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My body smashed into the cold, wet, stone floor and I cried out in pain. I was on my back looking up at the destroyed ceiling above me. I noticed my wand to the side of me, only just out of my reach. My fingers scrambled in the dirt trying to get close.

“Crucio!” Bellatrix’s voice screamed as she circled me. A sudden fire of pain shot through every cell of my body. It felt like a fire raging through my veins, burning my skin. I threw my head back and my body arched upwards. The pain was so intense, I did not know who Tonk’s could last so long. I tried to withhold any tears or screams but she kept on pushed her wand closer making my screams echo those of Tonk’s. She released me of the spell, allowing me to catch some breath. I had to keep on sniffing to stop the tears; I was not going to give her the satisfaction of that. She continued to circle me, her messy hair twisted in any direction. Her mouth was wide when she looked at me. Then her sick twisted smile spread across her lips. “Crucio!” She shouted at me again. This time the pain was worse. My body felt like it would burn up and explode. I dug my fingers into the rock and dirt surrounding me, trying to get a grip. My legs curled up to my chest and thrashed out, I could not take any more. Tears began to leave my eyes. She stopped once more and crouched down to look at me. I was frozen in pain, unable to move. My whole body hurt and ached. She took her black wand and pressed it hard against my arm. I cried out once more as she cut deeply into my arm. I could see my blood pooling on the floor. She jumped up and placed her muddy foot on my neck and began to push down. I was struggling for breath, my hands grasped at her foot trying to push her off but I was weak. She leaned down close to me, not removing her foot. “Why doesn’t the icle baby just die?” She screamed out viciously. The pressure of her foot increased. Her eyes were firmly set on me. I tried to speak, but it just came out at mumble. “What did you say, your last words?” I tried to clear my throat enough to talk.

“I don’t die because I made a promise.” I managed to say. My fingers strongly wrapped around my wand and Bellatrix’s eyes widened in shock. “Stupify!” I screamed and she flew off of me. I turned onto my side coughing and trying to get air back into my lungs. As I took one more deep breath I stumbled to my feet, aiming at Bellatrix who was now also on her feet. Her smile grew wider.

“Baby wants to play?” She taunted. “You know my niece little Nymphadora liked to play too, and look how that ended. She was never any good, she is better off dead.” Her laughter tainted the room. I knew she was trying to force a reaction out of me. “But oh no what’s this? I have just heard about poor icle Freddy…And now you will join him.” She hissed at me. I had had enough.

“Expelliarmus!” I screamed at her and her wand flew out of her reach. She fell to the floor and started to give me watery eyes. I ran up to her, furious my wand pointing at her neck. Her lips began to tremble and she made whimpering noises. The longer I stood there the more I calmed down. Suddenly Bellatrix’s face turned from sadness to happiness. She raised her hand and waved it childishly. She then apperated out of the room. I spun around on my heels making sure she was not here, and then I ran over to Tonk’s body. I dropped my wand at the side and kneeled next to her. Her eyes were wide with fear, but she was strong, she had no tears on her face. It was strange how I admired her even in death. I began to stroke back her hair as I closed her eyes. I could have saved her, but I was too weak. Tears streamed down my broken face. My arm still stung from the cut Bellatrix gave me and I had a red bruise on my neck from her boot. I sat there alone in the room with Tonk’s body lying across my legs, hugging her, saying my goodbyes.

“People of Hogwarts you have fought valiantly, protecting your beloved castle. I have ordered a cease fire, to allow you to bury your dead properly.” Voldermort’s voice echoed in my head. It was true I could no longer hear cries or fighting, it had stopped. I sat there for a moment wondering if it was a trap, but after a few seconds I decided it was not. I wiped some tears from my eyes and picked up Tonk’s lifeless body. As I walked thought the castle the devastation shocked me. People were silently lifting rocks, taking the dead to the great hall. Rubble, rock and dust covered most of Hogwarts, but it was not just students and people on our side, people were gathering deatheaters and vampires also burying them. As I reached the great hall I could hear faint crying. I was dreading having to face Remus, they had just only had a son together. As I opened the door, bodies and the injured were everywhere. Some people looked at me as I entered others were too occupied with the dead and hurt. I tearfully laid Tonk’s down on a spare stretcher on the floor. I placed her hands together on her chest, trying to make her peaceful. I stoked the side of her face and stood up. I looked over to the next few stretchers. On one was Fred, the whole Weasley family were gathered around him. I felt my heart break as I saw George slumped over his twin brother. His cries were loud and heart braking. Mrs Weasley saw me and waved me over. Her eyes were red and swollen. I slowly made my way over, I felt guilty for not staying with him. As I stood there George swung around and hugged my waist and he began to cry into my stomach. Fresh tears started to fall as I looked once more at Fred. The blood and mud had been washed off and all of the family were crying. I wrapped my arms around George’s head and buried my head into his hair, kissing it, crying into it. I rested my chin on his ginger head and shut my eyes. The vivid memory of Fred came into my head. The Yule ball, he was so kind to me, that was where he became my best friend, he was always there for me. Now all I could think about was his ghostly eyes looking into space. As I opened my eyes I saw Mrs Weasley looking very sympathetic at me. She looked behind me with tearful eyes. I released George and he collapsed back onto Fred. I went to look behind me but Mrs Weasley brought me back with her hand on my cheek. She looked sorrowfully into my eyes.

“We are all here for you.” She whispered through her own tears. I was not sure if I wanted to turn around. I gently removed her hand off of my cheek and slowly turned around. Another body was being placed next to Tonk’s. I could not see who it was. I walked towards them. Oliver Wood stood up looking sadly at me. He looked at the floor and walked away. I could finally see the body.

“NO!” I screamed out as I collapsed to the floor. I saw Remus’s body of the stretcher next to Tonk’s, he was dead. My stomach recoiled backwards forcing me onto my knees. I had to bring my hands to cup my mouth to stop the screams. “No, no, no, no, no, Not Remus, please not him.” I sobbed into my hands, never taking my eyes off of his body. His clothes were dusty but his face looked somehow peaceful. The room went silent at my consistent screams. I crawled up to his body, looking blurrily at him. His eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted. Some of my tears dropped onto his still pale face and slowly ran off. I began to brush back his hair before I brought my head to his. My whimpers and moans became louder. My soul and heart was ripping apart. I have lost everybody. I wrapped my arms around his motionless body and began to rock. My lips quivered as I could smell the scent of wet dog, my cries wavered and I sobbed into his messy hair. As I cried my thoughts turned to Teddy, oh beautiful Teddy. He was going to grow up with no parents, hardly any family. Remus and Tonk’s were so excited. Tonk’s shouldn’t have even been here. I pulled away and looked at them both. My head was throbbing, my arm still bleeding. I had lost three of the most important people to me in a matter of hours. I took each of there hands and wrapped them together. I stood up and looked at them, they looked strangely peaceful and at rest. I glanced over to Fred, but he looked more in pain. I could not take it any more I had to get out of there. Tears were still stained on my face, my stomach and heart still yearned for the people I had lost. I ran out of the room, passed Harry, Hermione and Ron and made my way to the stairs. As I looked up, half of the stairs were missing, piled in heaps on the floor. I sat down on the first step and continued to cry. I brought my knees up to my head and wept into them. My necklace was hanging out of my top. I cried at the thought of touching it, seeing those faces I missed so much. Breathing steadily I took the necklace into my hands. That image of Christmas brought tears to my eyes. This was one of the bets gifts Remus had ever given me. Four of them were gone now, Tonks, Remus, Sirius and Fred. I and George were the only ones left. I just want this to end.

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