked at me with big eyes. I laughed as I brought out some red grapes. “Oh thank God, I can not stand my mothers cooking much longer.” She laughed as she took them from me.

“So how have you been this past week?” I asked.

“The same as last week and the week before that. Nothing interesting happens here, the only thing that lightens my day is you.” Since the first time I had ever met Tonk’s I felt close to her, she was always like a mother figure to me. Suddenly she let out a fierce cry. Her hand clamped around mine and squeezed.

“What is it?” I asked. Tonk’s breathing was everywhere and she looked very pale.

“I think my water just broke.” She gasped. She was obviously scared; I stroked her head and laid her down.

“I will be right back.” I calmed her and ran off. I raced down the stairs. Tonk’s mother and George were eating some fruit cake. “Tonk’s is in labour, call for the doctor.” I spat at them. Immediately they both got up. George went for the Doctor and Andromeda came with me to sit by Tonks. When we got there she was panting heavily. Sweat was already beginning to pour down her brow and she was now bright red. Her mum ran over to her and took her hand.

“Its ok darling, the doctor is on his way.” She told her child. Tonk’s nodded and let out another pained groan. The doctor came rushing in but there was no George behind him.

“I will be back.” I told Tonks and went down stairs to find him. I ran back down the stairs but what I saw made me want to scream. George was standing there sheepishly next to Remus. “What are you doing here?” I asked bitterly.

“I am here for my child.” He replied. I shook my head, how could George do this.

“So what after seven months you just decided to come back, where were you for seven months whilst your wife was bearing and looking after your child? No, I know you were off travelling with Harry Potter.” I bit out harshly. He stared at me.

“Why say it like that? Harry potter?” He imitated me. “What has Harry ever got to do with you and this? He is a brave boy and he has a lot of trouble on at the moment.” He shouted at me. I never wanted to bring this up but I snapped. I had held it in for the past four years.

“Oh blessed Harry Potter, holy Harry Potter, he can do no wrong. Do you want to know why I am so bitter towards him? Do you?” I shouted back, my voice trembling with tears but I had to get my story out. Remus looked so angry with me that I would speak this way about Harry but I pushed passed it. “All the time I have known Harry people always put him before me. My own father loved Harry more than me. The first time he had seen me in fourteen years; he said three sentences and went off to see Harry. Every time Harry was around I did not exist to my own father! In my fathers will he left nothing to me, but it all to Harry potter his beloved Godson. But for his own flesh and blood, no love could be speared. And you, you gave all of your time and attention to him at Hogwarts, all those extra classes.”

“He needed those.” Remus rudely interrupted me.

“What about me? It was my first year what if I needed you? And if I ever did Mr Potter was always put in front of me. You have been my father figure for all my life and when things get tough you run off to Harry and not me. do you know how much it kills me inside to see people I love and respect treat me like this?” I began to cry. Remus looked ashamed. He walked up to hug me but I wiped away my tears. I stepped back and went back up to Tonks. I knew he would follow but I had no intention of stopping him.

“Remus!” Tonk’s cried out upon seeing him. He ran passed me and held her hand.

“I am so sorry. I can understand if you can’t forgive me, but please I am so sorry, I love you.” He rushed and kissed her forehead. I thought I would leave them to it and left the four of them in there. I could not believe I said all that out loud. I loved Harry I really do but sometimes it just hurts.

“Is that what you really think of Harry?” George asked as I sat down. I sighed.

“No of course its not, but it’s what I think of everyone else. I know it’s selfish but just once I wanted my Father to pay attention to me and not Harry. Talk about me at dinner, Not Harry.” George wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his hug.

“You always have me.” he whispered in my ear, and I knew it was true.

Tonk’s eventually gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Teddy. He had bright bubblegum blue hair and his nose was so tinny. A week later I was sitting with him, Tonks and Remus had things to sort out and Andromeda wanted some rest. The little baby was lying in my arms silently but he was awake. I could not help the smile across my face as he grabbed my finger. I was basically his big sister.

“You would make a great mother some day.” I smiled as George walked through the door.

“You think?” I laughed. I looked back down at Teddy who was now fast asleep yet still grasping at my little finger.

“Yeah.” He replied as he sat next to me. My smile grew bigger as I rested my head on his shoulder.

“I better put him to bed.” I sighed as I got up and tucked him into his little cradle. At this moment Tonk’s and Remus walked in hand in hand, they were obviously made up. Tonk’s took me aside and Remus went and made small talk with George.

“Listen, I have forgiven Remus and I am not telling you that you have to as well but please try.” She whispered. I looked at her pleading eyes.

“Ok, but for you, not for him.” I said hugging her. Suddenly Fred burst into the room; I wondered where he had been all this time.

“Sorry to break things up but the order has been summoned to Hogwarts, it has begun.” He breathed he had obviously been running. I took a deep breath; this was it, the end. Remus turned to Tonks.

“You stay here. Looked after Teddy, he needs you.” He said kissing her. For once the stubborn Tonk’s agreed. I was surprised but it was the right thing to do. I hugged Tonk’s tightly.

“Stay safe Electra.” She gasped. She had some tears in her eyes. I smiled and nodded. I stepped back towards George. He grabbed my hand and flashed me a quick smile and we disapperated to Hogwarts.                  

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