Walking in the light.

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When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by a gentle breeze. I was laying flat on my back upon a pristine white floor. In the corner of my eye I could see my natural black hair spread out on the floor beside me. As I drew myself up my black shoulder length hair fell graciously. Like the floor the walls were also a stunning white. I was in some sort of room, it went on for ever. I was dressed in my Hogwarts school uniform, with the distinct Hufflepuff badge shinny brilliantly on my jumper. I pushed myself up from the floor onto my feet. I notice my cut on my arm was gone. I immediately rip my jumper and shirt to see my chest and my scar from the attack had also gone. I look around the room, finding no where the gentle breeze could be coming from. I stood there alone, isolated. I looked onto the far side which seemed to go on for ever. As I squinted I could see a tall male figure walking towards me. I stepped forward to get a better view of the man. The man finally came into clear view. He had a young face and shabby brown hair. My heart sunk as I saw the clothes. Lose patchy brown and that little cape I loved to make fun off. Remus looked so peaceful. Without thinking my legs started to move, started to run. Tears began to fill in my eyes, but not one dropped. I jumped onto Remus in a fierce hug and he swung me around. He had that same smell, wet dog and that musty calone I got him for Christmas. It was him, physically him; I could touch and smell him. I stayed in his embrace for what seemed like decades, burying my head into his shoulder not wanting to let go. As I jumped down from him my hand rubbed his face gently.

“Its you Remus, it’s really you.” I told myself. Like me Remus’s face had been removed of his scars and he looked restful. He had a huge grin plastered on his face, beaming down at me. My moment of happiness turned to one of sadness. I noticed at the far end of the room where Remus had come from, was burning with the same white light I had followed here. “I’m dead aren’t I?” I asked him, looking into his newly refreshed eyes. Remus’s face fell, and he took a deep sigh.

“No, not yet.” He replied quietly. I looked around, this wasn’t earth.

“So where are we?”

“Some sort of limbo, the place between life and death.” His tone dull and not interested. My confusion increased as I saw five blurred out figures standing far away. Two were men, one a tall ginger and the other a shaggy looking shadow with black long hair. I recognised them instantly as Fred and Sirius. My gaze turned to the other three women. There was a really short one with thick blue hair. The other slightly taller, long trench coat and bubble gum pink hair. I knew they were Tonks and Rainey but I did not recognise the third woman. She was the same height as Tonk’s but she had light brown curly hair and a long black dress.

“It’s your mother.” Remus whispered as if he could read my mind. I swallowed as I tried to walk towards them. Unlike Remus they stayed the same distance away and remained blurred.

“Why can’t I see them, get near them?” I asked anxiously.

“Because you have not made your choice.” Remus was looking behind me. I turned around to see darkness and in that darkness was a spec called earth. I looked back to the five figures who where standing in the light.

“You mean I have to choose between life and death?” I muttered. I felt Remus’s hand on my shoulder. My tears finally dropped from my eyes and fell to the floor.

“There is nothing left for me any more.” I whispered.

“What are you talking about? You have George. You love him and he loves you, which is more to live for than to die.” Remus shook me. My teary eyes snapped onto his gentle face.

“But you are here. With Tonks and Fred and Rainey and my parents. I can’t leave that.” I cried out. The pain I felt at loosing them all came back in a double dose. I was losing them all again.

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