The second trial.

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It’s the day of the second trial. I haven’t spoken to George since the night of the Yule ball. I try to speak to Fred but George just stands behind him sulking. Rainey has been spending a lot of time with Gail. I hate to say it I even missed my bantering with Cedric, but he was busy with the tournament, and so was Harry. I spent the most part of my days with Snape in detention. I haven’t written to Remus yet. The dorm and common room was empty when I woke. I got dressed and made my way down to the lake. As I crossed through the bridge I bumped into a worried looking Harry.

“Hey. What’s up?” I asked as he bumped into me. He looked all out of breath and flustered.

“Have you seen Ron or Hermione?” he asked anxiously.

“No sorry. Perhaps they are already down by the lake?” I suggested. He nodded slightly and looked up and down the bridge. “Come on you need to calm down. Lets go back down to the lake.” I said linking my arm in his own. We walked over the hill to reveal the lake with three tall standing towers. Walking up the hill were Fred and George collecting bets. As they came closer they saw me. Fred greeted me with a smile, George less so. I nodded to Harry and he carried on walking towards the tournament.

“Hey!” Fred said smiling. George gave me a casual nod.

“Hi, I haven’t seen you in ages. May I place a bet?” I joked.

“Of course. Betting on Harry again?” Fred said. I nodded and gave him a Galleon.

“And how are you George?” I asked as he turned his nose up at me.

“Oh for Gods sake George, man up and apologise!” Fred shouted. I was taken back at him. I wasn’t expecting him to stick up for me against his twin brother.

“Why should I apologise?” George said harshly. I saw Fred looking rather angry.

“It’s okay Fred.” I said touching his arm and giving a weak smile.

“No its not! We all used to be so close. We need to sort this out.” He said staring at George. I looked down at the grass.

“It’s not my fault she got all moody on me!” He said, talking as if I wasn’t there. I could feel tears well up in my eyes.

“Well I am sorry! I’m sorry if you took offence to what I may have said. I am sorry I care about you. I am also sorry if I am taking your brother away.” I spat out. I could see he was taken back by my words. I walked off down towards the lake leaving them there glaring at each other. As I began to walk, a bunch of Slytherin’s bashed into my side, knocking me over. Before I hit the floor I felt a hand on my side catch me. I looked up to see it was George.

“Well I can’t let you fall can I?” He said with a smile. As he pushed me up I threw myself into his arms. “I'm sorry.” He muttered.

“So am I.” I replied snuggling my head into his shoulders. As I pulled away Fred came up rolling his eyes.

“Come on lets go, otherwise it will start without us.” Fred said. We all made our way down to the boats towards the first stand. Since we were one of the last we had to stand at the bottom. Harry and the other competitors were on the middle stand.

“Last night a thing each competitor loves was taken from them and hidden in the lake. Each person must go into the lake to retrieve it.” Dumbledore’s voice boomed. All of them stepped up to the edge. There was a moment of tension around the entire lake. All you could hear was the wind. The whistle blew and each one dove into the cold bitter water, except for Harry. He seemed like he was choking on something. A swift push from Professor Moody and Harry was splashing in the water. I leaned over the barrier to see nothing. Once again I found myself holding my breath. I felt a hand on the small of my back. I watched the still water for any sign of movement. As I had given up hope something arose from the quite waters. I caught a glimpse of Harry doing a back flip from the water. As quickly as he appeared he vanished into the watery deep. And they were all lost in the icy blue.

“You can still change your bet.” George said winking. I was glad we were friends again. I laughed. There was a sudden splashing from the water. I turned to see Fleur being pulled from the water. She was spiting out water from her mouth and looked to be in shock.

“Miss Delacour has been removed from the runnings.” Dumbledore’s voice said over the system. I heard various gasps but mostly Fred and George sniggering behind me because of all the bets just lost. The next few minuets were suspense filled. Everyone stood there looking for any sign of movement below the water level. Soon enough Cedric came bubbling to the surface with a very wet girl clutching to him. There was a round of applause as they swum to the middle podium. As the girl was yanked out I saw it was Cho Chang. My heart felt faint. If fleur had to come back up, someone was still down there for her. Soon after Cedric got pulled out Victor came up with Hermione. She began to splash about in the water much like Cho did. As Victor helped her to the stall all eyes returned to the water. Soon some bubbling surfaced. As two heads emerged from the water I nearly leaped for joy. But neither one of them was Harry. Instead it was Ron and Fleur’s little sister. They swam over to the same stand and Ron was kissed by Fleur. My breathing became uneven and my eyes were wet with tears. The whole lake was silent, searching for any sign of Harry. The water remained silent and still. Little ripple’s came from the soft wind. As all had given up hope a speeding Harry flew out of the water and onto the platform. He was coughing up water and was shaking violently. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Wows.” Fred muttered.

“Since the bravery of saving two people has arisen. I award second place to Harry of Hogwarts.” Dumbledore said. All three platforms roared with applause, except from Victor who looked rather miserable.

“Looks like you lost your bet.” George laughed. I smiled and winked. I clambered into a boat leaving Fred and George to pay out the bet winners. When I reached the shore Harry was there. I barged threw the crowd and hugged him.

“I'm glad you are safe.” I said into his ear.

“So am I.” He muttered back. I smiled as I looked down at my now soaking clothes. I sighed as I knew I had to get changed. I left everyone congratulating Harry and went by myself towards the bridge. The woods were so peaceful. The air was filled by the song of birds and the sunlight was streaming threw the trees. Yet all of these bliss surroundings were interrupted by pained grunting. As I slowly walked further on the grunting got louder. I stopped by a tree, from where the sounds were coming from. I saw Professor Moody’s stick resting against the tree. But I could not see him.

“Are you okay Professor?” I asked timidly. The grunting stopped.

“Yes go away.” A muffled voice came from behind the tree. The voice did not sound like his.

“Are you sure?” I asked again getting closer to the tree.

“Yes!” Came the sharp reply. I couldn’t help it I slowly looked around the tree. As I did I found nothing to be there. I walked further in to the woods.

“Professor Moody?” I asked shyly. No reply came. I was now far into the forest, away from any view of any passers by. I was about to turn back when I heard a twig crunch from behind me. I spun around to see a tall dark man standing there. This was no ordinary man. His hair was shaggy and a light brown, roughly cut. He had stubble all around his face. His coat and clothes big and shabby, they touched the ground. He had dark piecing brown eyes and his tongue flicked furiously. This was no ordinary man, this was Barty Crouch Jr. I stumbled back tripping over a log behind me. My feet were still stumbling backwards. “You’re…you’re…Barty…” I began to tremble. My heart was unsteady and uneven. My chest was rising and falling dramatically. My mouth was open to scream but I knew if I did my death sentence would be imminent. My feet continued to kick me backward. He stood there with a smug look on his face. My eyes were open in terror. Remus had told me about him in his letter. He was murderous psychopath. One of my hands slipped down; as I did so a puff of black smock appeared and hovered above me. My eyes widened in horror as the smoke turned into Barty and he landed crouched above me.

“Heard of me have you?” He said, his tongue constantly as distraction. My breathing became louder and a tear streamed from my eye. “We can’t have anybody knowing my little secret can we?” He breathed out, touching my face. More tears flowed down my cheeks. I did not want to die. I could not believe Barty had infiltrated Hogwarts and was my favourite teacher. His eyes swirled with madness; they were a pit that should never be stared into. My breath trembled and the wind picked up. He was still crouching over me, his long black leather coat dropping at either side of me. He leaned closer in towards me. “And I know exactly how to shut you up.” He whispered. I took in a sharp breath and prepared for death as all went black.             

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