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Tonks sat me down on the ground. I just stared at Cedric’s lifeless body, not being able to comprehend his death, it was my fault. It was strange I felt pain, my heart ached but my physical appearance did not show it. My face was emotionless, had no sense of loss. I had blocked out any sound, I could hear muffled words coming from Tonks but I could not recognise them. I watched silently as Cho and Cedric’s father cried over his body. I watched as they tried to move him to a more private area. I watched as he fought tooth and nail to be with his son. Even as Fred and George came running over to me, my eyes stayed fixed on Cedric. They shook me and shouted trying to get through. The teachers were now escorting the students out of the stadium and back inside Hogwarts. One final push from George brought me back.

“Electra!” He shouted with as much force as he could muster. My eyes snapped from Cedric and I stared into his. My face still unable to show any emotion. George was knelt in front of me, looking worried and upset. Standing above him was Fred also looking concerned. My eyes quickly switched to Tonks who was standing beside me with her hand on my shoulder. She was looking deep into me, trying to figure out my mind. As my eyes flicked back to Cedric my thoughts were otherwise occupied.

“Where’s Harry?” I managed to croak. Tonks squinted her eyebrows.

“He went with Mad eye, he is safe.” She said assuring me. I tried to get up but my legs were weak. Tonk’s hand stayed firm on my shoulder. “What is it?” she asked.

“Find Harry.” I breathed. The ground was beginning to spin around me, and I felt sick. I saw a fuzzy Tonks run to Dumbledore. I felt my faintness take hold and I could see no more.

When I awoke I was in a nice white clean hospital wing. Beside me were the twins, looking worried. As soon as they realised I was awake they were all over me.

“Oh God Electra, don’t scare us like that!” George nearly screamed.

“Are you okay?” Fred asked more gently. I paid no attention to them. My head was still reeling and I had no time to lose.

“Harry?” I gasped.

“It was lucky you told them to look for him.” Fred said holding my hand.

“You won’t believe this but mad eye Moody was really Barty Crouch Junior, disguised with polyjuice potion.” George said in one long breath. I was not surprised.

“But Harry is safe.” Fred added.

“And Barty?” I asked more gently then I meant to. The twins looked at each other.

“He's in the tower…” George lowered his voice. “Awaiting the Dementors kiss.” My heart bounced into action. My feelings raced into my body. As if on queue madam Poomfry shooed the boys out for my rest. I waited until she left for her office and I swung my legs out of the bed. As I got to my feet I stumbled, my legs were still weak. I put my hand out and steadied myself. I closed my eyes and took a long deep lingering breath before making my way to the Gryffindor common room. With luck some first years entered the portrait so I went behind them. The whole room was in grief so I slipped straight passed, up the spiral stairs to Harry’s dorm. I opened his door slowly. No one was there so I went in. I flung open Harry’s trunk. On top was what I was looking for. I grabbed the cloak and slipped it over my frail frame. Exiting the common room I made for the holding tower. I had to get answers. Surprisingly there were no guards around him. He sat smugly in his little stone cell, wandless. I reached the steel magically sealed gate to the cell. I slipped the cloak off the top of my head so my body stayed covered. His eyes looked at me briefly before he let out a proud evil chuckle.

“I was wondering when you were going to show up.” He said triumphal. I gritted my teeth and bared it.

“You were planning this all along.” I said in a weak voice. He did not look at me but his smile said it all. “You killed Cedric.”

“My dark king did that.” He said in a proud manner. Suddenly my anger took hold.

“You played me!” I shouted unintentionally. He threw himself up from his seat and flung himself towards me. It made me jump; he gripped his hands around the cold steal bars. His tongue flicking furiously.

“Like a fiddle!” He said evilly. “Poor sweet Electra so easy to manipulate. So easy to play.” He said in a mocking tone. His eyes were wide and had the same evil glint in his mad eyes.

“But…” I started to stutter.

“But you thought you could save me? You thought you could change me for good.” He interrupted. I could finally feel the tears welling up in my eyes, my lips began to tremble. “And now Voldermort lives again in full form. He will rain blood on this world. My lord and master will reign high!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. He repeated it over and over. It was now that I slid the cloak back over my head, covering me completely. My tears were now flowing down my cheeks. I could hear people coming, and I did not want to see him be killed. I ran back to my dorm as fast as I could, crying as I went. He must be dead by now. It was very late and everyone was in bed. I flew into the Hufflepuff common room. I chucked the cloak off and threw it on the chair nearest to me. I was out of breath and in a fluster. I looked over to the big chair Cedric used to sit in. His books were still piled next to it, ready to be read, now they never will. My bottled up emotions began to break. I let out a high pitched scream which must have woken the whole castle. I threw my back against the cold brick wall and slid down it. My hair was in my hands, pulling. I shouted out loud sobs, I couldn’t stop. I could hear restless students gathered at a safe distance from me. No one talked to me; they just stood there staring at me. I began to rock myself. I did not know I had so much water in me. I heard the door open.

“Electra, please come with me.” Came a kind old voice. I looked up, my eyes red and puffy to see the headmaster. He had his old wrinkled hand extended to me. I looked around to see the whole house standing around me in there robes. I sniffed and took his hand. He led me down the corridors to an eagle statue. My sides ached and my heart felt like it would stop at any second. I did not know where I was going but I let him lead me. We stood in the eagles wing span and he spoke some words I can not remember. The statue twisted and turned until we were in a different room. It was his office and in it stood Remus. Once I saw him, new tears began rolling down my cheeks I ran straight towards him and threw myself in his arms. At once he wrapped his own around me and kissed my head. I felt some comfort in his smell. He smelt damp and he was wearing that cheap spray I bought him in the muggle market. I put my head to his chest and his heart was also beating rapidly. Remus began to push me away and turn me to face Dumbledore. I obeyed and looked at the kind old wizard. My eyes stung and my body was even weaker than before. “Under the circumstances, I think it would be allowed for you to go home now, instead of when the term ends in two weeks.” He said looking into my eyes. I sniffed and nodded. He gave a warm smile and I felt Remus’s arms wrap around me once more. Before I knew it he had disapperated with me. I was too distressed to care about the process. We apperated in a old creaky house. It had black furnishings. As I gazed around I saw a familiar figure standing near me. It was my dad. At once my body just felt too weak. My legs collapsed beneath me. I was caught and picked up. The smell was different it was still damp but more with a hint of wet dog. I knew this was my dad. As he carried me up the creaky old stairs I felt much needed sleep take over me.    

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